No confidence in my looks

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    • Re: No confidence in my looks

      Today was really really bad. In school I was looking at all the so called popular girls and they are so skinny and pretty and I just feel so fat and ugly when I look at them, even my best friend said they were way prettier than me and I felt so bad about myself that I started crying in the middle of PE. What can I do to feel better about myself?
      [CENTER][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Red"]Dramatic Girl. Kate Winslet - Dianna Agron - Claire Danes - Ellen Page... My inspiration[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
    • Re: No confidence in my looks

      wheres the
      "DAMN NO you're freekin sexi-cute :drool:"

      ugh.... :( ill settle for "no, you are pretty and don't need to change" for now...
      The living may not hear them; Their voices may fall upon deaf ears. But make no mistake; The dead are not silent. My Skype: Alaestor My TeamSpeak3:
    • Re: No confidence in my looks

      Well, with my experience, changing your appearance wont help in the long run, only short term. I know how you feel, 100 people tell you your good looking but if one person says you're ugly, you believe them.

      Realistically, the only thing I would recommend would be counseling. I hope everything turns out alright.
      [SIZE=4]Jesus. [/SIZE][SIZE=4]
    • Re: No confidence in my looks

      GO out with some girlfriends, or a sister or something and buy yourself some clothes you might consider to be dress up. do not pay attention to size numbers, just to how you feel and look in the clothes. I think one of the best quick confidence boosters is to dress cute. I also think it is fun if you are looking for make up, to go to the mall, to macy's or another big department store and ask at a makeup counter for help. Usually I just say, I need to get some makeup, but I don't know where to start... And they will sit you down and treat you like a movie star while they try to sell you makeup! CLinique is really good for fresh natural looking makeup, that is good for teen skin. I also LOVE benefit. I would stay away from mac, they tend to make everyone look like a street walker. it might be good makeup for a night in a new york club, but how often do you do that?
      You are really cute, you just need to build your confidence. treat your body well and it will flood you with happy hormones. exercise and eat healthy, get your vitamins and dress in the clothes you love. have fun!
    • Re: No confidence in my looks

      me and my mum had a MASSIVE argument about me wearing to much make up and then she wouldn't let me go out with my friends. I actually hate my body and face and hair SO FUCKING MUCH ;(
      [CENTER][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Red"]Dramatic Girl. Kate Winslet - Dianna Agron - Claire Danes - Ellen Page... My inspiration[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
    • Re: No confidence in my looks

      I can't take this anymore, the constant self hate. I know people on here don't want to see this thread anymore but I don't know what to do. I just want something to take away the pain of hating everything about my body.
      [CENTER][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Red"]Dramatic Girl. Kate Winslet - Dianna Agron - Claire Danes - Ellen Page... My inspiration[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
    • Re: No confidence in my looks

      I used to have absolutely no confidence in my looks either. So I wrote a blog post about it. My blog is centered around my experiences in high school like how I dealt with the mean girls, the ups and downs of wondering from clique to clique, and my struggle gaining confidence in myself.

      Anyway, here is my blog post that may be able to help you. My blog is titled Growing Popularity Blog.

      Must have perfect hair. Must be pretty. Must paint fingernails. Must never wear same shirt twice. Must not say anything stupid. Must have cool clothes. Must look like a supermodel every time I walk out the door.

      That’s pretty much how I lived my life in my teen years. I put so much stress on myself about the way I looked. Ugh, it was so stressful!! There were a few girls who I thought were so pretty and looked perfect everyday which made me think I had to set myself to their standards. I was SO critical of myself and I hated it because I felt like I was never good enough. I would never look as pretty as those other girls, I would never say the right things, and I would never be popular.

      Being critical of myself never got me anywhere. It was so much stress and effort trying to be as pretty as someone else I never got around to appreciating my own prettiness.

      Don’t we all wish we could have perfect hair. Prettiness is in the eye of the beholder, so I GUARANTEE that someone out there finds you attractive. As for the fingernails, I doubt anyone will like you more or less depending on if they are painted or not. It isn’t the end of the world if you have to wear the same shirt twice; the sun will still rise tomorrow. You might as well face the music that you will eventually say something stupid, so you might as well accept that fact and just learn to laugh at yourself when you do. Hours, I mean HOURS are spent trying to get supermodels looking, shall we say “supermodely”. No one wakes up ready to go on the runway.
    • Re: No confidence in my looks

      Thanks and I really appreciate you telling me this. I know that most girls don't like some aspects of their looks but I literally would do ANYTHING to wake up in someone else's body. I just want to be able to accept myself, even a little bit ;(
      [CENTER][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Red"]Dramatic Girl. Kate Winslet - Dianna Agron - Claire Danes - Ellen Page... My inspiration[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
    • Re: No confidence in my looks

      First off, you are not at all fat, I would give anything in the world to be your size.

      Second, I think you're beautiful. Surround yourself with positive people who will remind you just how great you are inside and out and if that doesn't help maybe therapy sessions would.
      I was really against therapy at first but it helped me get down to the main issue that was causing my problems (one of which was really low self esteem).

    • Re: No confidence in my looks

      I can't live with knowing that I'm not doing anything to get thinner. I've had undiagnosed bulimia and slight anorexia before and I have to try throwing up again, I can't take feeling so hopeless.
      [CENTER][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Red"]Dramatic Girl. Kate Winslet - Dianna Agron - Claire Danes - Ellen Page... My inspiration[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]