Difficult overseas divorce situation

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    • Difficult overseas divorce situation

      My father lives overseas on the middle east while my mother lives here in Chicago. My dad's been over there for almost 3 years now and he is making quite a bit of money so that he and my mother can enjoy the rest of their lives together in retirement. My mother also makes a nice paycheck so the combined income is intended for a dreamy retirement for the two. My parents are still married.
      My father just bought a nice, big house here for me, my sister, and mom to live in. My sister will be in college next year, and I will leave for college in 2 years (high school class of 2013).

      UPDATE: When my sister and I are out of the house, either my dad plans on moving back to Chicago, and finding a job here so he can live with mom, or mom gets a job overseas and lives with Dad. It will probably be my dad moving here. (just forgot to mention this originally.)

      However, I went through my moms emails one day when she left the computer up and found out that she is cheating on my dad. she is seeing this guy here locally and they have an actual relationship. They talk about holding each other and talking to each other when their feeling down. And (eeew) i saw some of the dirty conversations.
      I don't want my parents to split up because that would suck for my dad because hes workin his ass off for his retirement with my mom, and just bought a nice house. if they divorce, the house will most likely go to my mom (the house almost always goes to the wife).
      I plan to confront my mother about this on Saturday (this coming up weekend). How should I go about doing this? Also, I know a bit about hacking so I got her password to her work and personal email so I can check whenever i want.
      I talked to my sister and she said that shes known about my mom cheating for months. she confronted my mom about this a few months ago and said that mom broke into tears and said that she ended the relationship with the other guy in Chicago.

      I know my parents love each other dearly, but even when my dad visits, my mom is a huge b***h to him sometimes. When they argue, its bad, but when they're not arguing, they look like the happiest couple.

      What should i doo???

      The post was edited 3 times, last by HiddenPerson24 ().

    • Re: Difficult overseas divorce situation

      Ok first I would like to say hello to my fellow Sophomore :P 1013 all the way...

      Now down to the real business. You can really stop it, but you have to keep your cool and don't go into a screaming mathc--I found this out the hard way...

      A little about my dealings with arguments... My mom and dad divorced when I was in 1st grade. Before the divorce there was violence on both sides. My mom is an alcoholic and still is and my dad has severe OCD.

      I lived with my mom at first till she got in a fight with my older sister and we moved to our dads, then 2 years later I moved back to my moms alone because my dad was into favoriting out my sisters :| While I was with my mom she was still an alcoholic it got very bad and she got into a lot of trouble with my step dad. They would always fight all hours of the night. I would usually get 3-5 hours of sleep. I tried to help my mom numerous times sometimes I would yell because I wanted t osleep that's when she started to smoke in the house.

      Long story short.... I moved back to my dads because my mom started to hit me with random objects when I tried to talk to her about drinking. now does your mom have a drinking problem? ( I want say what you need to do until you say yes or no because that is a WHOLE different story :| )

      If not... confront her like you are planning. Tell her that you are honestly really worried. Tell her that you know it's hard to be without her husband/your dad, but soon it should hopefully be all over. if she can webcam over there tell her to do it. Also just be up front if you need to cry cry. Maybe while seeing you this sad it will click. Whatever you do don't get mad and don't stop telling her if she cries.

      I wish you the BEST of luck divorce is hard and I hope you won't have to deal with it. I have skype if you ever need to talk :) if you seriously have anymore questions reply or PM me personally.
    • Re: Difficult overseas divorce situation

      Thanks. No, my mother is not an alcoholic or anything like that. Just a little crazy sometimes. She loses her temper easily, and she goes on a wrath when she gets angry.
      I forgot to mention that when my sister and I are out of the house, either my dad plans on moving back to Chicago, and finding a job here so he can live with mom, or mom gets a job overseas and lives with Dad.
      It will probably be my dad moving here.
    • Re: Difficult overseas divorce situation

      Well. Just try to reason with her. if she starts getting mad just tell her that you are worried. Tell your mom also that she had t ok now it was gonna have to be hard to be without her loved one for so long but she has to stay strong. Tell her your dad is fighting for us and that he is probably always worried as well and that she needs to fight along him and wait for him.