I'm attracted to my friend...

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    • I'm attracted to my friend...

      I want to scream until my lungs burst....
      For the longest time now I have been having these very strong feelings towards my good friend. We talk a lot about everything and have so much in common. We kid around a lot as well and are close. She knows that I have issues with depression and cutting. But she dosen't know that I am Bi, and that lately I have thinking about her in sexual ways. It makes me nervous to be around her when where alone... These thoughts are driving me crazy, I tend to not sleep at night because of my dreams of her. But I can't help it... I find her just so... attractive and sexy.
      Sometimes she makes comments like "wouldnt be fun to play strip twister, huh?" and look at me with the expression....I swear I felt like I dyed...but I dont know what she really meant by that...
      I sometimes think that I like woman more than men now...
      I'm so sexually confused my head hurts when I think about it.
      I want to tell her, but I am scared of what she'll say. I'm sacred of rejection, I'm scared that I'll lose it and cut myself again...I dont know if I could handle not being able to stay her friend, I'd break. I dont want to lose her to my feelings, but if I dont tell her, I'll break as well.
      I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.....I want to just cry and scream until my lungs burst....
      [SIZE=2]-Feeling low on self esteem, and energy. I'm a starving animal when it comes to things like these-[/SIZE]
    • Re: I'm attracted to my friend...

      Before a few nights ago I would have told you to tell her. I would have said to not be ashamed and not be scared of rejection, that everything will work out. But the girl I love, aka my ex-best-friend stopped talking to me because I am love with her.

      So I'd say..just..don't risk it. I don't think anyone deserves to feel as shitty as I did.

      /bad advice.
    • Re: I'm attracted to my friend...

      I honestly don't think your friend will stop talking to you just because you like her, unless she's really closed off about it which she doesn't seem to be. If you do tell her you should let her know first that if nothing you still want to be friends with her and if she doesn't like you don't push it, just be her friend. It will deffinetly be awkward for you guys if she's not into you but for me atleast it's better knowing then not, and you can try to move on.

      I had come out to one of my best friends and she was perfectly fine with it, said she was straight and everything. She kept teasing me like giving me the middle finger and then saying I would like it too much. Well a little while later she told me that she thought she might be bisexual and that she kept having thoughts about me and wanted to try it out. So it could really go either way.

      [CENTER]I want to be fluent in your body language.[/CENTER]
    • Re: I'm attracted to my friend...

      Its okay

      ---------- Post added at 12:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 PM ----------

      SweetTemptations wrote:

      I honestly don't think your friend will stop talking to you just because you like her, unless she's really closed off about it which she doesn't seem to be. If you do tell her you should let her know first that if nothing you still want to be friends with her and if she doesn't like you don't push it, just be her friend. It will deffinetly be awkward for you guys if she's not into you but for me atleast it's better knowing then not, and you can try to move on.

      I had come out to one of my best friends and she was perfectly fine with it, said she was straight and everything. She kept teasing me like giving me the middle finger and then saying I would like it too much. Well a little while later she told me that she thought she might be bisexual and that she kept having thoughts about me and wanted to try it out. So it could really go either way.

      Yea, I see what you mean, but I have a feeling that it would be very awkward for a very long time between us. I semi don't want to ruin what we have either... I may tell her, but I have to think about how I would tell her something like that without freaking her out.... I really dont want to lose her...
      [SIZE=2]-Feeling low on self esteem, and energy. I'm a starving animal when it comes to things like these-[/SIZE]
    • Re: I'm attracted to my friend...

      Yeah, I don't know. It's hard, I would probably wait. I mean I'm sure you'd rather be the way you are now with her then have it be awkward. You never know if she likes you though, but she already know's your bisexual so if I were you, I would wait for her to come to you.

      [CENTER]I want to be fluent in your body language.[/CENTER]
    • Re: I'm attracted to my friend...

      Well I am/was attracted to one of my friends, and I fought with telling him for a long while. Eventually I got the balls to tell him, and he took it pretty well. However, I did play it down some. I never had to say that I would stop; he just said he didn't feel the same way and it was fine. I can't say how it will be for you, but I'd at least give it a chance.
    • Re: I'm attracted to my friend...

      She dosent know I'm bisexual at all...

      But I have talked to two very close friends of mine about it and I have decied to tell her my feelings for her. No matter what happens she will always be close to my heart, evenif she says I'm gross or if we never talk again. I just need to let her know how much she means to me and how much I care about her. I justneed to get it off my chest and come out to her. I know it will be hard but, I can't deal with keeping it in any longer...I've liked her for so long now I just have to... I need to tell her.
      [SIZE=2]-Feeling low on self esteem, and energy. I'm a starving animal when it comes to things like these-[/SIZE]
    • Re: I'm attracted to my friend...

      I want to tell my close friend i'm in love with him, but you have to see it from their perspective. I've wanted to tell my friend so many times, i've asked about alot on this forums and people always advise against it. You tell your friend you like her alot where as she doesn't feel the same way she may be freaked out by that. You could lose your friendship, it's an awful feeling not being able to tell but i'd advise against it
    • Re: I'm attracted to my friend...

      I ended up telling her in the end. She said she was cool with me being Bi, but didn't feel the same way as I do for her. But it's fine, I mean I still really wish that she'd like me as well, but it's fine enough just to be able to stay friends with her. So im happy I guess, but I can't helpfeeling like I'm empty... Idk I feel hollow, not all there.... It's an confusing feeling....
      [SIZE=2]-Feeling low on self esteem, and energy. I'm a starving animal when it comes to things like these-[/SIZE]
    • Re: I'm attracted to my friend...

      silly-little-rabbit wrote:

      I ended up telling her in the end. She said she was cool with me being Bi, but didn't feel the same way as I do for her. But it's fine, I mean I still really wish that she'd like me as well, but it's fine enough just to be able to stay friends with her. So im happy I guess, but I can't helpfeeling like I'm empty... Idk I feel hollow, not all there.... It's an confusing feeling....

      well congrats to getting it out the way and atleast the friendship will remain