Liking my gay bestfriend

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    • Liking my gay bestfriend

      Here's the deal. I'm a straight girl I've realised recently that I really like my gay bestfriend, it might even be love, I'm not sure. I know that I've felt this way about him for a while (about 5 months) but at first I just shrugged it off and was like 'you just love him as a friend' but now I really can't deny the way I feel.

      I know there's nothing I can do to change him, and I wouldn't want to, I just need some advice on how to get over him and make it so it doesn't hurt every time he hugs me or holds my hand, knowing that it can never be anything more. I've tried avoiding him but I can't because he's always there and if I try not talking to him he just cuddles me and asks me if everything's okay. I haven't told any of my other friends about this and I don't really want to.

      Help? Please?
    • Re: Liking my gay bestfriend

      I think you're actually luckier than some girls. Mainly because you know you have to give up on him, because him being gay means you literally have no chance with him. Whereas if he were straight and your best friend and it seemed like there was no chance... part of you would always be wondering if there was a chance, and you might even keep liking him just because you know sometime maybe you could have a chance.

      This way, at least you know there's no "What if?"s, and you can be strong and force yourself to get over him and be just a friend, without stopping and thinking "But maybe in a few weeks/months/years, he will like me" or whatever.

      Not that it'll be easy, it'll still be hard for you to get over him. But just remember that nothing will happen between you, and you'd be much better off trying to let go and move on to someone else.

      I wish you luck anyway, but I believe you can do this if you put your mind to it :)

      Aannddyy on msn wrote:

      hye, i jstu red ur post in the dibates and diskushon bord lol

      DamnImGood;1062835947 wrote:

      I'm definitely an idiot.

    • Re: Liking my gay bestfriend

      You are never going to get over him with the physical relationship that you have of cuddling and hugging and stuff. I actually had a similar situation. The cuddling and hugging is probably going to make you like him more. If you want to get over him then that probably needs to stop.
      [SIZE=4]we do not fear death, we fear that no one will notice our absence. That we will disappear without a trace.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Liking my gay bestfriend

      I know that nothing can ever happen, and I've tried to stop the physical stuff like the cuddling but I can't because literally every time I see him he hugs me. At lunch he'll tug me on to his knee and I'll 'jokingly' try to get away and he physically won't let me. It's infuriating. Any advise about how else I could try to get over him? I know I definitelly don't just like him as a friend because I tried to convince myself that was the case for too long.
    • Re: Liking my gay bestfriend

      loser321 wrote:

      I know that nothing can ever happen, and I've tried to stop the physical stuff like the cuddling but I can't because literally every time I see him he hugs me. At lunch he'll tug me on to his knee and I'll 'jokingly' try to get away and he physically won't let me. It's infuriating. Any advise about how else I could try to get over him? I know I definitelly don't just like him as a friend because I tried to convince myself that was the case for too long.

      try getting a little space between you two for a while. stop seeing him until your ready again.