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  • Well before I tell you the problem you should probably know a bit about me first...
    I'm called Tessa - Blaire, but everyone calls me Blaire. I've done some shitty things in the past. I live in a really rough area and I'm ANYTHING but innocent. My mum spends about an hour a week with me, she's a druggy and when she's with me she's either stoned, drunk or hungover. I've been looking after myself since I was about six and I'm fourteen now. I've lied about my age and been in porn and been a stripper in strip clubs for some cash - you know, for food and school stuff and sometimes rent. I'm in the 'bad crowd' at my school so the teachers don't like me. I'm dumb as fuck. I go out all night at parties, getting drunk, smoking, doing drugs and having sex. I haven't been a virgin since I was ten. I've broken the law a lot.

    Basically, a few weeks ago me and my friends were trying out pregnancy tests for a laugh and mine was positive. My friends aren't virgins either so they weren't shocked. So since then I've taken like eighteen pregnancy tests and they all came out positive so I went to see a doctor who confirmed it, I'm knocked up.

    I know who the guy who got me pregnant is, his name's Jack and he's the same age as me, it wasn't exactly his first time either. I'm about sixteen weeks pregnant now, he actually knocked me up on new year's eve. So my due dates September the twenty-third.

    I don't know what to do. I haven't even told Jack yet. I could really use some help.
  • Re: Pregnancy

    Your past doesn't matter to me, and I'd hope it wouldn't matter to anyone else reading this. Have you thought about your options? Do you WANT to tell Jack? Have you drinken/used drugs while pregnant? Do you have any other family members you can talk to about this?

    “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
    -J.K. Rowling
  • Re: Pregnancy

    Of all honest, Jack should know. He has some say in the decision you make when it comes to your baby. But, you have as the mother have more rights to choose what to do with your body. Can I ask how old you are? If you don't mind me asking. I know being pregnant is super scary but, you need to come some kind of decision since sixteen weeks. If you want someone to talk to about anything pregnancy wise. I've been through it; You need to first talk to Jack, talk about all your opinions. [Abortion, keeping it, adoption] Write down all the pros and cons of each;

    The post was edited 1 time, last by hearttbeats ().

  • Re: Pregnancy

    Okay... I think I'm going to tell Jack because he's lovely and I think he'd help. I did drink ect before I realised I was pregnant but I've had it all checked out and it's fine. I'm not really keen on abortion because they're really expensive and it's a massive operation and all and it's like I'm getting a baby killed and all. I'm not THAT keen on adoption because you'd never really know what would happen to it if it was a closed adoption and if it was an open adoption you'd never really be able to get ON with your life. As for keeping it... I'm dumb as fuck and I could really mess up that kid's life. I don't really have any other family to talk to, my mum's an only child, my grandparents are like dead and I don't know who my dad is.
  • Re: Pregnancy

    TessaBlaire wrote:

    Okay... I think I'm going to tell Jack because he's lovely and I think he'd help. I did drink ect before I realised I was pregnant but I've had it all checked out and it's fine. I'm not really keen on abortion because they're really expensive and it's a massive operation and all and it's like I'm getting a baby killed and all. I'm not THAT keen on adoption because you'd never really know what would happen to it if it was a closed adoption and if it was an open adoption you'd never really be able to get ON with your life. As for keeping it... I'm dumb as fuck and I could really mess up that kid's life. I don't really have any other family to talk to, my mum's an only child, my grandparents are like dead and I don't know who my dad is.

    Thats good, you two can talk about it and decide together. I'm happy to hear that the baby is okay from the drinking. Just keep in mind that having a baby is very expensive too, compared to abortion. If you don't want an abortion then thats completely fine though, you've still got options.

    If you have an open adoption, many people actually find it easier to move on with their life because they're still involved in their babies life, they're just not the sole provider. If you want to look more in to open adoption and get some questions of yours answered, then you should set up an appointment with an adoption counselor. Even if you think you probably wouldn't do it, its still best to look in to all of your options.

    Does Jack have parents? I've seen situations like yours before and usually the father of the babies parents step up and help out a lot. You should try talking to his parents about what would happen if you two decide to keep the baby. I think they would be very sympathetic to your situation and help you out a lot.

    “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
    -J.K. Rowling
  • Re: Pregnancy

    I told Jack today...
    He was really freaked out but dead supportive, he wants me to move in with him and his mum and his sisters. He wants to keep it, he HATES the whole idea of adoption. He says he's going to get a job and earn money for the kid if we keep it. So basically I only have two options now, keeping it or abortion. I'm don't exactly want to get an abortion though. I think I might keep it.
  • Re: Pregnancy

    You have to decide whether you're ready to have a baby. To look care for it, provide for it and give it the upbringing it deserves both emotionally and financially. If not then you need to decide whether or not you believe in abortion or whether you could carry and give birth to a baby and then give it away.

    ---------- Post added at 09:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 PM ----------

    TessaBlaire wrote:

    I told Jack today...
    He was really freaked out but dead supportive, he wants me to move in with him and his mum and his sisters. He wants to keep it, he HATES the whole idea of adoption. He says he's going to get a job and earn money for the kid if we keep it. So basically I only have two options now, keeping it or abortion. I'm don't exactly want to get an abortion though. I think I might keep it.

    It's good that Jack and his family will be there to support you and that Jack is going to get a job. An abortion now would be a rather traumatic experience really.
    [LEFT][SIZE=3]x Amber x[/SIZE][/LEFT]
    [LEFT][SIZE=2]:lovey: [SIZE=1]Isabelle Hannah 17/11/2010 and James Alexander 01/07/2013
    [LEFT][SIZE=1]:love3: I couldn't imagine anyone else in my life, now I can't imagine my life without you <3[/SIZE][/LEFT]
  • Re: Pregnancy

    TessaBlaire wrote:

    I told Jack today...
    He was really freaked out but dead supportive, he wants me to move in with him and his mum and his sisters. He wants to keep it, he HATES the whole idea of adoption. He says he's going to get a job and earn money for the kid if we keep it. So basically I only have two options now, keeping it or abortion. I'm don't exactly want to get an abortion though. I think I might keep it.

    Do you think you're going to do that? Is his job going to be enough to pay for hospital bills, diapers, formula, toys, clothes, and everything else a baby needs? Have you talked to his parents about moving in with them?

    Just keep in mind that adoption is still an option. Even though he might not like the idea, you have to consider whats best for the baby.

    “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
    -J.K. Rowling
  • Re: Pregnancy

    TessaBlaire wrote:

    I told Jack today...
    He was really freaked out but dead supportive, he wants me to move in with him and his mum and his sisters. He wants to keep it, he HATES the whole idea of adoption. He says he's going to get a job and earn money for the kid if we keep it. So basically I only have two options now, keeping it or abortion. I'm don't exactly want to get an abortion though. I think I might keep it.

    It's good that Jack and his family are going to support you and that Jack is getting a job. An abortion now would be a fairly traumatic experience.
    [LEFT][SIZE=3]x Amber x[/SIZE][/LEFT]
    [LEFT][SIZE=2]:lovey: [SIZE=1]Isabelle Hannah 17/11/2010 and James Alexander 01/07/2013
    [LEFT][SIZE=1]:love3: I couldn't imagine anyone else in my life, now I can't imagine my life without you <3[/SIZE][/LEFT]
  • Re: Pregnancy

    I'm moving in with Jack over the next couple of days. We've talked to his mum. She's lovely and she says she'd love to have me living with them and to have her first grandson or granddaughter. I'm not telling my mum, she'll probably realize I'm gone over the next few weeks, but now I won't have to pay for rent, food and her booze and drugs. I'm SO GLAD that I'm getting out of that shithole.

    As for the financial costs of having a baby... We'll do our best. I can use Jack and his sisters' old baby clothes and furniture. Jack's mum says she'll pay for nappies, baby food etc. but I don't want her to have to pay for EVERYTHING. Jack'll get a job ASAP and so will I. I still have lots of money left over from recent porn movies I've done and working as a stripper. I've stolen before and so has Jack, so if we need to we'll steal again, to help our son or daughter.

    I'm not going to have an abortion. I couldn't do it, it would be really bad. And I'm not going to do something Jack doesn't want me to do by giving it up for adoption, so I'm keeping my baby. If it's a girl I think I'm going to call her Emmanuel Marilyn Archer-Rosewood (Jack's last name and mine) or if it's a boy Aidan Romeo Archer-Rosewood. What do you think of those names? I'll find out the sex tomorrow so then it will be easier.
  • Re: Pregnancy

    Everyone knows I'm pregnant now. I told Elle and Elle told Becca. Becca is this HUGE SKANK BITCH and she's been online and she's told everyone that I'm preggo and Jack's the father and we think we can 'be parents'. She's such a RETARD!

    Either way... I'm really worried that this teacher that I slept with is gonna find out. He's a man whore and he'll be a bitch about it. What should I do?
  • Re: Pregnancy

    Trust me, your image is the least of your worries now.
    You're being optimistic but, if you leave school to get a job, you won't get a very good one, and somewhere down the line, this will affect the Kid. You'll be miserable with a dead and job, and this will not be easy on the child.
    There's no guarantee your boyfriend will always be your boyfriend. He may not always want to have you and or the baby in his house.

    Not to be cynical, you just need to consider all possibilities. I would be more in depth, but I have to get to work.
    Loistre Danz....[/CENTER]

  • Re: Pregnancy

    Cookie wrote:

    Trust me, your image is the least of your worries now.
    You're being optimistic but, if you leave school to get a job, you won't get a very good one, and somewhere down the line, this will affect the Kid. You'll be miserable with a dead and job, and this will not be easy on the child.
    There's no guarantee your boyfriend will always be your boyfriend. He may not always want to have you and or the baby in his house.

    Not to be cynical, you just need to consider all possibilities. I would be more in depth, but I have to get to work.

    I need to finish all my GCSE's to get a good job so I'm not leaving school even if I wanted to, in England you can't drop out of school. I'm looking for a part time job for the time being.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Esmo: Quoted deleted post ().