I told my guy friend that i liked him...but now...HELP!

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    • I told my guy friend that i liked him...but now...HELP!

      I told one of my best guy friends i liked him and i really really like him, but he said that he didn't really know much about me and he just considered me as a bestie, and that we had the whole of school to go through (he and i are 3/4 way through year ten and then there's year 11 to go) so we left it at that i we haven't talked about it since (3-4 weeks ago) and we talked loads over the easter holidays as he was in switzerland and anyway i never see him out of school. But now i feel that he likes a girl i have had BAD experiences from, everyone likes her and say shes pretty and cute and talented and funny and all that sugary nonsense, and i feel that i am the only one that sees that shes not, she is cold and spoiled. :mad:
      anyway they (the guy i like and the girl) are really good friends, and apparently on a school trip to berlin they got on really well and people told me that they were like siblings which made me feel really depressed because i wished i was too as i like him so much :cries:, and the other day we had to change classrooms for drama class and they sat right next to each other and even though i was behind them they ignored me (we had a mock test but we still all talked), and they sit next to each other in english and religious studies (not their choice but i wish they didnt) while i feel so left out and he thinks i am weird but he makes me laugh when we pull funny faces at each other and i just beam after, he fills me with happiness :D and i like him so much :( i don't know what to do! i like him so much it hurts, i want to know him more but i have no idea what to do now :confused:, please help!
    • Re: I told my guy friend that i liked him...but now...HELP!

      Truthfully you shouldnt obsess ovr him and try to get him out of your mind if you think he likes this other girl. You cant make somebody like you like that and really should just try to stay friends until he decides he has feelings for you. Plus relationships with close friends dont always work out accordingly and ruin the friendship.
      [SIZE=4]Nothing Gold Can Stay[/SIZE]
    • Re: I told my guy friend that i liked him...but now...HELP!

      If he's interested in this girl, there's not much you can do about it. Are you sure you think she's a bad person because she is, and not because you're jealous of her?

      He sees you as a friend, and at the moment that's not going to change. You can organize some outings like to the mall and movies with yours and his friends so you can see each other out of school to try and get to know him better. But to be honest at this moment he doesn't seem that interested in you and he likes someone else. It's probably best that you don't try and get in the way of his friendship with the girl. It's his choice on who he wants to see. But if you want to get closer to him and get to know him better, just invite him and other friends places and talk to him.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: I told my guy friend that i liked him...but now...HELP!

      The most interesting part of this was that schools have "mock test." Da hell is that?

      Really though there's nothing you can do. His choice is his choice. You can't "save" him. You can't make him like you. There's no potion. Unless your a witch, which I don't imagine you are.
      [COLOR="black"]When I'm not fighting mountain lions for sport, I read about broken homes, teenage depression, and other such life-improving awesomeness cause I'm weird like that[/COLOR]