first love confusion please help me :(

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    • first love confusion please help me :(

      So I've been talking to this guy for like a 2 or 3 months, I've hung out with him a couple times, but not very many because he had to go to florida with his band to do some shows and now has to stay longer because someone is signing them to a record deal and he has to be in the studio to record.We still talk a lot though on skype and texting though. Anyways, through this whole time me and him have been talking I realized how much we had in common, and he is always telling me how beautiful I am, how sweet I am, etc. Its scaring me because out of all the guys I have dated sure Ive had feelings for them, but how I feel about him is completely different. I guess you could say hes my first love. I haven't been able to stop thinking about him or missing him or wanting to talk to him and its so scary because I have never felt this way about anyone before or felt so emotionally vulnerable . But as much as he acts like he feels the same way (and no I have never told him about all that first love shit) I can't help but feel something off about him. My friends have been saying to watch out because hes a band boy and he can spit game like crazy. lately he randomly doesnt hit me up for a week. He always hits me up first usually so I shoot him a text and no replies for a while and then he hits me up and it goes back to normal, and then repeats its self. I guess the main idea of this thread is me asking for some help from someone who can tell when a guy is bullshitting because i want to show some stuff he's said and figure out if he is for real or just playing me if yu think you can help me please message me. I also wanna know what the fuck to do I'm hella young and its all really weird and Idk wtf to do... please help... :confused:
    • Re: first love confusion please help me :(

      acidgirl wrote:

      So I've been talking to this guy for like a 2 or 3 months, I've hung out with him a couple times, but not very many because he had to go to florida with his band to do some shows and now has to stay longer because someone is signing them to a record deal and he has to be in the studio to record.We still talk a lot though on skype and texting though. Anyways, through this whole time me and him have been talking I realized how much we had in common, and he is always telling me how beautiful I am, how sweet I am, etc. Its scaring me because out of all the guys I have dated sure Ive had feelings for them, but how I feel about him is completely different. I guess you could say hes my first love. I haven't been able to stop thinking about him or missing him or wanting to talk to him and its so scary because I have never felt this way about anyone before or felt so emotionally vulnerable . But as much as he acts like he feels the same way (and no I have never told him about all that first love shit) I can't help but feel something off about him. My friends have been saying to watch out because hes a band boy and he can spit game like crazy. lately he randomly doesnt hit me up for a week. He always hits me up first usually so I shoot him a text and no replies for a while and then he hits me up and it goes back to normal, and then repeats its self. I guess the main idea of this thread is me asking for some help from someone who can tell when a guy is bullshitting because i want to show some stuff he's said and figure out if he is for real or just playing me if yu think you can help me please message me. I also wanna know what the fuck to do I'm hella young and its all really weird and Idk wtf to do... please help... :confused:

      How old are you?

      And from what I read, you are going to get hurt. Not tomorrow, not next month, but within a few months IF you stay with him. Looks like he has his life made and you are just there for the time being. You are not gonna be with him for a long time, I can assure you that. I mean what kind of a relationship are you going to have if he travels and is surrounded by a lot of girls, good looking girls. Come on. Think a little about it.

      And from you wrote, you only like him, because he tells you nice things and makes you feel loved. That is not love.

      So mark my word, this is just a fling for him. Guaranteed.

      Sorry to be so blunt, but I've been around the block. I tell girls they are special and I love them and shit after just weeks of meeting them, just so I can fuck them raw. So the choice is yours. Ta Ta!
    • Re: first love confusion please help me :(

      acidgirl wrote:

      I'm 18 , its not bc of the compliments, its because we have like everything in common.. I have my modeling going for me, it sucks because I figured it would just be a fling for him considering all the girls trying to get at him, I expect the worst to happen, but I just really hope it doesnt...

      It will. It will be bad.

      Modeling, really? Send pix. Hee Hee. Look at me, I'm an agent.

      Anyway, since you model and can become a model on the road, you may not even have time for eachother. So the relationship you 2 have is not worth the time and effort. The ANTI CONDOM has spoken. Send or post pix. Let's see the model that came out of Teenhut.
    • Re: first love confusion please help me :(

      acidgirl wrote:

      haha complete opposite side of US lol I'm In SoCal

      ---------- Post added at 05:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:21 PM ----------

      &&btw thank you, I really hope it works out, stuff seems to be going to my favor and ive been asked if i wanted to do some shoots so we'll see where it goes :)

      Well, models do shoots in New York. So I'll be here.
    • Re: first love confusion please help me :(

      acidgirl wrote:

      So I've been talking to this guy for like a 2 or 3 months, I've hung out with him a couple times, but not very many because he had to go to florida with his band to do some shows and now has to stay longer because someone is signing them to a record deal and he has to be in the studio to record.We still talk a lot though on skype and texting though. Anyways, through this whole time me and him have been talking I realized how much we had in common, and he is always telling me how beautiful I am, how sweet I am, etc. Its scaring me because out of all the guys I have dated sure Ive had feelings for them, but how I feel about him is completely different. I guess you could say hes my first love. I haven't been able to stop thinking about him or missing him or wanting to talk to him and its so scary because I have never felt this way about anyone before or felt so emotionally vulnerable . But as much as he acts like he feels the same way (and no I have never told him about all that first love shit) I can't help but feel something off about him. My friends have been saying to watch out because hes a band boy and he can spit game like crazy. lately he randomly doesnt hit me up for a week. He always hits me up first usually so I shoot him a text and no replies for a while and then he hits me up and it goes back to normal, and then repeats its self. I guess the main idea of this thread is me asking for some help from someone who can tell when a guy is bullshitting because i want to show some stuff he's said and figure out if he is for real or just playing me if yu think you can help me please message me. I also wanna know what the fuck to do I'm hella young and its all really weird and Idk wtf to do... please help... :confused:

      Don't you think 2-3 months is a little soon to think this guy is ultimately your first love? In all honesty, he sounds a little sketch and even if he does talk to you first, if he's not keeping the conversations going or working at it, don't bother. I mean I wouldn't say he's really playing you considering he hasn't made a move on you or anything yet, but if I were you I wouldn't get too attached to this guy.
    • Re: first love confusion please help me :(

      Mama Bear wrote:

      Don't you think 2-3 months is a little soon to think this guy is ultimately your first love? In all honesty, he sounds a little sketch and even if he does talk to you first, if he's not keeping the conversations going or working at it, don't bother. I mean I wouldn't say he's really playing you considering he hasn't made a move on you or anything yet, but if I were you I wouldn't get too attached to this guy.

      Hey Sami. Where are you on MSN?
      Almost the same shit I said, but in nicer words. Hee Hee.
    • Re: first love confusion please help me :(

      Mama Bear wrote:

      Don't you think 2-3 months is a little soon to think this guy is ultimately your first love? In all honesty, he sounds a little sketch and even if he does talk to you first, if he's not keeping the conversations going or working at it, don't bother. I mean I wouldn't say he's really playing you considering he hasn't made a move on you or anything yet, but if I were you I wouldn't get too attached to this guy.

      he does keep them going lol we talk for like 7 hours on skype and shitt, and its hard for him to make a move when hes in florida atm lol, he said when he gets back I'm gonna be his girl and tells me not to mess with other guys while hes gone :/ he seems legit but my friends are all making me think twice:confused:
    • Re: first love confusion please help me :(

      acidgirl wrote:

      he does keep them going lol we talk for like 7 hours on skype and shitt, and its hard for him to make a move when hes in florida atm lol, he said when he gets back I'm gonna be his girl and tells me not to mess with other guys while hes gone :/ he seems legit but my friends are all making me think twice:confused:

      Yeah well if he doesn't want you messing with other guys, what if he's messing around with other girls? I don't know. If you want to put your heart and time into that, then that's your call.