Girl Trouble - plz help!!!

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    • Girl Trouble - plz help!!!

      Ok - it's a long story so here goes. I went on a week long cruise 3 months ago and met a girl that I really like. I got to know her a bit on this cruise, but not much. So anyway, after the cruise I added her on facebook. We talked a lot and told a lot of jokes (stuff like that). My problem is, though, that I have a big crush on her. I am not sure if she likes me or not though, despite the fact that out of 100 she rated me 98 and after a lot of my jokes she says: "hahahahaha ur so funny Dan", but she says she rated me so high because I was the first of her friends that she met on the cruise. But, lately she hasn't been going on facebook as much. I just went on a camp, and just before the camp we had a really good conversation, but now she never replies to me. Also, I can't tell her that I like her face to face because she lives in Brisbane,Australia and I live in Sydney, Australia. Am I doing something wrong? Should I tell her that I like her? The only problem with that is that have had experience with another friend telling her I like her and we have never talked again because it was so awkward. Does she like me? WHAT SHOULD I DO?
    • Re: Girl Trouble - plz help!!!

      From what you've said, it seems like you two get along well. And she definitely likes you enough to talk to you a lot. As you've said, it seems like she hasn't been logging on FB as much anymore, and it's almost like you two are kind of drifting apart, right? If that's the case, there's really not much to lose at this point if you let her know you like her. There's only something to gain. So go for it! Worst case, she says she doesn't feel the same way, and things will stay the way they are. Or she might stop talking to you completely, but it's not like she hasn't already, from what you've said.

      Good luck!
      Need help or just want to talk? PM me. :)
      "It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate, that's a skill. Do it."
    • Re: Girl Trouble - plz help!!!

      Yeah we do get along well - I feel so stupid now it turns out she won some scholarship or something and I just talked to her we had an hour long conversation on facebook but I'm afraid that things will get really awkward between us if I tell her. Does any of this change my situation?
    • Re: Girl Trouble - plz help!!!

      To a degree. She's still friends with you, and she hasn't really been avoiding you as much as it was she's been busy. So you have to decide if telling her you like her is worth possibly making things awkward/ruining a friendship. Again, I personally think that you should tell her. Because she's your friend, so hopefully she'll understand even if she doesn't share the same feelings. In the end, it's only as awkward as you two make it. =P
      Need help or just want to talk? PM me. :)
      "It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate, that's a skill. Do it."