Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

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    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      I don't need to be depressed to ask the question "Why should I stay alive?" over and over.

      From the non-depressed perspective, what keeps me going is wanting to know what is at the end. Hard to explain really.

      But obviously, from your perspective... A mind cannot be changed from that single motivation.

      I don't know what you're going through so I can't really say anything other than hang in there and hopefully something positive will come along like it did for me.
      The World is heading for mutiny, when all we want is unity.
      We may rise and fall, but in the end, we'll meet our fate together!
      One. Oh One. The only way is[SIZE=4] ONE.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      Welsh Prophets are Lost wrote:

      I don't need to be depressed to ask the question "Why should I stay alive?" over and over.

      From the non-depressed perspective, what keeps me going is wanting to know what is at the end. Hard to explain really.

      But obviously, from your perspective... A mind cannot be changed from that single motivation.

      I don't know what you're going through so I can't really say anything other than hang in there and hopefully something positive will come along like it did for me.

      That statement makes me really frustated, "Just wait and something great will happen." And I don't feel like putting all of my faith and trust into keeping myself alive for something that probably won't happen. But that's probably just my depression and self loathing talking. XP
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      I don't agree with that "just wait and something great will happen", really. Well, MAYBE something great will just magically happen. But you're not a potato or a lamp that can only just sit there waiting for something to happen. You're a human person who is capable of MAKING things happen. If you really want a bike, or a job, or a boyfriend, you save up money, or you apply for jobs, or you fix yourself up real nice and you hang out at areas where single people are and you go to dating websites and you ask guys out. You WILL fail sometimes. You'll be rejected. Maybe A LOT of times. It might hurt. But you'll get used to it. And eventually you'll get what you want. It's the same for everyone.

      ALSO, a boyfriend isn't the only thing in life worth living for. Don't you have hobbies? There are interesting things about the world, wherever you look. There is music that makes you want to jump and dance around like an idiot. There are your friends who hopefully make you happy. There are cute little bunny rabbits. Isn't there anything that makes you happy?

      The post was edited 3 times, last by cool_walking_ ().

    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      When I was depressed and lonely with no family or friends, I thought i'd never be able to go back to where I once belonged. Luckly I was wrong, I was given a chance to go back. Not everybody gets lucky like that.

      The only reason why I recommended that is because I have no better solutions to give sorry. Finding a hobby and stuff like that could help depending on the person you are. But I was never interested in anything I come across, and I was very limited as to what I could try too. I would still recommend looking for something like that though as everyone is different.

      When it comes to relationships, (You have no reason to read on from here).... I don't think they're worth all the searching when you're in a bad place, unless you quickly recover and are in a really good state of mind and have a really good long relationship then yes... It would be a great find. But it could also bring someone down more in their confidence and morale big time, and could make someone even more depressed.

      But I have no experience whatsoever, the above is just a view of mine that could be right or could be wrong. It varies totally down to the person.
      The World is heading for mutiny, when all we want is unity.
      We may rise and fall, but in the end, we'll meet our fate together!
      One. Oh One. The only way is[SIZE=4] ONE.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      Listen, I feel like I can relate to how you feel. I dont feel like giving my life story, but one person I loved died, another I was fored not to see, Ive moved about four times in one year, I had cancer, Im ignored and no one gives me chances, Ive attempted four times, my mom recently died, dog died recently, I have tons of mental issues, I have a prosthetic, and much more. Ive felt and seen it all, and I still dont see a fully clear reason to live. All Im saying suicide isnt the greatest idea, because Im sure youre a great person when people give you the chance. People like us just need to keep our heads in this sick game labeled life, cause we'll he happy sooner or later. Ever since I was eight I was depresses, alone, and scared. But Im glad Im still here, I just met somebody who I really like and I think is amazing and we share same problems and care for each other. We may just be friends, but Im damn glad I have a friend so amazing. I had lots of friends too, but everybody is fucking immature or phoneys, so I told the one that aggravated me to screw off. Just hang in there, Im here if you want to talk too. Life is sad, but its how we handle it that matters.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Little Raven ().

    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      dont kill yourself just cos you think people dont want you or theres no point. guess what! theres no point in anybodys life if you look at it cos were alive, we do something, then we die & all we get is a gravestone...
      but your in the bit in between right now .. the "do something" bit.... my friend said once :
      "theres no point in life. but if you just sit around thinking that, lifes gonna be worse. boredom is a big problem. if your not bored, you wont care about dying" cos thats what the middle bit is all about... doing something! & making sure u dont feel upset.
      its kinda simple, i think. if i feel really upset i play pokemon. if i dont feel like playing pokemon i go bug my mum. if shes at work i go bug her girlfriend & if shes at college i go bug my big sis! & if shes away getting drunk!! then i go bug my friends...

      bug someone! bug me if u cant bug anyone else :)

      & go to nyan.cat (type nyan.cat in the bit u type websites in) watch it for ages!!!! & click lower the volume if its too loud!
      oh & when your doing something like writing on this keep nyan cat on in the background so the music plays im doing that now :)

      oh your not ugly by the way your not even fat! i know cos ive saw some super ugly people & your pretty & i like the way your face goes (i dunno what the word is)...
      . <- period
      , <- comma
      ö <- omlaut NOT to be confused with OMLETTE!!!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by maXie ().

    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      I'm not Scene wrote:

      I don't really know any reasons why I should stay alive. The ones I am given and told are true I find to be complete lies. And I just find so many other reasons to end my existence. I mostly at the moment just need someone to talk to at the moment. Because I already had typed up my suicide letter....

      Don't talk like that. Giving up is the worst thing you can do, alright? I remember when I wrote my suicide letter. No one ever saw it, but just the fact that you write one is meaning you want to stamp a sudden expiration date to your body, and that isn't okay. Life is going to always find a way to kick the shit out of you, but you have to find a reason to live. I honestly know how it feels to feel completely trapped, and to feel like there is no way to go but down. You have to keep fighting. After all, you've got one life to live, so live it to the fullest you can.

      Talk to me if you need anything. I'll be there for you.
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      Sami wrote:

      Don't talk like that. Giving up is the worst thing you can do, alright? I remember when I wrote my suicide letter. No one ever saw it, but just the fact that you write one is meaning you want to stamp a sudden expiration date to your body, and that isn't okay. Life is going to always find a way to kick the shit out of you, but you have to find a reason to live. I honestly know how it feels to feel completely trapped, and to feel like there is no way to go but down. You have to keep fighting. After all, you've got one life to live, so live it to the fullest you can.

      Talk to me if you need anything. I'll be there for you.

      Well the thing is, I don't know what to live for....
      I'm too afraid of my future to think I will succeed. I will maybe try and talk to you....

      ---------- Post added at 10:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 PM ----------

      cool_walking_ wrote:

      You obviously aren't happy with your appearance. Well, to feel better about that, you can work on losing weight, styling your hair differently, experimenting with makeup, etc. It's much easier, more fun, and more interesting than killing yourself.

      Also, you're probably exaggerating your alleged fatness/ugliness to yourself. I knew this girl, once, who always thought she was ugly and fat. She got teased for being fat. Well I thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. Same deal with me. I always used to think I was hideous (even though I don't think people actually ever teased me about my looks), and every time I looked in the mirror I saw hideousness. The mind's a powerful thing, man. If you think you're ugly and fat, ugly and fat is what you'll see.

      Also, I'm starting to become a little bit of a believer in the "everything happens for a reason" mantra. Seriously, if someone would leave you for your friend, they aren't very good boyfriend material, are they? So it's good that they get out of the way of the guy who's one day going to fall in love with you.

      Just to let you in on this, I have lost +80 pounds previous depression. And I feel that I should look like you can see every bone in my body. I'd rather look like that. And well I have no one to think of me as being "the most beautiful girl" to them.....
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      I know what you mean about not knowing what to live for. But seriously, there are lots of things to do in the world, and once you actually experience them, you're sure to find a few that you like. Just try ANYTHING, and see if you like it. Try baking, sailing, rock-climbing, dancing, photography, banana-peeling competitions, gardening, knitting, computer programming, woodworking, violin, feeding starving children in Africa, feeding starving children to African elephants, whatever.

      You're only 16! You've got plenty of time left to find someone. Okay, another example! Another girl I know... never had guys interested in her... now this past year she's swamped with them! Can't take her anywhere without someone asking her out. I'm not really sure what's changed.. she turned 18?? So you really never know what or who's going to come around the next corner in life.

      I know internet pictures are always done on angles to make people look better, but you don't look overweight to me. Anyway, some people (myself included) find chubby to be more attractive than too-skinny.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by cool_walking_ ().

    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      cool_walking_ wrote:

      I know what you mean about not knowing what to live for. But seriously, there are lots of things to do in the world, and once you actually experience them, you're sure to find a few that you like. Just try ANYTHING, and see if you like it. Try baking, sailing, rock-climbing, dancing, photography, banana-peeling competitions, gardening, knitting, computer programming, woodworking, violin, feeding starving children in Africa, feeding starving children to African elephants, whatever.

      You're only 16! You've got plenty of time left to find someone. Okay, another example! Another girl I know... never had guys interested in her... now this past year she's swamped with them! Can't take her anywhere without someone asking her out. I'm not really sure what's changed.. she turned 18?? So you really never know what or who's going to come around the next corner in life.

      I know internet pictures are always done on angles to make people look better, but you don't look overweight to me. Anyway, some people (myself included) find chubby to be more attractive than too-skinny.

      Well the thing is that I do have things that I like to do. But I feel always so alone and unwanted. And I get left behind and feel as if nothing good will come my way.
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      Alright I get ya. But think of it this way: Is being rejected really any different to not trying in the first place? :p It's the same end result. Does anything change if you're rejected? No. The person who rejected you still plays the exact same role in your life as they did before (probably nothing).

      So if I said I'd place a bet where if you win, you win $10 (i.e. a friend, boyfriend, whatever), and if you lose, you get nothing (i.e. you get rejected)... would you take that bet (i.e. try)? Seems like a no-lose situation to me!

      The post was edited 2 times, last by cool_walking_ ().

    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      Hun...I know exactly how it feels to be unloved and unwanted. It's driven me to the brink of insanity...but please, please, don't get as desperate as I did. The first girl to ever admit she had feelings for me...I ended up dating her. The funny thing is...she called me "perfect"...but it didn't mean anything because she decided to go around and have sex with other guys. I ended up attempting suicide...and I'm left with a HUGE cut (which had to have sutures) on my arm. I have to live day by day knowing people think I'm a freak because I cut myself over a girl. I know how it is to have people remind you that you're still single...my one friend was griping to ME how badly she wanted to have sex with her BF and how they were all over each other at night. It made me want to die...so I know how you feel about friends reminding you of your status. It kills to not have somebody to say "I love you" or have your skin touched affectionately...it really does. And it's even harder to be surrounded in a world full of happy couples...but, just laugh it off- usually something stupid always happens and they break up. They'll be miserable just like the rest of the world 99.9 percent of the time in a few months. "Relationships" are VERY over-rated. It only took me one "significant other" to realize this is true. So it's not very important until later in life. And I hope that if you know that it makes you feel better. :)

      I SERIOUSLY doubt you're "fat" or "ugly"...I swear it's ALWAYS the beautiful ones who think that way about themselves. What really counts is what's on the inside...and I'm sure you have something very special to offer when the right guy comes along. You're 16, right? Most guys our age (I'm 15 jsyk) only think with their junk...they can't figure out what kind of girls are TRULY beautiful (they think big hooters and butts are beautiful...stupid). Thank god there are guys out there who aren't like that (such as myself)...and in that small batch you'll find somebody. You don't need to starve yourself for a guy...because the one you'll marry won't care how fat or skinny you are...he'll love you for you or otherwise he's not worthy of you.

      If you ever need somebody to talk to, PM me on here. I'm always up for a chat.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by HarleyTheGamerDude ().

    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      HarleyTheGamerDude wrote:

      Hun...I know exactly how it feels to be unloved and unwanted. It's driven me to the brink of insanity...but please, please, don't get as desperate as I did. The first girl to ever admit she had feelings for me...I ended up dating her. The funny thing is...she called me "perfect"...but it didn't mean anything because she decided to go around and have sex with other guys. I ended up attempting suicide...and I'm left with a HUGE cut (which had to have sutures) on my arm. I have to live day by day knowing people think I'm a freak because I cut myself over a girl. I know how it is to have people remind you that you're still single...my one friend was griping to ME how badly she wanted to have sex with her BF and how they were all over each other at night. It made me want to die...so I know how you feel about friends reminding you of your status. It kills to not have somebody to say "I love you" or have your skin touched affectionately...it really does. And it's even harder to be surrounded in a world full of happy couples...but, just laugh it off- usually something stupid always happens and they break up. They'll be miserable just like the rest of the world 99.9 percent of the time in a few months. "Relationships" are VERY over-rated. It only took me one "significant other" to realize this is true. So it's not very important until later in life. And I hope that if you know that it makes you feel better. :)

      I SERIOUSLY doubt you're "fat" or "ugly"...I swear it's ALWAYS the beautiful ones who think that way about themselves. What really counts is what's on the inside...and I'm sure you have something very special to offer when the right guy comes along. You're 16, right? Most guys our age (I'm 15 jsyk) only think with their junk...they can't figure out what kind of girls are TRULY beautiful (they think big hooters and butts are beautiful...stupid). Thank god there are guys out there who aren't like that (such as myself)...and in that small batch you'll find somebody. You don't need to starve yourself for a guy...because the one you'll marry won't care how fat or skinny you are...he'll love you for you or otherwise he's not worthy of you.

      If you ever need somebody to talk to, PM me on here. I'm always up for a chat.

      No one has ever admitted to me they have liked me. No one has ever wanted me for any reasons such as that. And since I'm so young you all assume that I will find someone in the future. Which I call bullshit on. And I want to be considered what they think is beautiful now. Because I've never been that. I've always been fat and ugly. And I don't believe the one for me is out there. OR even if I am going to have other relationships because wouldn't they have happened already. And I just want someone there for me who isn't a friend. Because that is all I have ever had and they irritate me. I really honestly think about cutting all the time and me dying in different ways. I just want death to come for me.
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      I'm not Scene wrote:

      No one has ever admitted to me they have liked me.
      That doesn't mean anything. They might be shy. Do you have any male friends? They might like you in a more than friendly capacity.

      And I want to be considered what they think is beautiful now. Because I've never been that. I've always been fat and ugly.
      You can't be what everyone considers beautiful, because everyone disagrees on that. I personally think most of the typical "hot" celebs are ugly. All you can do is make yourself beautiful to YOU, and believe it. If you think you look great, but some jackass on the street calls you ugly and fat, you're right and they're wrong.

      And I just want someone there for me who isn't a friend.
      Why? What's wrong with friends? I think really the only difference between a good friend and a lover is that you have sex. You can be emotionally really close with friends. I think maybe you just have crappy friends, or you don't know how much you do mean to your friends.

      I really honestly think about cutting all the time and me dying in different ways. I just want death to come for me.
      Well we all don't want you to die just yet, so please at least stay alive for our sakes, 'kay?
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      cool_walking_ wrote:

      That doesn't mean anything. They might be shy. Do you have any male friends? They might like you in a more than friendly capacity.

      You can't be what everyone considers beautiful, because everyone disagrees on that. I personally think most of the typical "hot" celebs are ugly. All you can do is make yourself beautiful to YOU, and believe it. If you think you look great, but some jackass on the street calls you ugly and fat, you're right and they're wrong.

      Why? What's wrong with friends? I think really the only difference between a good friend and a lover is that you have sex. You can be emotionally really close with friends. I think maybe you just have crappy friends, or you don't know how much you do mean to your friends.

      Well we all don't want you to die just yet, so please at least stay alive for our sakes, 'kay?

      1) I wish they did like me more than that.
      2) Well no one thinks I am beautiful. I'm always unnattractive and alone.
      3)Because I am sick of only having friends and seeing them be happy and have lovers.
      4) Why not? Like I matter.