How do I ask him?

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    • How do I ask him?

      And ever since 4th grade when we sat across from each-other and played footsie, to grade 5 when we "dated", to grade 7 when we were still going out, to last year when he moved away and I cried for the very first time over a boy, till this very moment, I've liked him.

      I'm not saying we are pure innocent kids who have no experience other this relationship, he's had other girlfriends, I've had other boyfriends, we've kissed other people.

      We still hang out with each other and talk but we aren't dating anymore.

      Last week we went to the movies and he put his hand on my lower back and I swear my heart jumped. I know that he still has feelings about me, ditto for me.
      My birthday is in 10 days and the one gift I want the most is a kiss from him.

      Our first kiss might I point out because even though we dated for how long, we have never kissed each other.

      Is that kinda pathetic? How should I ask him for it?
      Do I ask him?
    • Re: How do I ask him?

      Its not pathetic at all. Just because you date somebody doesn't mean that you have to be sexual with them. I don't think you should necessarily ask him for it because that might put him on the spot and make him feel uncomfortable. Why don't you try asking to him hang out at night on your birthday? Maybe go to a movie or just hang out at your house and watch a movie. Just do something where you two can be alone and cuddle. If he doesn't make the move first, then I think that you should take initiative and kiss him. If you both like each other, I see nothing wrong with making that move.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling