Help! Unwanted Affection

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    • Help! Unwanted Affection

      Let me start off by saying this; I am sixteen, never been in a relationship, never been kissed and am very uneasy about dating.

      In middle school I always wanted a boyfriend and I was very depressed. I got help and am completely better now and my life is mostly fantastic...except for one problem. My two best guy friends have crushes on me. I would always cuddle with them but I always thought of it as friend stuff and I didn't think they actually had feelings for me. One asked me out about a month ago and I turned him down, which lead to a bout of depression and cutting (he is now getting help and is a lot better). I was told by one of my other friends that the other one has been thinking of asking me out. They make their affections painfully obvious to a point where all of our friends knew about the crushes (except for me of course, I am oblivious). I don't want to hurt either of their feelings because I don't want the first one to get depressed again and the other one has only ever had one girlfriend. I love them both so much and I want to stay friends with them forever but things have gotten really awkward with them and I don't want to lead them on.

      I would really appreciate anyone's help!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by lioness413 ().

    • Re: Help! Unwanted Affection

      Dammit! I'm going through a similar thing! Lately, One of my friends is going too far with me when I completely dont like her that way! I'm still trying to figure out how to pry her off, but still be able to be friends with her. And now I've got this special Ed kid flirting with me whenever I walk to school! I hate unwanted attention!!!
      Anyways... I'm thinking that you should tell both of your friends that if they really cared for you, then they would understand that you aren't ready for a relationship.Being honest but careful with your words is what you'll need to do. No doubt they will get some feelings hurt, but the sooner you get things clear the less pain they will go through. I'm sure in the long run they will understand, and you will be able to stay as besties! Or just embrace the fact that you've got two guys who mean a lot to you, liking you!
      [COLOR="Lime"][CENTER]I'm so happy today![/CENTER][/COLOR]