I am interested in your story!

    • I am interested in your story!

      I am a young mother, I got pregnant at 16 and I actually came to this site to seek advice and support when I was to scared to tell anyone else.. that about a little under three years ago and I have come such a long way... I am still with my daughters father and I am planning her second birthday that is in two weeks! I could not be happier and I absolutely love my life.

      I do have some thoughts that may sound a little odd or hypocritical but I do not understand at ALL why people PLAN their teenage pregnancies.. you have sooo much to do, finish highschool, go to college etc etc... I have so many friends who just dropped out and think they're doing a good job when they don't even have an education. if I didn't have the family I do I would have chosen adoption because I wouldn't have been able to give my daughter all that she has without the people in my life being there for me...

      I am also really against abortion because I always hear the reason "it wasn't the right time for me" "FOR ME" it's selfish and adoption means you won't have to take care of your child so think of the child not you lol.

      just some of my opinions and a little of my situation.. I would love to hear about your situation, if your babys father stuck around, if money is hard, etc. and I am also open for questions if you have any!:)
    • Re: I am interested in your story!

      I'm 18 and 27 weeks gone, I got pregnant when I was 17 to my ex boyfriend (we're not together anymore obviously but we broke up before I knew I was pregnant)
      I love my baby bump! and I cannot wait to give birth so I can hold my daughter (Expecting a little girl!) and tell her I love her to her face instead of to my belly!
      Don't get me wrong I am scared! I really am scared of childbirth and of the possible PND (especially since I already suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder).
      I personally wouldn't have an abortion, but the way I see it we as humans have no right to judge other humans. If someone wants an abortion thats their choice but I personally couldn't go through with it (especially since I miscarried a baby a few days before my 17th)
      I haven't had a better feeling in my life then my baby kicking and I am addicted to buying baby clothes.
      I am on JSA (Jobseekers Allowance) so money is tough! I live back with my parents now though and it is so much easier.
      But my bump is already my whole world and I've changed so much in my life already so this baby has a better quality of life.
      I love my baby bump!
      GraceMay - Due 25.12.11
    • Re: I am interested in your story!

      I think that adoption is raising a child in a less-than-perfect situation is just as selfish. You're making a choice because it works for you and is the right choice for you. Very few people raise a child because they don't want to raise a child.

      I got pregnant at 18 and had an abortion. I would make the same decision again if I knew then what I knew now. It's made me a better, stronger, and wiser individual. It's driven me to take on new challenges and given me the opportunity to take new risks. It was that choice that ultimately led me to meet my current boyfriend and lover, and I could not be happier.
    • Re: I am interested in your story!

      I don't agree with that view on adoption to be completely honest, my real father comes orginally from a family full of heavy drug addicts who have been in and out of prison most of their life, he was put into adoption, my Grand-Parents (his adopted parents) are two of the kindest people I know and have done everything for him and for us and even after my dad got divorced from my mum they keep in contact with her aswell.

      I wouldn't like to think about where we would be if he hadn't been adopted.

      I think it all depends on the situation tbh.
      I love my baby bump!
      GraceMay - Due 25.12.11
    • Re: I am interested in your story!

      Something working out for the best doesn't mean it wasn't a choice made because it made the people involved feel the best. Sometimes selfish choices are great choices and make lots of people happy.

      There's nothing wrong or any reason to be ashamed of making a "selfish choice", a choice that you personally feel the best about making.
    • Re: I am interested in your story!

      I do not see how it is selfish though??
      Some people don't find out their pregnant until it's too late to have an abortion... so if they live in a lifestyle where the baby is possibly in danger or at risk, is it really selfish to get the baby adopted (even if by a friend/family member) or is it more selfish to keep the baby because it's yours even if the baby ends up like one of the babies on the news?
      I love my baby bump!
      GraceMay - Due 25.12.11
    • Re: I am interested in your story!

      So... if you were living in a cardboard box and you had a baby, and you didn't want you baby to have to grow up in a carboard box so you put it up for adoption so it could have a proper home, would that be selfish? Or would it be selfish to make your baby live in a cardboard box?
    • Re: I am interested in your story!

      Both would likely be selfish since they would be likely choices made that make you feel good/happy or whatever.

      I don't see why people seem so against accepting that most choices made with pregnancy are made based on that choice being best for the woman making the choice. It's not bad to make a selfish choice, and selfish choices can often benefit others.
    • Re: I am interested in your story!

      Generally choices made involving babies are based on what would be best for the baby. When you're a mother, you're the second most important person in your life. When all the children in high danger areas were evacuated during world war 2, was it a selfish decision for the mothers to let their children be taken out of a war zone?
    • Re: I am interested in your story!

      Do you think that the mothers made that decision because it made them more unhappy than leaving their children behind? Doubtful. They made that decision because it felt best for them.

      Honestly, it just seems like you have no clue what I'm saying. I see choices made that make someone feel "happiest" to inherently have a selfish strain, because it emotionally benefits the person more than making a different choice. I fail to see how any example you can give (other than maybe getting your kid physically taken or other things involving non-consent or forced-consent) would ever seem different to me. And what's so bad with that? What's your big issue with accepting that the choices people make are made because they want to make those choices moreso than not making those choices? What's so terrible about recognizing that people often make choices, even in terms of turmoil, that benefit them emotionally. Feeling like a "good person" who "did the right thing" is certainly apersonal benefit.
    • Re: I am interested in your story!

      I just don't understand how you think that giving up your child, who you love unconditionally, because you cant give it the life it deserves is selfish. It's more selfish to keep a child and not be able to care for it don't you think?

      Maybe all the decisions that you make are selfish, but you really cant speak for every other person in the world.
    • Re: I am interested in your story!

      I gave birth to my baby girl on March 7th 2012 at 7pm and she was 7 pounds 2 ounces lol.
      I am still currently with the baby daddy we are engaged to be married in 2013.
      Getting pregnant 3 months into the relationship was hard.
      I at first did not want to keep her it was either abortion or adoption for me... but since I was 12 weeks when I found out I couldn't get an abortion bc the cut off time is 11 weeks up here.
      After the first ultrasound after seeing her & hearing her heartbeat I fell in love & knew instantly that I couldn't give her up.
      He already wants to have another kid but that is not going to happen for a LONG time... Thanks to mirena lol :)