i, umm....spit out food.

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    • i, umm....spit out food.

      okay, okay, it sounds disgusting. and it is. i have a "borderline" case of anorexia, as my parents call it. i lost 9 pounds a few summers ago. i'm now 14 years old, 5'3 and 95 pounds.
      i'm also dealing with anxiety, depression, not going to school....it's a good life :P i do have a lot of friends, a supportive family, a counselor, and a lot of sports/hobbies, so that stuff helps me feel better. but anwyay...
      so yeah. this doesn't really have a name...i've read it's kind of an early stage of bulimia (which i would never do, ick) but recently i will stuff my face with junk food, then go to a sink or a toilet and spit it all out. i rinse out my mouth so i make sure i don't swallow any. it's addictive, i find myself scavenging for more yummy food that i can taste and then spit out. i guess since i restrict my diet so much anyway, this is my way of eating sugary/fattening foods that i wouldn't normally eat, without getting all of the calories and fat.
      no one knows about this..my mom has questioned me when she saw some stuff in the sink, but i denied it. i don't know what to do, i don't want to tell anyone because i don't htink i want to stop.....help?
    • Re: i, umm....spit out food.

      I used to do this. I know exactly how you feel. You get all the yummy taste of the food without having to deal with the bad feeling after eating it. I guess in a way it can be thought of early stages of bulimia. I remember one time I couldn't stop chewing because what I was eating tasted so good and I swallowed it. Then I had no choice but to make myself sick.
      It is a horrible thing to do. Like you said it's addictive too. I just hope you don't start making yourself sick because the more you do it the more lengths you go to avoid eating or whatever.
      If you don't want to stop then no one can make you stop. I think you need to talk to someone but no one can help you unless you want to help yourself unfortunately.
