Girlfriend's mom is hurting relationship

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    • Girlfriend's mom is hurting relationship

      We've been dating about 3 months and she turned 16 about a month ago. Her mom had said, before her birthday, that she didn't want her dating before 16, but that she would support it then. Now, she's met me, and likes me. She doesn't actually know we're dating but she knows my girlfriend likes me, but she won't allow us to do anything together. Today, her mom said that it's "alright" if she likes me, but she doesn't want us to hang out at all anymore. This doesn't make any sense to me, how can you "permit" someone to like someone but then not let them see each other. How can I help resolve this to help her mom see reason?:)
    • Re: Girlfriend's mom is hurting relationship

      Gerente wrote:

      there's really not much you can do in that case. try to have her over your house i guess. you can have her tell her mom it's not just her and that it's a group of people or something.

      Thanks, that's what we've been doing, but her mom's threatening to not let her leave the house at all if she catches us in that. :mad:
    • Re: Girlfriend's mom is hurting relationship

      *Hunter* wrote:

      Ur up shit creek without a canoe lol... this sucks... whats her dad say in all this..... or u guys could be bad kids and sneak out :wink: huh :wink: huh? lol

      Her dad hasn't really said anything...her mom's more of the person that handles things, if you know what I mean. And yeah, we would, but we live kinda far apart for teenagers, so it's too risky.
    • Re: Girlfriend's mom is hurting relationship

      Psycho66 wrote:

      Her dad hasn't really said anything...her mom's more of the person that handles things, if you know what I mean. And yeah, we would, but we live kinda far apart for teenagers, so it's too risky.

      i understand my mom runs the show here too sometimes... most of the time i run it :D maybe try sneak around like have her say shes hanging with gf and instead u guys hang
    • Re: Girlfriend's mom is hurting relationship

      Psycho66 wrote:

      We've been dating about 3 months and she turned 16 about a month ago. Her mom had said, before her birthday, that she didn't want her dating before 16, but that she would support it then. Now, she's met me, and likes me. She doesn't actually know we're dating but she knows my girlfriend likes me, but she won't allow us to do anything together. Today, her mom said that it's "alright" if she likes me, but she doesn't want us to hang out at all anymore. This doesn't make any sense to me, how can you "permit" someone to like someone but then not let them see each other. How can I help resolve this to help her mom see reason?:)

      Honestly, there isn't much to do. Sounds to me like you have a sheltering crazy woman on your hands, and it's going to do her daughter no benefit at all except make her want to rebel. My suggestion isn't a good one, but you two are just going to have to sneak around if you want to do something. Unless she talks to her mom about the situation.