I need help.. let me explain.. URGENT!

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    • I need help.. let me explain.. URGENT!

      There's this guy, I've liked him almost all year. We dated for a day, but he has commitment issues, so it was only a day. I've liked him ever since. It was a long time ago..
      He was talking to my bestfreind, (she only kinda knew I like him) and they were texting about sex. Like, sexting. She told him him she would have sex with him over spring break, and then she changed her mind. He got really pissed off. Then in one of my classes with him I asked him what was going on, and we started talking about sex... We were just both really curious. Anywayz, we starting talking about having sex. Then we sexted later that evening into the next day. We weren't technically "going out" but we were still talking about having sex, so I tried to get him to date me. Then he started talking about how he still had a crush on 2 other girls. It kindof spiralled out of control, and yeah. The texting stopped.
      The monday after that weekend he went to guidance and told the school about what I did. I got in big trouble, where I was even called down to the principals office. Now he won't talk to me. At all. Nada. And I still like him a TON. I think about him every moment of every second of each day because I miss him so much. I'm depressed. Like not the stupid thing where you just say your depressed, but where NOTHING can make me happy, because everything makes me think of him. Whenever I see him, it triggers memories to flash back. He thinks I'm like stalking him or something becasue I keep staring at him... My friend says I'm in love with him.. Idk what to think. I miss him so much...
      Okay, I was texting this girl who talks to him a lot and telling her what happened and how much I miss him, and she offered to tell him how I feel since he wouldn't talk to me. She did, and he asked to talk to me at lunch. We talked, sortof.. I was SO beyond nervous to talk to him again that I couldn't even talk.. Couldn't even breath... I lost the chance of what I've been wanting to do for 2 months. At art, our last class of the day, he kept asking to talk to me again. He told me to follow him to his locker and tell him how I feel. So I did. Kinda. I was still freaking out... I couldn't get the words off my tongue. But we did talk some, and now I think if I can talk to him again I will be able to. Later today there is this thing going on called the Luau, where all the graduating 8th graders have a party. I think he's going but I'm not sure. If he does go, I need to get his attention and talk to him again. How do I do that? And how do I be confident and not freak out if I talk to him again? I've had the conversation with him in my head a hundred times last night.. even in my dreams... but it just never comes out right when I actually can talk to him... Help? PLEASE? I want him to like me again... I can't take much more of the depression.. the missing him. Anything is gladly appreciated. Thankyou for taking your time to read all of this. :)
      Take Risks. Do things beyond your boundaries. If you don't, you'll never know what you missed! :kiss:
    • Re: I need help.. let me explain.. URGENT!

      Yellowbear09 wrote:

      The monday after that weekend he went to guidance and told the school about what I did. I got in big trouble, where I was even called down to the principals office. Now he won't talk to me. At all. Nada. And I still like him a TON.

      So he got you in trouble.. then refuses to talk to you.. and you still like him? That's not right =/ I would be leery about his intentions, but that's just my opinion.

      Keep yourself confident. If you want to talk to him, then talk to him. Just simply go up and say hi. Then say what you need to say. Tell him you've been nervous about talking to him and didn't know what to say, but you wanted to talk to him regardless. And tell him how you feel.

      If things don't go well, or he acts like a jerk, then you should give up on him. Because he seems to be leading you on and toying with you. If things DO work out, then that's great and you can be happy. :p
      Need help or just want to talk? PM me. :)
      "It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate, that's a skill. Do it."
    • Re: I need help.. let me explain.. URGENT!

      Organise a day to spend with him where u both can talk in private . .tell him how you feel but dont act desperate. im kind of having the same problem at the moment but me and my guy are best friends :/ .. ask him if he would like to try dating again and see how it goes. i know how you feel and hope this helps.