OCD crushes.. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

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    • OCD crushes.. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

      ok, i REALLY need advice. Please read this whole thing.. i really need help..... ok, so i have 2 crushes, and i dont know what to do about them. i am in 8th grade, and i do drama club. well, im on crew, props crew, for the drama club. its REALLY fun. My best freind Katie is in it with me, along with 2 guys, Chris and Rob. (im only giving first names). on tuesday of last week, i realized i like chris. A LOT. i told my freind, and she said she already knew. im like "i just realized it, how do u know?" and she said it was obvious... ( I stil dont understand tht). well anywayz, i get extremely obsessed when i have crushes cuz im on the verge of OCD... i really like him tho.. i really want him to like me. im in the 8th grade and ive only had one boyfreind, and he only dated me for pity. so i just dont know what to do here. im really unpopular, and no guy has EVER liked me. whenever a guy finds out i like him, usually they go "EWW" and then just make fun of me excessively. So basically, I have a HUGE crush on Chris, and i dont know how to either get in a relationship with him, or get over him.. preferably the first one. Then our school went on a stayover French Class trip feild trip, and i sat near Rob, the other guy in props crew. i got to know him pretty well, and now i like him just as much as i like Chris.. so i have 2 HUGE crushes. they r always on my mind no matter what im doing. its sheer TORTURE! how do i make them like me? i really want someone to like me.. all my freinds always talk about how this guy asked them out, or how theyre boyfriend is so awesome and they went places together and stuff.. im so jelous.. i just want to expirience someone else having a crush on me.. please help me.. i need all the help i can get... </3 :( :hugs:

      thankyou for taking the time to read this and help
      Take Risks. Do things beyond your boundaries. If you don't, you'll never know what you missed! :kiss:
    • Re: OCD crushes.. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

      well, I just have to ask, your in 8th grade so what age does that make you?

      we dont have that system here.

      With these two crushes, well who do you like more?

      Have you ever flirted with either of them?

      What made you like each one?

      Whats the real reason for wanting a boyfriend, aside from wanting what your friends have that you dont?
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    • Re: OCD crushes.. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

      well, im 13.

      I pretty much like them both equally because they are very similar... they are hilarious and awesome and nice and amazing... and... and... WOW..

      i'm a horrable flirt.. i've caught their eyes b4, and we talk and we make eachother laugh.. but im not sure how to flirt.. and if i do flirt, i dont know that i am flirting.. advice on that would help too...

      I like them because they are awesome and a lot like me... funny, awesome, etc etc... i like them cuz theyre amazing...

      I want a boyfreind for the reason anyone wants a relationship... to feel special, to feel loved... etc..

      I just dint know how to get either one of them to like me, and i CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!!!!! ;( help
      Take Risks. Do things beyond your boundaries. If you don't, you'll never know what you missed! :kiss:
    • Re: OCD crushes.. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

      Well, good thing im here right? ;)

      With flirting, I believe that physical flirting is the most powerful and its easier to get an idea if they like you back, because it shows that your not just being friendly like sometimes verbal flirting can give off.

      Things like hugging him and holding him for longer than usual, putting your arm around him or holding his hand, things like that, if he likes you, he will let you do those things, if he doesnt like you, well your gonna figure that out pretty quickly, those things, just make it fun and dont make a big deal about it when you do it, just be like 'oh can I show you something?' and grab his hand and take him somewhere, if they dont 'like' you but they are interested then this is def gonna help you by making them like you, alot!

      But as far as verbal flirting goes, just give him compliments, telling him he looks good or that he is really cute, being around him lots and maybe asking more personal things like if he has a girlfriend or if he wants a girlfriend etc

      Just being interested and talking, always looking at his eyes and stuff :)

      If your getting good signs that he does like you, that is, if he is flirting back and stuff, then tell him that you like him and ask him to be your boyfriend :D

      If you have anymore questions, just let me know ok? Im more than happy to answer them!
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    • Re: OCD crushes.. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

      thanks for the advice!! ok, so im pretty sure I like chris more, though i do still like Rob..

      today i stayed after school to take a test, and chris was taking it too. whenever we make eye contact he just smiles! its so sweet! and whenever either I leave, or he leaves, he waves and smiles. to me, it seems like he likes me... but i was talking to my freind Aria, and she is really good freinds with chris.. she told me its because he feels bad for me and he doesnt like me tht way but he doesnt wanna hurt my feelings.. (he previously found out i like him...) im so confused... at least hes being nice about it but he's sending mixed signals... :confused: any idea what to do about this??? any advice is greatly appreciated
      Take Risks. Do things beyond your boundaries. If you don't, you'll never know what you missed! :kiss:
    • Re: OCD crushes.. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

      hmmm I never really believe what other people say, expecially other girls, and always follow my own gut, I think he likes you, so as I said, try some more flirting, just looking at eachother and smiling is good, but again he MIGHT just be being friendly, so try some of the other flirting things I told you and then you will know for sure
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