This is really long, thank you so much if you make suggestions.

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    • This is really long, thank you so much if you make suggestions.

      So this is the situation I posted earlier this month:

      "So my situation starts of as many of yours have: I met this girl. I met her a couple months into college and we have become really close friends. Since then we have added others to our friendship and now, in this large university, we have a group. It's great. The only unfortunate part is this: I've developed feelings for her, really strong feelings. It's to the point that I will text her, and even though I know she is busy, I get depressed if she doesn't get back at me right away. I'm afraid that I'm going to ruin our friendship as well. I think that maybe I should get some space from her, but I'm unsure if that is a good idea because we are suppose to be really close friends. I can't decipher if my actions are being driven by emotion or logic anymore. Advice anyone..."

      "Yeah, she definitely thinks of me the same as when we started out: really good friends. Nothing more or less. I know that we will never be more than friends. The best I can hope for, is that I can be close enough to her, so that when she does meet a guy I can make sure he isn't a total jerk. I don't blow her phone up or anything, no worries about that. Do you think that I should get some space between us for a while. Will doing that actually help me?"

      After I posted this, a handful of you gave advice. All the advice seems to of boiled down to two suggestions: 1. Get space 2. Ask her out.
      Some additions I would like to add to this is this: there is noway she doesn't know that I have some sort of feelings for her. I believe that she has decided to overlook it to keep our friendship going. I'm thankful for this, because I really treasure our friendship. Asking her out does not look like an option. Should I still get space? Will that damage our close friendship? (she generally gets stressed if I try to distance myself, just like any best friend would) What do you all think I should do?

      p.s. I really would appreciate explanations to your suggestions =)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by joshthename ().