help! need to lose weight

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    • Re: help! need to lose weight

      gawgiesnuggz wrote:

      Ok hunny, my sister sees a nutriontist and i have her fill me in on everything so i know how to loose weight.

      I don't mean to pick on you, but I'm kind of with Frosty on this one. I'm a first year nutrition student (going to become a dietitian). I'm technically not yet qualified to be giving advice, but nor are you. And you've pulled out some rather obscure facts. =/

      Also if you eat alot try to not eat as much. I know most peole eat 3 big meals a day... In all honesty thats not the proper way to eat. Youa re supposed to eat 5 to 6 little meals a day.

      Three normal meals and a few snacks can work just as well. Whatever works best with said person's schedule. :)

      Also here is a major trick to eating less and feeling full. When you eat dont drink anything an half hour before and a half hour after. Drinking causes the food to get squished together so that there is more room in you for more food so you eat more. Also dont eat fast you wont notice you ate to much tilll its to late if you eat fast. Hope this helps :)

      I don't think that has much scientific merit. If anything drinking water with meals might increase satiety, but I think most studies have found it has absolutely no effect. It certainly doesn't make you eat more.

      Eating too quickly is what makes you miss out on satiety cues (ie: overeat).

      gawgiesnuggz wrote:

      Also when you eat big meals it takes longer to digest and by the next meal you havent even digested anything so it causes weight gain

      That's not how weight gain works.

      gawgiesnuggz wrote:

      ok mister if you know so much about health and fitness unlike the 100lb girl who has been on a diet her entire life why dont you try to help instead of messing with peole that actually want to help

      You shouldn't have to be on a "diet" your entire life unless you suffer from a chronic illness (assuming we're both taking about the same definition of a "diet"). I maintain a healthy weight without dieting.
    • Re: help! need to lose weight

      gawgiesnuggz wrote:

      i have attended nutrisionists

      I know you've already got murdered by Frosty and Morgan, but I just feel like pointing out anyone can call themselves a nutritionist, no qualifications required. Just because you've been told something by a nutritionist doesn't mean it's even remotely true. Do your own research or visit a qualified dietitian.
    • Re: help! need to lose weight

      Actually it was one of my friends who wanted to lose weight too, and she used a revolutionary way called Gabriel Method which totally worked for her.

      She lost about 10KG in 3 months and unfortunately, I'm not in touch with her anymore, so I actually don't know what's happened to her by now...

      As I know, she bought a book and stuff, so if you really wanna use this method, you'll have to buy the book as well.

      I can't tell anything about the method itself because simply I don't know many things about it but the thing is, it's not a diet, even it doesn't allow its followers to diet. It seems so interesting...

      You can check it out there ==> CLICK!

      Good luck tho...

      .:.:. [SIZE=4]Never Stand Begging For What You Have The Power To Earn[/SIZE] .:.:.
    • Re: help! need to lose weight

      RUN RUN RUN!!! Dont eat less, or starve your self.. Eat healthy foods and drink lots of water.. Run for 3 minutes and walk for 2.. and run for another 3 and walk for another 2, as many times as you can.. it speeds up your metabolism.. Dont over do it tho.. You dont want to get sickk and end up tossing your cookies thats never fun.. Also Crunches like others said. but start in moderation dont go till you cant go no more you will over do it.. Start off with 3 sets of 30 or how ever many you are comfortable with:) In the morning and at night.. This works for me and keeps me nice and tone and down to the wight i need to be.. ima dancerr I must stay fit!! Hope this helped any.. Good luck:))
    • Re: help! need to lose weight

      i know this is a little out dated and a pain to do but, The quickest weight loss is a zero carb diet. maybe 5 carbs a day max. the first 20 days i lost 12 lbs prob about 4lbs water weight. if you add a cardio vascular exercise weight will melt off. its the quickest results. all you need is A TON of will power, and a little motivation. ever time you eat remind yourself of that motivation and it will ease ur dieting. you should do a little more research, if i had the time i would tell everything you needed to know but unfortunately i dont, :(
      I lost 70lbs the first run through it. 230 to 160.
      Sources: personal experience.
    • Re: help! need to lose weight

      Zoey16 wrote:

      Im 15 and i really need to lose weight, i would like to lose a bit by my 16th in 5 months
      Im about 162cm and weigh 59.8kgs and id like to get it down to 50- 55kgs
      help me please? whats the best way to lose weight and the fastest way?
      i walk for an hour everyday but thats all the exercise i do.

      hi, just avoid greasy food, you must take vegetables everyday and drink normal fresh water not cold drinks ok. Oh....try to do exercise everyday in the morning :)
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