Death Sentence

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    • Re: Death Sentence

      Ugh, don't even get me started on weed legalisation. If somebody wants to use it, it's there choice. As a responsible adult (18+) in the eyes of the law you should be allowed to choose whether to fuck your life up or not, and many people can use and moderate weed anyway to enjoy it responsibly, and weed made into bakery is actually healthier than drinking/smoking. Plus unlike alcohol it's physically impossible to over-dose on weed.
    • Re: Death Sentence

      louiebugooey wrote:

      Let them rot in jail. I am sure some prisoners would rather be killed than spend their life there.

      Besides, an eye for an eye turns the whole world blind. Or something like that.

      That's exactly what I think too. In the US, I believe that it is more costly to kill a prisoner, than to keep them in prison for the rest of their lives. I'm not positive on that statistic though. Also, I agree with the second part too. How are we setting an example by murdering someone who did the same exact thing? It's rather hypocritical, even if they truly deserve it.
    • Re: Death Sentence

      Expression my opinions in quotes:

      Esmo wrote:

      I don't believe the State should have the power to kill its citizens.

      louiebugooey wrote:

      Let them rot in jail.


      Dexter. wrote:

      All prisoners should do manual work

      DamnImGood wrote:

      If you kill someone intentionally you deserve to die.

      I disagree with this. What about a war scenario? If you/your country is attacked would you stand there as enemy soldiers killed your friends/family? I for one agree that murder is wrong in general but in some situations it is the best option.
    • Re: Death Sentence

      louiebugooey wrote:

      There are perfectly good reasons why those things are illegal.

      Such as what?

      Sammich wrote:

      I disagree with this. What about a war scenario? If you/your country is attacked would you stand there as enemy soldiers killed your friends/family? I for one agree that murder is wrong in general but in some situations it is the best option.

      Clearly defending yourself or a loved one from certain death is justified.

      I'll amend my statement:

      If you kill someone intentionally for personal gain you deserve to die.
      "I've never understood ethnic or national pride, because to me pride should be reserved for something you achieve or attain on your own, not something that happens by accident of birth."
      - George Carlin

      Striker88;1062839033 wrote:

      You know why nobody has gotten evidence? God hasn't allowed that and won't.
    • Re: Death Sentence

      louiebugooey wrote:

      The associated health risks, for one.

      Such as what? There are health risks with pretty much everything.
      "I've never understood ethnic or national pride, because to me pride should be reserved for something you achieve or attain on your own, not something that happens by accident of birth."
      - George Carlin

      Striker88;1062839033 wrote:

      You know why nobody has gotten evidence? God hasn't allowed that and won't.
    • Re: Death Sentence

      Sammich wrote:

      Expression my opinions in quotes:


      I disagree with this. What about a war scenario? If you/your country is attacked would you stand there as enemy soldiers killed your friends/family? I for one agree that murder is wrong in general but in some situations it is the best option.

      youre arguing with liberals that would gladly show off their anti-war pacifist self by digging the graves for their friends and family and themselves if asked too.
      I give cam shows every now and then, but I MUST know you and be comfortable with you before I will do them for you! If interested, contact me and get to know me!
    • Re: Death Sentence

      Extreme sports is dangerous, not unhealthy.

      And while I am all for people doing whatever the fuck they want to themselves, it has serious implications for me if I am around marijuana. It being illegal helps minimise the chances of me being around it, hence why I am glad it is illegal. If it were to be legalised I would want restrictions in place in order to prevent others from smoking it in public areas. I also think cigarettes should have the same restrictions.
    • Re: Death Sentence

      louiebugooey wrote:

      Extreme sports is dangerous, not unhealthy.

      I think we're splitting hairs here, but something being "dangerous" is being "unhealthy", because in reality it's "dangerous to your health".

      louiebugooey wrote:

      And while I am all for people doing whatever the fuck they want to themselves, it has serious implications for me if I am around marijuana.

      What implications? :confused:

      louiebugooey wrote:

      It being illegal helps minimise the chances of me being around it, hence why I am glad it is illegal. If it were to be legalised I would want restrictions in place in order to prevent others from smoking it in public areas. I also think cigarettes should have the same restrictions.

      I've never understood why people seem to think if something is legalized then it will have free reign. Of course there will be restrictions on marijuana. It would restricted on production, distribution, purchase and consumption, just like many other things. Alcohol is legal, but there are many restrictions on it. Same for tobacco.

      Sammich wrote:

      What personal gain is there in the death sentence? It's not really the product of corrupt government officials, it's more the product of those with the opinion that death is a valid punishment.

      There isn't any personal gain. If anything, I'd say there's a public gain.
      "I've never understood ethnic or national pride, because to me pride should be reserved for something you achieve or attain on your own, not something that happens by accident of birth."
      - George Carlin

      Striker88;1062839033 wrote:

      You know why nobody has gotten evidence? God hasn't allowed that and won't.
    • Re: Death Sentence

      I disagree with the death penalty. We are all human, some with more mistakes then others, who are we to say that the person doesn't deserve to live? we are all sinners, whether it be theft or murder Sin is Sin. if we killed them we would be just as bad as they are. and also just say that the person was framed. Death isn't like prison, you can let a prisoner free if they were framed or wrongly convicted. you can't raise the dead
    • Re: Death Sentence

      Put convicts into the millitary, then after a determined amount of time, allow their superior to decide if they deserve to be re-introduced back into society.
      (I realise there may be a flaw or two with this one, personally robots should be used in wars... :D)
      Or have them build monuments and buildings, that way they can do something positive to correct their negative behaviour.
    • Re: Death Sentence

      Paon Noir wrote:

      Put convicts into the millitary, then after a determined amount of time, allow their superior to decide if they deserve to be re-introduced back into society.
      (I realise there may be a flaw or two with this one, personally robots should be used in wars... :D)
      Or have them build monuments and buildings, that way they can do something positive to correct their negative behaviour.

      They'd run away and desert. The reason why the government doesn't force you to go, is because the money they have to spend on training/guns, which is a massive waste, if you just run away at the first chance.
    • Re: Death Sentence

      DamnImGood wrote:

      I think we're splitting hairs here, but something being "dangerous" is being "unhealthy", because in reality it's "dangerous to your health".

      What implications? :confused:

      I've never understood why people seem to think if something is legalized then it will have free reign. Of course there will be restrictions on marijuana. It would restricted on production, distribution, purchase and consumption, just like many other things. Alcohol is legal, but there are many restrictions on it. Same for tobacco.

      There isn't any personal gain. If anything, I'd say there's a public gain.

      I don't pretend to think there would be free reign for marijuana were it to be legalised, I am saying I would want very strict restrictions. More so than what is currently in place for alcohol and tobacco.
      I still don't think dangerous and unhealthy are really the same thing.