Had an epiphany...

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    • Had an epiphany...

      I was sitting in my room, just thinking (I do that a lot), and I had a gigantic epiphany.

      I realized that I was going to die, and that everything I am, everything I know will just turn into dust one day.
      I think I always subconsciously knew that (in a way), but this time it just hit me like a brick in the face.
      I mean, life isn't a game. I don't re-spawn somewhere else after a while.
      This is it. This is all that I have, this life.

      And it made me think about what I wanted to do with it, this life. My only possession.

      I don't want to spend my life studying and then working until I die a decrepit old lady.

      I just think that sometimes all people look forward to in life is going to college and getting a good job, then settling down and starting a family. I've asked people before and that's their answer.

      That's not enough for me...

      Anyways, I just posted this to get this out in the open because I think I've realized something big and that I may be on to something (but maybe I'm just crazy^_^ ) and I want to know if anyone ever felt the same way.
      At this point I don't know whether I'm actually discovering something, or whether this is something everyone goes through and then gets over. Or, like I said, maybe I'm just going insane. :p
    • Re: Had an epiphany...

      Remember when you were a kid and nothing ever really mattered? You could go outside and roll in the mud or run and jump in huge puddles, and in that moment when you were having fun, everything else seemed obsolete. Somewhere along the line our attitude towards life change. After 13 years of school and having sentences synonymous with "get a job or risk being a failure" drummed into our head, we're so concerned about securing that job or undergoing further education, we lose that sense of adventure and care-free attitude we had when we were kids. Rather than living in the moment, everything we do is done with the future in mind.

      Life is purposeless, but that's what makes it so great. The only depressing part of life is that a lot of people try to give it meaning by chasing an ultimate goal but ignore what they're really looking for - happiness. Happiness is all around us. Life is a playground.
    • Re: Had an epiphany...

      So true, I have wasted my life at school, I'm the kind that learns better alone anyway.

      I hate how everything is controlled, who gave humans the right to monetize everything? wasn't it great when you exchanged knowledge and assets?

      I was told by a teacher that school was for this:

      "It's so you can one day learn to be a human being"

      my response:

      "Shouldn't life teach us how to be a human being, instead of being locked in a room full of theories and suppositions?"
    • Re: Had an epiphany...

      i like epiphanies :D

      Aannddyy wrote:

      Remember when you were a kid and nothing ever really mattered? You could go outside and roll in the mud or run and jump in huge puddles, and in that moment when you were having fun, everything else seemed obsolete. Somewhere along the line our attitude towards life change. After 13 years of school and having sentences synonymous with "get a job or risk being a failure" drummed into our head, we're so concerned about securing that job or undergoing further education, we lose that sense of adventure and care-free attitude we had when we were kids. Rather than living in the moment, everything we do is done with the future in mind.

      Life is purposeless, but that's what makes it so great. The only depressing part of life is that a lot of people try to give it meaning by chasing an ultimate goal but ignore what they're really looking for - happiness. Happiness is all around us. Life is a playground.

      even though i appreciate the little things in life i am guilty of this... though you can't really blame me because we are living in a very physically driven and materialistic world. and i admit i think about my future and goals often because those somehow give a sense of security to say, our well being and health. however, not all people ignore happiness by chasing their goals if that's what makes them happy in life.

      like OP said, we're all gonna die, so we should do what we want to do! if you want to be a lawyer or a doctor or whatever, then do it, and if it requires you to go to school then do it. school isn't really a waste of time! i mean you can't be an astronaut because you want to without learning.
    • Re: Had an epiphany...

      Dexter. wrote:

      So true, I have wasted my life at school, I'm the kind that learns better alone anyway.

      I hate how everything is controlled, who gave humans the right to monetize everything? wasn't it great when you exchanged knowledge and assets?

      I was told by a teacher that school was for this:

      "It's so you can one day learn to be a human being"

      my response:

      "Shouldn't life teach us how to be a human being, instead of being locked in a room full of theories and suppositions?"

      Sooooo true!!!
      R.I.P. Jimmy"The Rev"Sullivan
      I hope you found your little piece of heaven.