breaking up with my soulmate

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    • breaking up with my soulmate

      did i make the right decision? 1
        yes (1) 100%
        no (0) 0%
      um new to this and i dont usually do this but i really need advice. i just broke up with my boyfriend of almost 10 months. to be honest, i know he's my soulmate. and im not just saying this cuz its young love and im infatuated, but its the real thing. i love him with all my heart. but the problem, and the reason why we broke up, is that he lives in NY and im in cali. we've had "breaks" over this issue before, but this time we broke up for good. he said that he'll come down in the summer time, but he said that last year too. my heart literally couldnt take not being with him anymore, so i had to end it /: im crying as i write this...ugh. so i guess what im asking is....did i make the right decision?