Should I do him?

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    • Should I do him?

      Ok, so this is gonna be VERY strange. Just as a fore-warning.
      Some about me: I'm just about to finish 8th grade. Im 14. I'm kinda chibby... I have redhair. I am a virgin. I think the "No sex before marriage" thing is rlly stupid, but i think sex too young is stupid too. (Even though I daydream about sex all the time, I never think about actually doing it.) I have crushing issues, where i like a new guy almost every month because i give up on the ones who don't like me back. I'm pretty much desperate. Ik, sad right?
      My friend's problem: So theres this guy tht i like, and i was talking to him today. Yesterday he asked my bestfreind out, and they were texting. He was asking her all sorts of stuff about sex, and he asked her to have sex with him. She said mabye over spring break. (She's in 8th grade too, she lost her virginity a few years ago.) Then she changed her mind and decided she wasn't going to have anymore sex until she was married. He got mad at her for lying about when she would do him. I was asking him about it, and we got to talking... And he asked me if I would do him if we were going out. I said mabye, only because I have liked him for like 6 months (unusual for me).
      My problem: So today i was texting my best guy freind, (who is also my ex from last year), and I asked him if he ever thinks about sex. He said yeah, a lot. (Mind you, he is a total nerd, like video games and stuff. I love him for it.) And he said he had had a BJ before. This was a shock to me, because I didn't even think he know what sex even was! Then he asked me if I was thinking about having sex, cuz he wanted to have sex sometime soon. Then we started texting about sex and stuff, and he asked me to have sex with him. I said mabye sometime next year(in highschool), because I still rlly like him. And I also said I wouldn't do anything unless we dated for a while first. Then he started saying about how horny I was making him, how "Hard" he was, how much he wants me... etc. I was really confused, cuz like i said, he's not exactly "Sexy".. or even "Manly" at all. He told me how amazing my boobs are, and how he wants them... I thought it was strange. I was just kinda going along with it cuz this has never happened to me before. Should I have sex with him? Like next year? I really like him, and he made me feel really good about myself today.
      Conclusion: Well, if you read this, thankyou for taking the time. If You have any advice at all, it's highly appreciated. I'm so confused about all of this, but I can't stop thinking about him... And Ik tht a lot of you are going to say I'm too young for sex, and I agree, but I really want to in a while... Thanks,
      Take Risks. Do things beyond your boundaries. If you don't, you'll never know what you missed! :kiss:
    • Re: Should I do him?

      Reasons #1 why you should not have sex

      but i think sex too young is stupid too.

      You said it yourself, you think having sex to young is stupid. Listen to yourself about this one, if you think you're to young, then you should wait. Also, if you're asking people on a forum if you should have sex, then you're obviously not ready yet. You should just KNOW if you're ready to have sex, its not something that you need to ask and have people tell you that you're ready.

      Reasons #2 why you should not have sex

      I thought it was strange. I was just kinda going along with it cuz this has never happened to me before.

      If you weren't comfortable with the conversation via text, imagine how you would feel in the moment right before you two were going to have sex. Probably extremely uncomfortable, and at that point, you might be to shy to say no or stop him, and then theres a good chance that you'll regret it.

      If you like him so much, then why don't you two try dating before you jump in to sex? Sex isn't something that you should plan, its something thats supposed to happen when you're both ready and are ready to handle the emotions that come along with it. You also both need to be prepared when it comes to birth control. Would he bring condoms? Would you? Are you on birth control?

      I personally think that you two should wait to have sex. Like I said, try dating before you two have sex. If you really like him, then you're not going to mind getting to know him better. Its not necessary, but it usually does help girls regret girls regret their first time better if they're in a relationship with the guy.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: Should I do him?

      You just made 2 VERY good points. Thankyou. For the sake of the conversation, I'm on birth control and he already said he wouldn't do it without a condom. And I am talking about like next year or the year after. Not like tomorrow. We are going to date for a while first. :kiss:
      Take Risks. Do things beyond your boundaries. If you don't, you'll never know what you missed! :kiss:
    • Re: Should I do him?

      What is your relationship like with your guy friend that wants to have sex with you? are you good friends? have you been good friends for a long time? It could complicate your relationship.
      Sounds like you guys are quite good friends.
      Whether it would be a good idea to have sex or not really all depends on what sort of relationships you guys have and what would sex mean to you both.

      You would both need to understand exactly what you were going into it for and what sort of relationship you wer expecting to have afterwards.

      For example you could just be the good friends who once fooled around just to experiment together, and lose your virginity together (which isnt such a bad thing compared to a lot of other ways you can lose it).

      Or would you guys want to become exclusive BF and GF afterwards? or would you want to become "bed buddies"? etc etc, you would need to think it all through, talk it over and come to some conclusisions.

      And it sounds like your friends boy friend is really looking for sex and therefore may not be the ideal partner for your friend.
      If you were thinking about doing something with him then make sure you talk it over with your friend first, other wise she might think you were a slut trying to steal her boy friend or something.
    • Re: Should I do him?

      Oh.. I never thought of it tht way. I think we might just be the "good friends who once fooled around with eachother to expiriment".. well at least I think thts what he wants.. And my the freind who wants sex with me is a different guy than the one who wanted it with her...
      Take Risks. Do things beyond your boundaries. If you don't, you'll never know what you missed! :kiss:
    • Re: Should I do him?

      Yellowbear09 wrote:

      Ok, so this is gonna be VERY strange. Just as a fore-warning.
      Some about me: I'm just about to finish 8th grade. Im 14. I'm kinda chibby... I have redhair. I am a virgin. I think the "No sex before marriage" thing is rlly stupid, but i think sex too young is stupid too. (Even though I daydream about sex all the time, I never think about actually doing it.) I have crushing issues, where i like a new guy almost every month because i give up on the ones who don't like me back. I'm pretty much desperate. Ik, sad right?
      My friend's problem: So theres this guy tht i like, and i was talking to him today. Yesterday he asked my bestfreind out, and they were texting. He was asking her all sorts of stuff about sex, and he asked her to have sex with him. She said mabye over spring break. (She's in 8th grade too, she lost her virginity a few years ago.) Then she changed her mind and decided she wasn't going to have anymore sex until she was married. He got mad at her for lying about when she would do him. I was asking him about it, and we got to talking... And he asked me if I would do him if we were going out. I said mabye, only because I have liked him for like 6 months (unusual for me).
      My problem: So today i was texting my best guy freind, (who is also my ex from last year), and I asked him if he ever thinks about sex. He said yeah, a lot. (Mind you, he is a total nerd, like video games and stuff. I love him for it.) And he said he had had a BJ before. This was a shock to me, because I didn't even think he know what sex even was! Then he asked me if I was thinking about having sex, cuz he wanted to have sex sometime soon. Then we started texting about sex and stuff, and he asked me to have sex with him. I said mabye sometime next year(in highschool), because I still rlly like him. And I also said I wouldn't do anything unless we dated for a while first. Then he started saying about how horny I was making him, how "Hard" he was, how much he wants me... etc. I was really confused, cuz like i said, he's not exactly "Sexy".. or even "Manly" at all. He told me how amazing my boobs are, and how he wants them... I thought it was strange. I was just kinda going along with it cuz this has never happened to me before. Should I have sex with him? Like next year? I really like him, and he made me feel really good about myself today.
      Conclusion: Well, if you read this, thankyou for taking the time. If You have any advice at all, it's highly appreciated. I'm so confused about all of this, but I can't stop thinking about him... And Ik tht a lot of you are going to say I'm too young for sex, and I agree, but I really want to in a while... Thanks,

      You have the urge to fuck. That is understandable. It's like you being hungry for not gonna starve yourself, right?

      So, I say you do fuck him, but just be careful. Take your birth control pills, and if you do not have birth control pills, then get the PLAN B pill and have it after having sex. So enjoy and have a good time. Make sure he gets your pussy wet, cuz otherwise it won't feel good. NO! LUBE! Lube is only for kids who can not get broads wet. So if he can't get your pussy wet, get yourself another guy that can make you feel like a woman.

      And remember, say no to condoms! And SAY YES TO BIRTH CONTROL PILLS!


      The post was edited 3 times, last by username #88 ().

    • Re: Should I do him?

      Yellowbear09 wrote:

      Oh.. I never thought of it tht way. I think we might just be the "good friends who once fooled around with eachother to expiriment".. well at least I think thts what he wants.. And my the freind who wants sex with me is a different guy than the one who wanted it with her...

      Oh yeah i know they're different guys, it's just that you said you liked him for a while and he asked you if you would "do him" if you were going out.

      The fact that he asked you that makes me think that hes considering you as a potential sex partner.

      Your friend told him she just doesn't want to have sex with anyone before marriage, so why else would he ask you if you would have sex with him if you two were going out unless he was thinking about it? :p
    • Re: Should I do him?

      Yellowbear09 wrote:

      Lol Idk.. I'm so confused... Idk if I should...

      This right here means you shouldn't.
      If you have any doubts at all whether you should are not it means you shouldn't and you're not ready. When you have sex, you need to be 100% sure you want to. Not 80%, not 90%, not even 99.99999999999999999999%, but 100%.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: Should I do him?

      Yellowbear09 wrote:

      Thankyou for all the help.. I think I'm gonna wait untill I'm older to do it. I'm not 100% sure, im not even 75% sure... but I don't think it would be smart. Thanks for your help :) I now know what is right.

      Congratulations for waiting and rethinking your decision. I think in the long run you'll be much happier that you waited.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: Should I do him?

      I think that you're right, you are way too young to have sex. If you dont believe in the whole "no sex before marriage" thats perfectly fine. Almost 80% of people have sex before marriage. Dont get caught up in what guys say to you. Im sure that your ex is a really nice guy but most guys will say anything to have sex and if that includes saying things to make you feel good about yourself they will. Dont get caught up in that spider web because chances are, you wont ever make it out.
    • Re: Should I do him?

      lots of people gave you good advice but i think the best was if your not sure you shouldnt do it. its a big decision that you can never change once youve done dont forget that. i personally think anyone should wate till they get married but i have to admit there is times when its exremely hard to control my self. if you find that your having trouble controlling your self there are lots of very fun ways to take care of that problem. look up some female masturbation techniques or ask some girls on this forum for some advice. if thats not enough for you find some pictures of guys you like on the interent or find a special friend like the one your talking about and dont start out with sex just message eachother and talk dirty do whatever you like maybe a little bit of touching. its silly if your really going to plan how your going to do it. just have fun and think about your decisions. and if you get on a new guy every couple months eventually guys and girls are going to strat thinking badly of you. i have heard people talk about those kind of people at school hundreds of times im sure you dont want to end up on of those people. if you really want to have sex id make sure that i had a good realtionship for at least a year. youll be surprised how fast something that feels like its going to last forever will fall apart. some guys will even tell you nice things and treat you really nice for a long time just to get sex and then theyll forget about you once they get what they want. im not trying to scare you from guys but im trying to show you why people ususally dont go around having sex with whoever they can get. good luck with whatever you decide to do though :) let us know how things work out though i love hearing what people decided to do later. it dosnt happen often enough.