How do you cope with life?

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    • How do you cope with life?

      First of: Hi, im new here so if anyone should read this, hi Im Ali. I guess I couldnt help but gravitate towards this section of forums, I was diagnosed with depression about 6 months ago. Though I dont think depression is the only thing wrong with me but anyways I wont bore you with the sad, melodramatic details of my life. I dont take medication due to the optimism of my psychiatrist and the only way I really go through the motions of daily life, the only way i can cope is with music. I used to get through life by planning out my suicide but that was a fail- then there was drugs and drinking-but now I depend on music so much I dont know what I'd do without it. How do you cope day to day?

    • Re: How do you cope with life?

      I pretty much do the same and use music. In my school if we're working on a worksheet or walking through the halls we're allowed to listen to our ipods. That four minutes between each class just lost in music really does make a difference.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: How do you cope with life?

      Rather than plan out suicide, try planning out some constructive goal, like (I don't know what you interests are, other than music, apparently) learning an instrument.

      I think music would be a big one for me, too. And comedy movies, funny/cute youtube videos, etc. can be a quick mood-lifter. Sometimes, taking a walk can do the trick for me - I tend to get all awestruck by seeing the flowers, trees, clouds, and such :blush: :p .
    • Re: How do you cope with life?

      ^ It doesn't necessarily matter what happened to you :P . WHATEVER happened, if you like the way you used to deal with things better than how you deal now, just make yourself act like that again. It's hard to break habits, and I know it's easy to get discouraged if, when you try, you still keep falling into them. But if you keep working at it, you get there eventually. You just have to learn to "catch yourself" when you are doing something you don't really want to be doing.
    • Re: How do you cope with life?

      When life gets me down, I ignore it, eat cake and masturbate. Seriously, there's no point being sad about things I can't change, so I keep living and try to have fun, regardless of what's happening around me. Cutting myself or being really fucking depressing all the time solves nothing.
    • Re: How do you cope with life?

      The question itself isn't right. You don't "cope" with life. I do nothing to "cope" with life. Life is freaking cool as hell. I don't cope with it. I live it. Everyday shit happens. Some cool, some less than cool. But that's life. Thinking everything's horrible only makes it so. How you think it how it will seem to be. I seriously look forward to all of it.

      But I would say that at the point you're at now, embrace what you do have. If music is all you have then be happy about that. Everyday you have something to look forward to, something that will put a smile on your face when everything else just can't.

      Then find sources that will help you change how you view everything else.
      [COLOR="black"]When I'm not fighting mountain lions for sport, I read about broken homes, teenage depression, and other such life-improving awesomeness cause I'm weird like that[/COLOR]
    • Re: How do you cope with life?

      Ali, I'm in the same boat as you so I know how it feels. I've actually had depression since I was 2, and bipolarness runs in the family and I'm suspecting I have that from the way I am at times. I own a large video game collection (Classic stuff, mostly) keeps me occupied for hours on end. When I'm not collecting or playing...often times I read or drink (energy drinks...but I might do alcohol once I'm 21). A lot of times (and I apologize if this sounds perverted), when I'm under stress, I find masterbation to be a good reliever. It's almost better than getting high.