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    • does anybody else here get migraines? just wondering haha. what causes them for you, and do you get an aura before the pain starts?

      i usually get them from dehydration when i run (which happens a good amount lol) and i get an aura before it hurts. im usually completely blind before i feel a thing cause of it
    • Re: Migraines

      I get migraines sometimes. I hate them. No amount of painkillers can stop them for me.

      Twice, I've actually had a "painless migraine" so they say. I went blind in my left eye for a while. The neurologist said it was either that, hysterical blindness or a tumor. They actually didn't disprove any of the other options.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Trillium ().

    • Re: Migraines

      I get migraines very occasionally – about twice a year. Not the usual painful ones; my eyesight goes blurry, and my whole nervous system feels “wrong”. Eyestrain from watching a computer monitor can trigger them; anything that causes stress; or just being hyperactive.

      It's a difficult condition to deal with, because there are so many factors involved. If there's tension in the neck muscles that can be a factor, because all the nerve pathways have to pass through the neck to reach the brain. I go to an osteopath for treatment every few months (NOT a chiropractor), and it always helps.
    • Re: Migraines

      jaca wrote:

      does anybody else here get migraines? just wondering haha. what causes them for you, and do you get an aura before the pain starts?

      i usually get them from dehydration when i run (which happens a good amount lol) and i get an aura before it hurts. im usually completely blind before i feel a thing cause of it

      I used to get migraines at least twice a week when I was younger :( And then it gradually went down to about once a month, and then after a few years it became like two a year, and I haven't had one in a while.

      Lots of different things caused them, and I could always tell what it was that was causing it before the migraine even started properly. Dehydration is one, yeah, others would be... not eating regularly/missing a meal, stress, lack of sleep, bright lights, being in a stuffy room, etc. When I was 8-10, I used to get them just before the weather changed :p Like if it had been sunny for a few days I'd get one the night before it rained, etc. Was really weird haha. Must have been something to do with atmospheric pressure.

      But yeah, when you get them enough you learn little tricks to counteracting them. Doesn't always stop them, but it makes it better. Like... keeping away from much light, drinking a good bit of water (but slowly, or it'll just make you sick), being somewhere quiet, etc. once you feel that "aura" before they really start.

      Aannddyy on msn wrote:

      hye, i jstu red ur post in the dibates and diskushon bord lol

      DamnImGood;1062835947 wrote:

      I'm definitely an idiot.

    • Re: Migraines

      I get a migraine about every month. I think it's hormone related because I don't think anything else triggers them. Sometimes I just wake up with them.

      I always go blind in one of my eyes before it comes. I don't know what's worse, the blindness or the pain following.
      I'm so terrified that I'll get one at school and I won't be able to drive home.
      [CENTER][SIGPIC][/SIGPIC][/CENTER][COLOR="Indigo"][CENTER]Block out all your demons with
      white noise, pills, and Jesus[/CENTER][/COLOR]
    • Re: Migraines

      I get migraines from time to time, I always get the visual aura beforehand, and always on the right side of my vision at first, then it spreads :O I hate them :P I shake a lot and go really pale, this is before the headache comes. Then it's like a headache magnified 10 times.

      I take 'Migraleve' tablets when I have them, but they have never actually work lol.
    • Re: Migraines

      Dexter. wrote:

      I get at least 3 per week, usually 3 days straight, it's terrible, I don't take anything for the pain because it never does anything anyway.

      3 days straight? I'd kill myself if mine lasted that long.
      The excruciating pain I get only lasts for a few hours and it's enough to make me think of death fondly.
      [CENTER][SIGPIC][/SIGPIC][/CENTER][COLOR="Indigo"][CENTER]Block out all your demons with
      white noise, pills, and Jesus[/CENTER][/COLOR]