I'm scared of what I don't remember.

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    • I'm scared of what I don't remember.

      I'm 13. In year 9, doing GCSE's. I'm part of the weird group.

      I'm also depressed. I've had several surgeries on my legs, one of them went wrong and I nearly had to have it amputated. The pain was unbelievable, and it still is - even though no one believes me...

      But I can't remember a great deal of my life. I was shown a chat log; of my friend saying she'd commit suicide. I'd convinced her out of it - but that is something I would remember. I remember a surgery my distant cousin had (I'd never met him either), so I'd remember this.

      I don't remember the summer between y7 and y8. It was before the surgeries. I remember being in an alley by mine, which isn't known for safety.

      And now? I'm in pain. My side's hurt constantly and I nearly attacked my friend when she grabbed my wrists. About 6 months ago, I was diagnosed with anxiety. It's been nearly two years since the memory thing - and I've only just realized that I don't remember. I'm scared, and I can't tell anyone. They'd call me an attention-seeker or that I was over reacting.

      I don't sleep either. Whenever I do, the pain gets worse (in my leg half of the time too..) and I wake up randomly and shaking.

      Someone please tell me what to do. I'm scared - and I've never been this scared. It's affecting my schoolwork - and I want to do good in that. It's the thing I care about. I want more than anything to become a doctor - it's really one of the few thing that is keeping me alive, as I know it's the only thing that will make my family proud. I want to get this sorted and move on.

      I've told my friend. She didn't care. I'm scared to tell anyone else... Help?
      The world can be a Crazy place
      [CENTER][LEFT]but only if you're in it Alone
    • Re: I'm scared of what I don't remember.

      It's hard when no one believes you. I have pains in my knees, and I told my parents about it when I was your age. For the longest time they believed I was imagining it, or that it was growing pains. They thought that I was over reacting too. Until after a few months, I finally went to a few doctors where it was discovered I have tendinitis and floating kneecap. Even though my parents didn't believe me, I kept complaining, and asking to see someone. They told me it was in my head, which made me feel bad that they didn't trust me enough, but I kept pushing it. I think that's something you have to do as well. Tell them it hurts, or when you go to the doctor next tell them. If it's really painful, make up an excuse to go to the doctor. Say you don't feel well. But don't let something affecting your health get out of hand. You don't know what it is or if it could become a long term issue if not taken care of soon.

      As for your memory, this is something else that shouldn't be ignored. You need to tell someone, preferably someone who can help. This is also something you should be discussing with your parents or a doctor. Someone who can get you the help you need. For some reason your brain is repressing memories. This could mean something traumatic happened your body doesn't want to remember, or there's a problem with your brain. Either way, it needs to be taken care of. Something that you don't want to ignore and want to get checked out right away.
      Again this could be hard with no one believing you. And look at it from their point of view, it's hard to believe, or it's something they don't want to believe because they don't want to deal with it. But the fact is it's happening, so you need to find some excuse to talk to someone.

      There is the option of getting to the doctor by faking sick, or waiting until your next check up, or just plain old asking. Maybe say you have something you'd like to talk to your doctor about you're not comfortable talking with your parents about. I'm not quite sure what kind of professional can help with the memory loss sort of thing, whether it's a psychologist or something else, but your doctor will be able to refer you to someone.
      Another option is a school counselor. No, they are not trained to help with your memory problem, but they are trained in dealing with parents. Say what's going on, and let them know how your parents are not believing you. They can help you work something out to get your parents to get you the help you need.

      If you have any more questions on how to possibly approach someone about this, feel free to ask.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: I'm scared of what I don't remember.

      our school doesn't have a counselor, but I will try to get to a doctor. It's just hard with no one believing me, and my friends make it worse at times; little things like pushing me on purpose or kicking my leg. I don't let on how much it hurts:/
      The world can be a Crazy place
      [CENTER][LEFT]but only if you're in it Alone
    • Re: I'm scared of what I don't remember.

      That's pretty horrible thing for your friends to do. Have you asked them to cut it out?
      My friends did that too until they knew how bad my knees were, so they stopped, and even stood up for me if someone else did it to me. Maybe telling them might not be such a bad thing, even if it risks them not believing you.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: I'm scared of what I don't remember.

      They didn't listen when I told them today:/
      and I've just found out my boyfriend cuts himself, a girl I don't know that much cared, but they didn't..
      The world can be a Crazy place
      [CENTER][LEFT]but only if you're in it Alone