My life in a nutshell

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    • My life in a nutshell

      So ... I'm a 16 years old and a junior in high school.I have never had a withstanding relationship or actually kissed a girl and had it mean something. My biggest problem is that feel when I am in School I act like an "idiot", although my grades have dropped I am still around an 85.I have "idiot" in quotations because it actually came directly from a teacher... yeah that felt great. I am not disliked in school, and in fact i think that most people like me. My biggest issue that I believe they think of me as a simple minded ...well "idiot". I am not the most social, but not like a hermit or anything...I started at middle linebacker on varsity football team and also run track.I think i act stupid in school..because if I dont I sit there in silence and rehash some unpleasant memories.A couple years ago I used to like a cute, smart, and attractive girl and I knew she liked me, and I never acted upon these thoughts. I still punish myself for this.... I have recently texted her and asked her very politely if she like to go out on a date and she sorta blew me off. A year later started "IM" ing a attractive,smart, and amazing girl. I fell for her and believe she fell for me....We talked for couple months and I finally asked her out and she said yes and we went out for three days. She then text ed me three days later and randomly ended it... after this couple of months of talking. i also blame myself for this... We didn't hang out over these three days and I feel that she thought that was some creepy guy that just wanted to talk to her on the internet. IDk....A month ago we had prom and I was the only person without a date...there really wasn't anyone for me to ask...this was also very depressing. I just sat there alone while everyone danced. This has recently caused me to think what it would be like if werent here any more...would people care?....or would they just be like whatever one less idiot to worry about...I have no intentions of committing suicide, I have just been asking myself these questions....I feel as though my class mates don't know me for who I really am...This is very depressing...I feel as though girls just think I am some goofball Idiot that is too preoccupied with acting stupid to be serious with someone. Can some one relate?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Albaneasy ().

    • Re: My life in a nutshell

      Be yourself as lame as it sounds, and you will find true friends, and a girl who will love you for you, not the facade you throw around yourself. I had a similar situation as you, where I would act the way I wanted others to perceive me but I was unhappy and I felt like my friends weren't really my friends. So, one day I happened to meet a small group of people, 3 guys and 3 girls. They were considered "emo's because of the way they looked and the music they listened to, but they were the best people I've ever met in my life and I can be myself around them and at the same time, be happy with who I am. Of course people perceive me to be an emo now, even though I don't look or dress like one, but I am happier now then I was one year ago with those people. I've also found a girl who likes me for me. Sorry to bore you with my story, just wanted to persuade you to be yourself. :)
    • Re: My life in a nutshell

      I'm 18 and I've never had a girlfriend or kissed a girl. But the past year (my senior year) I intended to make it the best year possible. And I did. With positive thinking and will, you can control the way your life goes. A lot of people will come and go in your life. Very few will stay. But those few are those that will make a difference.

      Good luck. PM if you need anything :)