our best friend is ignoring us....:(

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    • our best friend is ignoring us....:(

      there is 3 of us who have always been best friends. me, b, and n, and we came back to school after xmas and n is totally ignoring me and b. its weird. we didnt do anything.
      the 3 of us have been throught a lot over the last year that the majority of best friends havent been through,. n always treated me diff to b. she always used to snap at me for no reason and would NEVER even think about it with b. and now she is totally ignoring us. we dotn know why. i tried to talk to ehr and she was like ok were all good again now and then the next day it was avoidance again.
      it just makes me sad that someone can totally ignore two people who stood by her through everything and who are always there for her, out of no where.

      what do you think is going on?? whats her deal??:confused:

    • Re: our best friend is ignoring us....:(

      I was in a similar situation with my best friends, and we too have been through a lot.
      Maybe whatever you three have been through has had some sort of effect on her, sometimes when people are sad, or lonely, scared, they'll push the people away that they really need. You should telll her how you're feeling, she might be more open to you and explain why she's acting this way:)
      The world can be a Crazy place
      [CENTER][LEFT]but only if you're in it Alone
    • Re: our best friend is ignoring us....:(

      KathBell wrote:

      I was in a similar situation with my best friends, and we too have been through a lot.
      Maybe whatever you three have been through has had some sort of effect on her, sometimes when people are sad, or lonely, scared, they'll push the people away that they really need. You should telll her how you're feeling, she might be more open to you and explain why she's acting this way:)

      i have tried, a few times actually, so i have started to just leave her alone now coz its what she wants. but we, me and b, dont wana loose a best friend. its hard when we have been through as much as we have...

    • Re: our best friend is ignoring us....:(

      Hey Dude. I know how it feels Brah, I'm losing my friends. Well, never had any really.
      People change as you get older, and maybe they just need to sort their heads out.
      They'll soon relies they've made a mistake ignoring you.

      Give them a text, ask them to hang out. And then ask what's been happening.
      Making them laugh and they'll come back.
    • Re: our best friend is ignoring us....:(

      BodyBuilder wrote:

      Has she started hanging out with other people? Maybe she just changed friends, for whatever reason.

      ya she has, but she kinda only hangs with them in school coz she has no one else in school. its just why she is doing this im thinking about, she really really does not have a reason. its childish...

    • Re: our best friend is ignoring us....:(

      Script wrote:

      ya she has, but she kinda only hangs with them in school coz she has no one else in school. its just why she is doing this im thinking about, she really really does not have a reason. its childish...

      Sometimes people need to back off.

      I backed off from my old friends because they weren't letting me breath. I had to go with them everywhere and if I didn't they would get mad and shit, I got tired of it, I don't like to go out, social situations are not something I can handle everyday and although they were exelent friends they seemed to ignore that.

      Ovbiously I stop being friends for other reasons too, but that was one of the reasons.

      Maybe she feels better or more grown up than you guys. Either if it's just because she's stuck up or she really finds you childish.
    • Re: our best friend is ignoring us....:(

      Script wrote:

      ya she has, but she kinda only hangs with them in school coz she has no one else in school. its just why she is doing this im thinking about, she really really does not have a reason. its childish...

      Maybe she just wants some change. Or maybe a parent has gotten involved and said "blah blah you cant hang out with so and so"

      I would just give her space, she'll come back eventually. :)
      [SIZE=4]Jesus. [/SIZE][SIZE=4]
    • Re: our best friend is ignoring us....:(

      fxky wrote:

      Sometimes people need to back off.

      I backed off from my old friends because they weren't letting me breath. I had to go with them everywhere and if I didn't they would get mad and shit, I got tired of it, I don't like to go out, social situations are not something I can handle everyday and although they were exelent friends they seemed to ignore that.

      Ovbiously I stop being friends for other reasons too, but that was one of the reasons.

      Maybe she feels better or more grown up than you guys. Either if it's just because she's stuck up or she really finds you childish.

      believe me, its not even anything like that, we give each other space, we see each other in school and maybe once or twice a month outside school, coz we know we need space from each other. and as for the mature thing, its defo not that, because she is the one being least mature, espically in this situation, coz if we try even talk to her, or say hi how are u, she literally ignores us. like shes in primary school like, its just annoying me now. im just at the stage that if she want to be like that then we are gona let her because we have done all we can and she continues to be childish about it so....

    • Re: our best friend is ignoring us....:(

      Fenzon wrote:

      Changed friends maybe?
      Screw him find better friend.

      waaay ahead of ya, shes getting worse so im gone now. feck it like

    • Re: our best friend is ignoring us....:(

      I know how you're feeling. I think it's just best to just let it be. I mean always try to be nice and talk to her and say hello and just be a friend to her everyday. But if she doesn't give you anything back or try back just let it be. Let her be and deal or w/e because you tried and if she doesn't try back then you've done your part. I've learned that sometimes no matter how hard you try you can't make people talk to you. But if she does talk to you take it when you can because the next minute like you said she won't be talking.