Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

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    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      1. lol, well, go find out! You didn't answer the question. Do you have any male friends? Because in my experience, whenever a girl has someone they can describe as their "best guy friend", the guy is always secretly in love with them :rolleyes: . Every time, I swear. And it's always a shock to them, somehow.

      2. Correction: You HAVE BEEN and ARE CURRENTLY without partner. The past is only as defining as you let it be, and the present is not as permanent as it wants you to think. The future, however, which you control, will soon supersede the present.

      3. People you hate and people you don't know have lovers, too. So don't specifically hate your friends for that. They're still your friends.

      4. Sure you matter. You have friends, therefore you matter. You presumably have parent/s or guardian/s who spent 16 years raising you. Can you imagine taking care of a person for 16 years? They must REALLY care about you to have bothered with that.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by cool_walking_ ().

    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      cool_walking_ wrote:

      1. lol, well, go find out! You didn't answer the question. Do you have any male friends? Because in my experience, whenever a girl has someone they can describe as their "best guy friend", the guy is always secretly in love with them :rolleyes: . Every time, I swear. And it's always a shock to them, somehow.

      2. Correction: You HAVE BEEN and ARE CURRENTLY without partner. The past is only as defining as you let it be, and the present is not as permanent as it wants you to think. The future, however, which you control, will soon supersede the present.

      3. People you hate and people you don't know have lovers, too. So don't specifically hate your friends for that. They're still your friends.

      4. Sure you matter. You have friends, therefore you matter. You presumably have parent/s or guardian/s who spent 16 years raising you. Can you imagine taking care of a person for 16 years? They must REALLY care about you to have bothered with that.

      1) yes I do. But they wouldn't.
      2) And you forgot will be. Who could ever fall in love with me.
      3)Yeah, but they all really enjoy letting me know they have someone. My friends and the others.
      4)Yeah, I only started to matter as I became depressed and wanted to kill myself. My mom and dad let me get beat and scratched and scarred up everyday by my sister. And only recently they started to care about that too.
      Yeah I matter a whole bunch.

      ---------- Post added at 07:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 PM ----------

      Welsh Prophets are Lost wrote:

      Most celebrities considered to be hot look like prostitutes to me.

      Yeah but I'm still not beautiful or hot. I am nothing to people.
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      Are you kidding me?

      After seeing your picture on your profile, I can definately say that you're not ugly whatsoever. Not even saying that to try and be nice either.

      Trust me, 80% of the people I see walking around school/town/anywhere are not as good looking as you.
      The World is heading for mutiny, when all we want is unity.
      We may rise and fall, but in the end, we'll meet our fate together!
      One. Oh One. The only way is[SIZE=4] ONE.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      These things aren't easily discussed in a few sentences or paragraphs in a forum. This is not a plug, but seriously...read my site. They're just my thoughts, but others have told me it helped them. PM me anything you want.
      [COLOR="black"]When I'm not fighting mountain lions for sport, I read about broken homes, teenage depression, and other such life-improving awesomeness cause I'm weird like that[/COLOR]
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      Welsh Prophets are Lost wrote:

      Are you kidding me?

      After seeing your picture on your profile, I can definately say that you're not ugly whatsoever. Not even saying that to try and be nice either.

      Trust me, 80% of the people I see walking around school/town/anywhere are not as good looking as you.

      I feel a bit better knowing that.... but it will be a long time before I finally believe that I am beautiful.
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      A lot of people find motivation at the end of depression. They force themselves to strive to make there life better. Obviously, not everyone is like that and I can see you're not near that point at the moment and I wouldn't really say I was too motivated either as I still haven't found what i'm looking for in life myself.

      I'll tell you something.

      When my uncle commited suicide and my dad found out his ex wife had been cheating on him with one of his best friends, it made my dad also come close to it too. He wrote the note ready. But he just didn't have the guts to do it. Even when he was the alcholic drug fueled man he was back then, something kept him hanging on. It took him years and years to recover from his manic depression, and even now he has his problems but he is probably the most motivated man i've ever known and everyone who knows him has told me that too. He told me, "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger in your head."

      So for example, if you're really really down about your appearance then you could strive to look better to yourself and it would give you more confidence when it comes to be around males. It's times like these where every little lifeline helps.
      The World is heading for mutiny, when all we want is unity.
      We may rise and fall, but in the end, we'll meet our fate together!
      One. Oh One. The only way is[SIZE=4] ONE.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      Welsh Prophets are Lost wrote:

      A lot of people find motivation at the end of depression. They force themselves to strive to make there life better. Obviously, not everyone is like that and I can see you're not near that point at the moment and I wouldn't really say I was too motivated either as I still haven't found what i'm looking for in life myself.

      I'll tell you something.

      When my uncle commited suicide and my dad found out his ex wife had been cheating on him with one of his best friends, it made my dad also come close to it too. He wrote the note ready. But he just didn't have the guts to do it. Even when he was the alcholic drug fueled man he was back then, something kept him hanging on. It took him years and years to recover from his manic depression, and even now he has his problems but he is probably the most motivated man i've ever known and everyone who knows him has told me that too. He told me, "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger in your head."

      So for example, if you're really really down about your appearance then you could strive to look better to yourself and it would give you more confidence when it comes to be around males. It's times like these where every little lifeline helps.

      But I can't look better to myself. That is also the other problem. Anything I do, I get new outfits, do my hair a different way, but I still look at myself in the mirror and cry and have a mental breakdown and have to change my outfit and rip my hair out and wear something that hides my body. And I also don't have any life lines to go out and help me hold on.
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      When you try all these different looks/outfits, are people commenting on them or are they just getting on with the norm when around you?

      One thing i've noticed is that people are most likely to mock what someone is wearing than actually compliment them. I have to admit I do it myself, like for example Lady Gaga... Totally open in saying "Wow that outfit is bizzare".

      Recently i've been unhappy with the style of my hair because it's just really boring and bland (having it cut tomorrow :P) and my friend has a bloody awesome style which is similar to the style i'm after. Sure i'll ask him once briefly "How the hell did you get your hair to look like that?" But I wont totally bombard him with compliments about his hair because it would seem really odd.

      I think a better example is, there is this girl I know who wears a skirt since the weather is getting warm and normally I hate the look of most girls in a skirt but this one girl really suits this skirt well. I know her but not to the point where i'd compliment her about her skirt though as she would think I was coming onto her or whatever you call it when I wouldn't want to do that.

      So what i'm trying to get at is that just because people don't notice or compliment a new look or outfit doesn't mean they think you look ugly.
      The World is heading for mutiny, when all we want is unity.
      We may rise and fall, but in the end, we'll meet our fate together!
      One. Oh One. The only way is[SIZE=4] ONE.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      Welsh Prophets are Lost wrote:

      When you try all these different looks/outfits, are people commenting on them or are they just getting on with the norm when around you?

      One thing i've noticed is that people are most likely to mock what someone is wearing than actually compliment them. I have to admit I do it myself, like for example Lady Gaga... Totally open in saying "Wow that outfit is bizzare".

      Recently i've been unhappy with the style of my hair because it's just really boring and bland (having it cut tomorrow :P) and my friend has a bloody awesome style which is similar to the style i'm after. Sure i'll ask him once briefly "How the hell did you get your hair to look like that?" But I wont totally bombard him with compliments about his hair because it would seem really odd.

      I think a better example is, there is this girl I know who wears a skirt since the weather is getting warm and normally I hate the look of most girls in a skirt but this one girl really suits this skirt well. I know her but not to the point where i'd compliment her about her skirt though as she would think I was coming onto her or whatever you call it when I wouldn't want to do that.

      So what i'm trying to get at is that just because people don't notice or compliment a new look or outfit doesn't mean they think you look ugly.

      Yeah, I can see that. But even then I still think the worst of people thinking of me. Because I have never been called beautiful. Ever.
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      People don't go around calling each other beautiful. "Oh hi, how are you doing? Nice weather, hey? Oh by the way, you're beautiful." It doesn't happen! When was the last time YOU called someone beautiful?? I've only been complimented on my looks like.. 3 times in my entire life, and the first time was about 2 years ago, and I'm 23.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by cool_walking_ ().

    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      I've never had any attention from girls, I don't think a lot of 15-18 year olds are actually too interested in having a relationship. They seem to mainly want just the sex and so on.

      And yes, it isn't exactly normal for people to say "You're hot, beautiful" or whatever unless they're absoloutely steaming.

      The only times i've been complimented on my looks is actually on TH :P
      The World is heading for mutiny, when all we want is unity.
      We may rise and fall, but in the end, we'll meet our fate together!
      One. Oh One. The only way is[SIZE=4] ONE.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      Welsh Prophets are Lost wrote:

      I've never had any attention from girls, I don't think a lot of 15-18 year olds are actually too interested in having a relationship. They seem to mainly want just the sex and so on.

      And yes, it isn't exactly normal for people to say "You're hot, beautiful" or whatever unless they're absoloutely steaming.

      The only times i've been complimented on my looks is actually on TH :P

      Well I want to be that "absolutely steaming" person. I hate my body so much. I feel like making myself throw up the food I ate today. And I usually have to be forced to eat. As for people on here complimenting me, the first time on here, I got a rep down saying, "you are not pretty enough to be seen or wear those goggles."
      so...... I kinda just want to die as it is. I feel I have nothing to love about myself.

      ---------- Post added at 08:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 PM ----------

      cool_walking_ wrote:

      People don't go around calling each other beautiful. "Oh hi, how are you doing? Nice weather, hey? Oh by the way, you're beautiful." It doesn't happen! When was the last time YOU called someone beautiful?? I've only been complimented on my looks like.. 3 times in my entire life, and the first time was about 2 years ago, and I'm 23.

      Everyday I compliment people and mean it.
      well it seems like it... People always tell each other that oh you look gorgeous today. And stuff like that....

      ---------- Post added at 08:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:46 PM ----------

      amhhh wrote:

      its ok sweetie
      life will change
      ur only 16 u got your whole life ahead of you

      No I don't. My life will not change. No one will ever like me.
      I really don't have a "whole life ahead of me".
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      the first time on here, I got a rep down saying, "you are not pretty enough to be seen or wear those goggles."
      Well that person is obviously blind because you're not even wearing goggles :p .

      Ask yourself these questions:

      Why do you want a boyfriend? What do you want from him? Why will you feel better because you have a boyfriend?

      Because I think the answers are mostly things that you can have by yourself.

      Will you feel loved? You already are loved by your friends and family.

      Will you feel beautiful? Only you can make yourself really feel beautiful. I know girls who seriously look like models, who don't think themselves beautiful, so they just disbelieve it whenever someone does compliment them. It's ridiculous. They all compliment EACH OTHER on how great they look. But they don't believe it when it's said about them. They come up with excuses like "oh he didn't really mean it", "he was just being nice", "that was on the internet, it doesn't count", "he must just have really low standards", "oh yeah, so I did get ONE compliment, but that doesn't count because I was also insulted by someone else. the insult is more truthful, obviously!", so they can keep hating themselves. Change is hard. It's hard to change your thinking, to allow yourself to believe something you're not used to. But a boyfriend can't fix your self-image for you. You have to do it yourself. You have to tell yourself that you're beautiful.
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      cool_walking_ wrote:

      Well that person is obviously blind because you're not even wearing goggles :p .

      Ask yourself these questions:

      Why do you want a boyfriend? What do you want from him? Why will you feel better because you have a boyfriend?

      Because I think the answers are mostly things that you can have by yourself.

      Will you feel loved? You already are loved by your friends and family.

      Will you feel beautiful? Only you can make yourself really feel beautiful. I know girls who seriously look like models, who don't think themselves beautiful, so they just disbelieve it whenever someone does compliment them. It's ridiculous. They all compliment EACH OTHER on how great they look. But they don't believe it when it's said about them. They come up with excuses like "oh he didn't really mean it", "he was just being nice", "that was on the internet, it doesn't count", "he must just have really low standards", "oh yeah, so I did get ONE compliment, but that doesn't count because I was also insulted by someone else. the insult is more truthful, obviously!", so they can keep hating themselves. Change is hard. It's hard to change your thinking, to allow yourself to believe something you're not used to. But a boyfriend can't fix your self-image for you. You have to do it yourself. You have to tell yourself that you're beautiful.

      I did have a picture up before when I first started. And I took it down.

      I want to feel normal and loved. And feel that I'm worth someone's time, and have someone there who loves me for who I am. And help me, and so i never have to be alone again.

      I will. Because my family and friends don't really show it.
      And how can I be beautiful when I'm so fat. No one will love me. I just want to rip apart my body because of it. And I say those same things. But mine when I say it are actually true... because I'm not beautiful I'm so fat. And ugly that I just want to hurt myself and make myself beautiful with a knife.

      ---------- Post added at 11:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 AM ----------

      americanlebanese wrote:

      Honestly, you ARE beautiful.
      Please don't kill yourself.

      But I'm so fat. How can I be beautiful.
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      Love doesn't come from looking like a model.

      Love is developed when getting to know someones personality through attraction/interest.

      I don't know if you actually are that overweight or not, from your current profile picture your face looks totally healthy.

      I myself used to be quite fat as a child but i've lost loads of weight, apparently so much that now my family think i'm anorexic. I feel healthy, but I could be really healthy if I was determined to take on a sport properly but i'm satisfied to the point that there is no rush.

      If you think you're really that fat then you can always replace the knife with a gym bag, a knife wont make you lose weight. If you think you can improve your diet then that can also really help but I know it's not easy to do so for some from experience.

      Boys are more likely to want to get to know a girl who is just herself and doesn't worry/punish herself about the way she looks.

      Not everyone is in a happy loving relationship/marriage, and I would say that it is actually quite rare to see a teenager in one. A lot of the time they don't help at all.
      The World is heading for mutiny, when all we want is unity.
      We may rise and fall, but in the end, we'll meet our fate together!
      One. Oh One. The only way is[SIZE=4] ONE.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      And I say those same things. But mine when I say it are actually true.
      No. You ain't special.

      Dude, you've just been telling yourself that you're ugly and fat for so long, that it seems that way. People get used to beliefs, and it seems like they're real, rather than just opinions. If someone tells you enough times that the sky is made of bananas, I'm sure you'd believe that eventually, too.
    • Re: Honestly I don't know any reasons why I should stay alive.

      Welsh Prophets are Lost wrote:

      Love doesn't come from looking like a model.

      Love is developed when getting to know someones personality through attraction/interest.

      I don't know if you actually are that overweight or not, from your current profile picture your face looks totally healthy.

      I myself used to be quite fat as a child but i've lost loads of weight, apparently so much that now my family think i'm anorexic. I feel healthy, but I could be really healthy if I was determined to take on a sport properly but i'm satisfied to the point that there is no rush.

      If you think you're really that fat then you can always replace the knife with a gym bag, a knife wont make you lose weight. If you think you can improve your diet then that can also really help but I know it's not easy to do so for some from experience.

      Boys are more likely to want to get to know a girl who is just herself and doesn't worry/punish herself about the way she looks.

      Not everyone is in a happy loving relationship/marriage, and I would say that it is actually quite rare to see a teenager in one. A lot of the time they don't help at all.

      Yeah but that attraction/interest no one has in me. See the problem. And I wouldn't cut myself to feel better. I would cut all the fat off of my body. And I'm pretty much stopping eating all together. but no one wants to get to know me. I only do this type of thing when I'm alone or by myself in a room. So no one usually thinks anything is wrong, until I tell them. but the thing is I punish myself because I was made fun of by boys for how I looked when I was younger. that's why i think they won't like me now, and that's why I also punish myself because I want someone to like me, but they won't because of how I look.

      ---------- Post added at 12:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:16 PM ----------

      cool_walking_ wrote:

      No. You ain't special.

      Dude, you've just been telling yourself that you're ugly and fat for so long, that it seems that way. People get used to beliefs, and it seems like they're real, rather than just opinions. If someone tells you enough times that the sky is made of bananas, I'm sure you'd believe that eventually, too.

      I bet I would.
      But no one or anything tells me I'm beautiful so how can I start to believe that when nothing proves it.