I don't care what anyone else thinks anymore(:

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    • I don't care what anyone else thinks anymore(:

      I know what people are probably thinking, I'm thirteen, why do I need to decide my sexuality now? And that's my point. I don't.
      I think I'm bisexual, and being in an all-girls private school, most people outside of the school, at my age, think we're all lesbians anyway :L
      I was completely worried before, but I don't care what people think of me now, I mean, we don't have to plan out our lives by the choices we make now, so why not just be curious, may as well see :)

      This thread really has no point other than telling people my age who think that what they decide now about their sexuality will affect how well they do in future, because it won't.

    • Re: I don't care what anyone else thinks anymore(:

      Lachlan wrote:


      ---------- Post added at 07:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 PM ----------

      remember, gay acts aren't legal in some countries (mine included) until the age of 18 :rolleyes:

      Ahaha this is one thing that's always pissed me off. We actually had a debate about it in class at school. I think it's stupid that the legal age of consent for heterosexual couples is 16 but 18 for gay couples.
      [LEFT][COLOR="Black"]“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”[/COLOR][/LEFT]
      [COLOR="DarkRed"][RIGHT]Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore - Just chillin' out down here at Kings Cross Station y'all! It's a bit foggy though... what's up with that?[/RIGHT][/COLOR]
    • Re: I don't care what anyone else thinks anymore(:

      Legend- wrote:

      Ahaha this is one thing that's always pissed me off. We actually had a debate about it in class at school. I think it's stupid that the legal age of consent for heterosexual couples is 16 but 18 for gay couples.

      It was the same in South Africa. We're still taught that in Life Orientation (that age of consent for heterosexual sex is 16, but homosexual is 18), even though the law changed in like...2008.

      Idiotic homophobic teachers are idiotic.

      I actually told my LO teacher that the information is incorrect. She was surprised that I even had the guts to go up to her and tell her the notes are wrong. But they still teach it, even though I told her it's wrong =.=
    • Re: I don't care what anyone else thinks anymore(:

      Good for you - there's no rush to put a name to yourself. In the words of Sue Sylvester, "You see, that's the problem with your generation. You're obsessed with labels. So you like show tunes! Doesn’t mean you're gay. It just means you're awful."

      Tombgeek wrote:

      It was the same in South Africa. We're still taught that in Life Orientation (that age of consent for heterosexual sex is 16, but homosexual is 18), even though the law changed in like...2008.

      Idiotic homophobic teachers are idiotic.

      I actually told my LO teacher that the information is incorrect. She was surprised that I even had the guts to go up to her and tell her the notes are wrong. But they still teach it, even though I told her it's wrong =.=
      Most of my LO teachers weren't bulbs of glowing brilliance either. I must say, though, that I'm always proud of how indiscriminate our constitution is with regards to sexual orientation.
    • Re: I don't care what anyone else thinks anymore(:

      Wavenger wrote:

      Most of my LO teachers weren't bulbs of glowing brilliance either. I must say, though, that I'm always proud of how indiscriminate our constitution is with regards to sexual orientation.

      My current LO teacher has the intelligence of a paper plate in my opinion. I actually find it cute how he thinks his opinions matter. If he had his way, he'd force the entire school to play water-polo. :rolleyes:

      But yes, I'm glad we have an extremely liberal constitution. It's just a shame that our politics is so fucked up.