I Want More Than Friendship! (kinda long jsyk)

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    • I Want More Than Friendship! (kinda long jsyk)

      So this guy friend of mine (who I think is bi like me) and I worked on some chemistry papers and went to dinner tonight. I really like him but I can't tell if he's bi or not and just ugh! We hung out and it was super awesome but I wanna take it farther but really don't know how and he gave me what I thought were subtle hints. He put his feet on mine at the restaurant and leaned pretty close to me the whole time we were working on the chem. He hasn't really had many girlfriends and Im pretty sure I saw him checking out our waiter and some other guys. He isn't the type you would think is bi but at the same time he is. I just gotta know how to ask him if he's bi, should I get to know him better and gain trust first? Should I tell him I'm bi or ask him if he is to start with? Should I just jump straight into it or should I take the cautious way? I have Chemistry with him and a College class with him so I will have encounters with him constantly and I don't wanna make anything awkward and have to move away and avoid him in my classes but I can't wait to move any longer and I think I should take action but I don't know what is holding me back, but something definitely is. I just don't know what to do, when we were together it felt like life was good but when he left it felt like something had been draped over my euphoria. Needless to say, I think I'm in love with someone who might or might not be like me. Aaarggh! sorry for this being so long! I tried to make it short tho.

      Yumm, Abercrombie Abs. They are so perfect.:D
    • Re: I Want More Than Friendship! (kinda long jsyk)

      If you are trying the cautious route, you should try subtle hints that you're bi, or perhaps try to subtly hint that you like him. You could try to sit a bit closer to him when you are together or try to hug him, I'm not the best person to be giving advice, considering I had/have this issue with many a person. Also, does he seem to be at least somewhat accepting of gay people? If he does, then you could try to just outright tell him if you are feeling adventurous.
    • Re: I Want More Than Friendship! (kinda long jsyk)

      The next time he does things like lean in close to you or touch your foot, don't be afraid to play along, lol. He's probably just testing you to see if you might have a thing for him :)

      Krasseevaya;2715094 wrote:

      [CENTER][SIZE=3]I kissed my best friend.[/SIZE][SIZE=3][/SIZE] [SIZE=3]But she was high, and I just wanted to see if she tasted like chocolate cake.[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: I Want More Than Friendship! (kinda long jsyk)

      Thanks guys! I'm gonna wait a while to get to be better friends with him and then all this advice will be thrown into my plan. I also met this guy at my Speecg class at the local community college and I'm 99% sure he's bi/gay (I discovered this as he was checking me out ;) ) and I gotta know how to approach him and then hopefully eventually ask him out. Anyone got ideas?? Thanks for everything above btw! :)

      Yumm, Abercrombie Abs. They are so perfect.:D