Students advice for their last year of high school

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    • Students advice for their last year of high school

      Hello everyone. I hope there are others out here in my position too so I am not only writing this to help solve my own issues. I am currently a junior that will be graduating in 2012. I need advice because I am not the best student. I've gotten C's and D's which have led me to a 2.2295 cumulative GPA on my unofficial transcipt. I am very dissapointed in myself and feel like a terrible student because I am 286 out of 392 students. My grandfather is always telling me "The key to a successful like is getting good grades to get a scholarship. I feel like I will not be able to get one with those kind of grades! Another question I am asking you all for help is do you think I will be able to raise my GPA at the end of next year to a 3.5 atleast?
    • Re: Students advice for their last year of high school

      im finishing next year too, but im in Scotland so im not so sure about the whole GPA thing :S

      i suppose the one thing to do is make sure you've got out of school activities (collages and uni's always look at these things as they represent you. try keep them in line with what you want to be e.g. teacher, babysit or help at a nursery or daycare at weekends.

      try find what held you back this year? not studying enough? make a timetable, set days to do homework, revise subjects you had when you get home :)
      [FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Purple"]And the clouds are marching along singing a song <3:fangirl:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]