i feel like a child..

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    • i feel like a child..

      My boyfriend is a little under a year older than me but is reli mature for his age. When I'm with him he says I act my age (im 17) but with my friends he says im hyper and immature. I do my best to be mature but i dnt reli know what to do and my friends feel like i giving them the cold shoulder if im not as responsive. I guess I cn be a little childish sometimes but i kind of like it.
      MY boyfriend also says he wants to be more included in my group of friends but that would mean that he'd probably see a less mature me...

      He's barely a year older yet i feel like a child compared to him...I dont reli know wat to do..
    • Re: i feel like a child..

      It sounds like he's just trying to act cool in front of your friends, seems like he's all tough and badass and you're just a child. Let him know that if wants to be included with your friends for the future, he has to be able to accept both sides of you, the side when you're with your friends, and the side when you're with him alone. Also, if I were you, I'd let him know that you don't appreciate being talked down to like you're a child. I don't think there's anything you need to do here, you should never change yourself just because your boyfriend isn't being accepting and open minded. Picture him when he's with his friends, I'm sure he's completely different.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling