Should i move on and still be her friend?

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    • Should i move on and still be her friend?

      At the end of summer last year, i went back to my final year in high school. I became friends with this really nice girl. I got to know her for a good while, and then i got these strong feelings for her. Asked her out, but from her last relationship, (which involved some heavy stuff a girl her age shouldn't of been exposed to, etc) she said she wasnt ready to date again. Me and her are like best buddies and it hasnt really changed anything.. for her. I do tell her what i feel and what i think, but she always says "you find someone else" and "She is out there" and "im not her". Now though, shes got herself a bf. Recently he went out, got drunk and kissed a girl and i talked to her about it. Its obvious what will happen because she will forgive and forget because "She couldnt stand to loose him" but holds onto this thing that he will outgrow her someday.

      She texts me often, and i find it hard to move on when she tells me to. Ive been trying this past few days to distance myself from her but i dunno if thats the right thing to do. Its hard when i talk to her at times because i know shes going out with him. ITS SO frustrating
      I really need to know what to do.
      Should i distance myself from her?
      Will there be another like her?
      Should i still be her friend?
      What should i do? :confused:

    • Re: Should i move on and still be her friend?

      Well it seems like she is not interested in you, and she is in a relationship which you cant really do much to change that aspect about her life. I was in a similar situation a few years ago, I had feelings for a girl who was like a best friend but she was with someone else. In the end I had to distance myself for a while to really get over her. It is drastic, but for the good of the friendship you may have to make that sacrifice. It is possible that your feelings could gradually decrease in time. But that is unlikely. I think you need to make a decision on what you want to do, even a few weeks apart could make you feel much better. Think hard about it and talk to her. For the good of the friendship you may need to distance yourself for a while and then you can return to the friendship without such strong feelings, its possible to get over her and return to being friends, trust me. And of course there will be someone just as good if not better than her who will come around because she will be in love with you and you will forget this girl, there is always plenty of more fish in the sea. You will find a girl who you will love everything about and she will do the same for you. I hope this helped. :)
      People think the Irish are a bunch of drunks and brawlers, and that makes us soo mad sometimes that we just want to get drunk and punch somebody.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by kopite ().