Um, I'm not very good at this kind of thing...

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    • Um, I'm not very good at this kind of thing...

      So my situation starts of as many of yours have: I met this girl. I met her a couple months into college and we have become really close friends. Since then we have added others to our friendship and now, in this large university, we have a group. It's great. The only unfortunate part is this: I've developed feelings for her, really strong feelings. It's to the point that I will text her, and even though I know she is busy, I get depressed if she doesn't get back at me right away. I'm afraid that I'm going to ruin our friendship as well. I think that maybe I should get some space from her, but I'm unsure if that is a good idea because we are suppose to be really close friends. I can't decipher if my actions are being driven by emotion or logic anymore. Advice anyone...
    • Re: Um, I'm not very good at this kind of thing...

      Nothing is more annoying than a clingy relationship. Even if you do manage to get with her don't text her 24/7 and get mad cuz she didn't respond. Back off a little.

      Anyways do you have any clue about how she feels about you? Telling her how you feel can be awkward if she doesn't feel the same way about you. Throw hints or something see how she reacts to them
    • Re: Um, I'm not very good at this kind of thing...

      Yeah, she definitely thinks of me the same as when we started out: really good friends. Nothing more or less. I know that we will never be more than friends. The best I can hope for, is that I can be close enough to her, so that when she does meet a guy I can make sure he isn't a total jerk. I don't blow her phone up or anything, no worries about that. Do you think that I should get some space between us for a while. Will doing that actually help me?
    • Re: Um, I'm not very good at this kind of thing...

      It sounds like an obsession. Take a break from her once in awhile. When you text mentally prepare yourself that she isn't ignoring you and that she might not answer the text right away. If you feel you need space now in the wrong time, just let her know I need some space right now.
      Have any other concerns or just want to talk? Go ahead. Pm me.
    • Re: Um, I'm not very good at this kind of thing...

      darklingcode wrote:

      It sounds like an obsession. Take a break from her once in awhile. When you text mentally prepare yourself that she isn't ignoring you and that she might not answer the text right away. If you feel you need space now in the wrong time, just let her know I need some space right now.

      yeah I agree, just take it easy for a while, if you want to see if things are gonna go anywhere, next time your hanging out, try flirting with her a bit, and see how she takes it :)
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    • Re: Um, I'm not very good at this kind of thing...

      Don't get into that attitude that you'll never be more than really good friends, and especially don't say that "make sure guys she gets with aren't jerks" thing because that's just you degrading yourself. As others said, try to flirt with her when you're hanging out. Compliment her, if she gets a haircut, tell her she looks pretty. See how she reacts.