My Best Friend

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    • My Best Friend

      I know alot of threads get posted on here about best friends moving away, and friends getting expelled.. but none of the ones already posted have helped me.
      One of my best friends is moving. She knows me like she knows the back of her hand, an dido for me.
      Anyways, she has this boyfriend, hes a good guy, but her mom doesnt approve of anything she does or anyone shes with. My friend didn't tell her mom about the relationship, she didn't think anything needed to be told to her mom anyways. Well her mom found out, of course, an basically told her, either you get rid of the boyfriend or you're grounded... so she was grounded. She has no life pretty much.. she doesn't have her phone, ipod, computer, nothing.

      Well a couple weeks ago our school called her mom saying she was showing 'too much affection'. I understand, sometimes she does. After that call her mom told her if she gets one more phone call home, then shes done, shes moving schools and she's forcing her to break up with her boyfriend. Within the couple weeks and now shes toned it down, ALOT, and i was very proud of her. But today... she was hugging her boyfriend (everyone hugs at our school whether you're ina relationship or not, jus friends. ) and her P.e. teacher said she was kissing him, which she clearly was not, so the school called her mom an said 'You're daughter has been showing too much affection blah blah blah and she's suspended' an her mom said 'ok her books will be there tonight' meaning she will be leaving the school. [My friend knows her mom got the call cause she was in the office with the vice-principle (who called) at the time]

      After school (when i found out) everyone was hugging her an she was crying, as was i, an she said goodbye and that this was it... my friend does live kinda close (not walking distance) but her parents don't let her do anything!

      My whole point here is, how am i supposto cope with this?????
      The boyfriend did get suspended as well but isn't moving (as far as i know)
      I know people will come and go through out your life, but this is basically like having her die (ima girl, yes ima bit over dramatic ;P)
      How would you guys cope with this?:(
      [COLOR="Sienna"]Tale as Old as Time, [/COLOR]
      [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Song as Old as Rhyme,[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="Yellow"]Beauty and the Beast[/COLOR]:lovey:
    • Re: My Best Friend

      I feel bad cuz no one has replied to you yet, but I "kinda" had a similar thing happen to me. I play ice hockey and I had a good friend on there and we shared everything together, she was my idle I looked up to her as a player. And then I went through a serious depression stage and she was there for me trying to help, bu then I started cutting myself and was saying some pretty doom and gloom things. Well my so called best friend told me not to talk to her anymore and to get some other help cuz she didnt want to be apart of that. Which I guess i can understand even though I would never do that to my friends. Any ways I got even more depressed and had to leave the team.

      Thats the story, and I basically lost my only closest friends I had, harshly. I ended up going to a different team and finding another friend and we have been pretty close and I havent really thought about my past friend in a while (all this happened pretty recently).

      So i know its hard cuz i cried and cried not only because it was all my fault but because I lost the most important friendship I had. But all you can really do in your case to call her, make plans, and out whenever you can. And finding another friend or getting even closer to a friend you have now might help? If all else fails, write in a journal. Thats what i do..... all the time.
      "You don't have to control your thoughts; you just have to stop letting them control you."[SIZE=1]

      [/SIZE]"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
    • Re: My Best Friend

      be there for her while you still can. Visit her and maybe give a memento of your friendship with her or make a scrapbook of all of her and your friends you are all close to if you guys are in a group. If she has things to say let her open up and listen. That always helps. Also to cope you could facebook myspace twitter skype,and text her. and visit her. It is hard to lose a friend but you don't have to if you just keep communicating with her.
      Have any other concerns or just want to talk? Go ahead. Pm me.
    • Re: My Best Friend

      You know I was having the same problem. I read somewhere that this one girl had a new theme each year for her best friend and would throw a few things within the genre and make a gift basket kind of thing. I think she said she did Japanese theme last year? I don't know but that would be sooo cool! I know I'd like to receive something like that.
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    • Re: My Best Friend

      Thats really unfair of her parents, and even the school, my school had no problems with anyone going out with someone, and showing affection, maybe if someone was kissing, they would stop it, but suspension I feel is a bit harsh. Teenagers have and always will be like this. I think all you can do is try your best to stay in touch with her, just because she has to move schools does not mean you have to end your friendship with her. Try and visit her and have her visit you and if she ever gets on a social networking site you can stay in touch that way, or via text etc. Try and do whatever you can to stay in touch, because she will surely need your friendship at this time. It may take a while before she makes new friends at her new school so she will need you to be there for her.
      People think the Irish are a bunch of drunks and brawlers, and that makes us soo mad sometimes that we just want to get drunk and punch somebody.
    • Re: My Best Friend

      How far away is she moving to?
      The rules at your school are pretty damn stupid, and honestly, you can't expell someone for that as far as I'm concerned? Despite that, your friend should have known that she shouldn't have been doing that at school if she was on thin ice... even though she did nothing wrong. Her parents are taking it pretty far though...

      All I can say is long distance does work. You two can talk on facebook, skype, do whatever. Tons of my friends are away at college which is like two hours away and we seem to make it work just fine. You two can meet up and hang out, and then sooner or later you two will be going to college as well. I know how it feels to have a best friend who knows you almost better than you know yourself, but just know this isn't the end of the world, or the end of your friendship.
    • Re: My Best Friend

      Well now she isn't moving, which i'm actually now sad about :/
      i have a new thread up about why shes not moving and why im sad
      [COLOR="Sienna"]Tale as Old as Time, [/COLOR]
      [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Song as Old as Rhyme,[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="Yellow"]Beauty and the Beast[/COLOR]:lovey: