I'm SO confused! :/

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    • I'm SO confused! :/

      I'm a 14 year old girl, in grade 9, and I really need your help.

      Lately, everyone's been bombarding us with all these questions about who we want to be and what we want to do when we get older, but the problem is... I just don't know. I have so many interests and likes that I'm having trouble choosing one... and, well, even if I did settle on the one that I really want to do, I can't help but doubt myself.

      My five options are:

      1.) Writing (author)
      2.) Art (like painting and sketching)
      3.) Doctor
      4.) Horse breeder
      5.) Actress

      The thing is, if I went with one of my first 4 options, I know I would be succesful. It's not like I'm trying to be full of myself or anything, it's just that they're things I'm good at, and things I have access to. Plus, my parents want me to do one of those things, so I know they would pay lots of money to get me good schooling and would support me fully. But, the problem is that I don't want to do any of those things, at least not as a "main" career choice. What I want to do is act.

      But... with acting, everything is so unsure, unlike the rest of my options (yes, in life nothing is ever "sure", but that's not the point), which I know I'll do well in. There are just so many "what if's?", that I can't help but get confused and nervous.

      What if I'm not good enough?
      What if nobody hires me?
      What if I can't do it?
      What if my parents don't support me?
      What if...

      There's just too much. I love it and everything, but... what if I'm bad at acting? People have told me I'm good, but trust me, I've seen plenty of singers that have been told they're amazing and they aren't good at all. Plus, I don't think my parent's really want me to be an actress.

      So... what do I do? How do I decide?

      Am I dreaming too big?
    • Re: I'm SO confused! :/

      You've got plenty of time! Instead of looking at this like a stressful situation, think of it as an adventure :)
      Honestly I'd have to say acting isn't your best bet. No matter how good you are there are no garauntees and only the best of the best make it.
      The worst mistake you could make is doing something you don't want. Last thing you need is to end up working in something you hate for the next 50 years ;)
    • Re: I'm SO confused! :/

      Man, I didn't decide what I wanted to do until I was halfway through grade 12 - you have plenty of time! :)

      But if your dream is to be an actress, that's something you can start planning for right now. Get involved in drama or theatre productions that your school/community might put on, and just try to gain as much experience as possible.

      If it's still what you want to do in a few years, you could make a deal with your parents to try out acting, but have a back up plan - there's nothing saying you can't find a different career if acting doesn't work out!
    • Re: I'm SO confused! :/

      What everyone's said is right. You've still got plenty of time to figure out what you want to do with your life. And really, who says you HAVE to choose just one? You could be a doctor/writer/artist/horse breeder/whatever you want, and do acting on the side as a hobby. And then if your hobby turns into something else and you get contracted as an actor, you can start doing that as your main job!
      Need help or just want to talk? PM me. :)
      "It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate, that's a skill. Do it."
    • Re: I'm SO confused! :/

      Become a prostitute. Guaranteed infinity money for nothing.

      drama3chic wrote:

      What if I'm not good enough?


      What if nobody hires me?

      Everyone needs sex.

      What if I can't do it?

      It's a natural instinct.

      What if my parents don't support me?

      It's every mother's dream for her daughter to slut it up on a street corner.

      Trust me.
    • Re: I'm SO confused! :/

      Every time person should follow his/her passion as their career option and as your interest is to become actress then you should go for it. It is hard enough but not impossible. So continue your study in any relevant field and with that do the classes require for becoming an actress and do maximum try for being actress and then if not possible then with the help of your study in relevant field which you have take , you can get the best job and make career in that.
    • Re: I'm SO confused! :/

      You still have plenty of time to decide what you want to do. I'm 17 and even I'm still unsure of what I want to do. I know more or less, but not definitely. I want to be a writer, but also a software programmer. The programming is more of a backup if writing fails, but I'm doing it because I'm interested.

      drama3chic wrote:

      1.) Writing (author)

      It's often a joke that writing a novel is 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration. However, it can be true. I've written two novels thus far (unpublished) and it took a lot of time. My second novel took me three years and I'm still not happy with it. It's riddled with unbelievable scenes, static characters and bad pacing. However, despite that, it's rewarding and I love writing.

      Here's a tip: No novel writing software, no book and no method is going to help you write a novel. The trick is something I heard from Stephen King in one of his interviews. He said, "You have to read a lot and write a lot." That's all there is too it. If you can't find the time to read, you can't find the time to write.

      Or just write for fun -- maybe you can get a book published for the lulz.

      drama3chic wrote:

      2.) Art (like painting and sketching)

      I'm not a visually artistic person, so I can't comment. Though, from what I've seen, it can be difficult to get into that field and doesn't bring in a lot of money. I'd do it more as a hobby if I were you.

      drama3chic wrote:

      5.) Actress

      As with writing and art, this is a field that can be tricky to get into. But, if you really want to be one, go for it. Join a drama group, watch good films and stage productions and learn. Who knows, you could be an actress one day.

      I think aspire to be what you want, but always have a backup plan. Like I have software programming as a backup should my writing fail, I think you should study something (like being a doctor) while trying to get into an acting or writing career.
    • Re: I'm SO confused! :/

      Scaredycrow wrote:

      Man, I didn't decide what I wanted to do until I was halfway through grade 12 - you have plenty of time! :)

      But if your dream is to be an actress, that's something you can start planning for right now. Get involved in drama or theatre productions that your school/community might put on, and just try to gain as much experience as possible.

      If it's still what you want to do in a few years, you could make a deal with your parents to try out acting, but have a back up plan - there's nothing saying you can't find a different career if acting doesn't work out!

      ya... i didnt think of school till i was done with high school... good luck:wink: