This is Stupid

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    • This is Stupid

      I've been crushing on a girl for a few months now. Crushing very, very hard. It's gotten to the point where the happiest thing I can think of was waking up with her in my arms. So many times I've wanted to kiss her, but held back.
      I never went for her, because she always had one boyfriend or another, but it always felt like she was hinting to me.
      Recently, she said that she was in love with me. I told her I loved her back, and I figured that everything would fall into place from there, she would dump her boyfriend, we would be together, etc.
      She and her boyfriend are still together, and today she tells me she just wants "Quality Best Friend Time" and she wants me to wait. For what, I don't know.
      What do I do? Is she not clear on my feelings? Is she leading me on?
    • Re: This is Stupid

      If she doesn't know you're interested in her, she may only "Love" you as a friend. There's different kind of loves, and sometimes people say "I love you" to friends. It doesn't mean the same as when it's to a boyfriend or girlfriend.

      If you've established that you're interested in her beyond friendship and she said she loves you, then she needs to do something about her current boyfriend. Maybe she's not ready to be in a same sex relationship. Or maybe she doesn't want to risk the friendship you have. You'll have to talk to her to find out.
      Need help or just want to talk? PM me. :)
      "It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate, that's a skill. Do it."