Friends with Benifits

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    • Re: Friends with Benifits

      You two girls need to shut the fuck up, Tori and 'Bella' (sorry forgot your real name, I always forget bitches) and stop going around being trolls and assholes to everybody in teen sexuality.

      Seriously its fucking me off, sure she made a mistake that she told him she loved him, but that was the point of this thread, we sorted that, giving her shit for her age and everything else isnt helping and isnt doing jack shit, its like you were laying into the other girl for being engaged.

      Times are changing, it does seem fucken young to me too, I was 15 when I had my first kiss so this does seem young, but I dont hold it against anybody and if they are mature enough to have safe sex and be good about it, then who the hell cares.

      So stupid you go around talking shit and then backing eachother up like sissy ex girlfriends trying to cause shit with guys, makes you two both look like cowards who have nothing better to do than bully other girls on the internet, expecially in an advice forum where you ARE HERE TO HELP not to give them so much shit they leave teenhut or worse.
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    • Re: Friends with Benifits

      Well alls you can do is be truthful and tell him you dont want a relationship and you dont love him like that (so he doesnt keep trying to convince himself you do love him) and that you still want the sex (b/c its great and he'll have something to be confident about) and whatever happens happens. And let me just say having sex with a sex buddy is much better than having sex while in a relationship;)
      [SIZE=4]Nothing Gold Can Stay[/SIZE]
    • Re: Friends with Benifits

      Cheerleader8743 wrote:

      If me or my mom got paid for sex we would be rich!

      That could mean a couple things.

      Kevmo7 wrote:

      You two girls need to shut the fuck up, Tori and 'Bella' (sorry forgot your real name, I always forget bitches) and stop going around being trolls and assholes to everybody in teen sexuality.

      Seriously its fucking me off, sure she made a mistake that she told him she loved him, but that was the point of this thread, we sorted that, giving her shit for her age and everything else isnt helping and isnt doing jack shit, its like you were laying into the other girl for being engaged.

      Times are changing, it does seem fucken young to me too, I was 15 when I had my first kiss so this does seem young, but I dont hold it against anybody and if they are mature enough to have safe sex and be good about it, then who the hell cares.

      So stupid you go around talking shit and then backing eachother up like sissy ex girlfriends trying to cause shit with guys, makes you two both look like cowards who have nothing better to do than bully other girls on the internet, expecially in an advice forum where you ARE HERE TO HELP not to give them so much shit they leave teenhut or worse.

      It's not our faults we both get annoyed at the same stupid shit. :D

      People will always talk about you
      Might as well give them something to talk about
    • Re: Friends with Benifits

      Its not hurtful to me, I make girls like you cry all the time because they obviously act like bitches and bullies because of there past, so thats not a problem, but its the innocent people on here that might be young and just asking for some help that do get hurt by the things you say to them, so knock it off.
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    • Re: Friends with Benifits

      Bella wrote:

      She is definitely not innocent. You're telling me to be nice and then say you make people cry all the time? Practice what you preach

      Learn to read.

      Who cares if she is innocent or not, it has nothing to do with the problem she had or the questions she was asking.

      I said girls like YOU the ones that pick on other people and think there so much better than everybody else
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    • Re: Friends with Benifits

      Whatever helps you sleep at night, bro. :rolleyes:
      But uh, no, I don't think I'm better than anyone, and I've never been picked on.(Plus side of having everyone think your about to bring a gun to school) xD I just don't understand why there are all these 12/13/14 year olds running around acting like sex is something every single kid does and they have to have it with everyone to have any fun. I'm not one that believes in abstinence or anything, but I do think it's freaking crazy to be having lose, casual sex when you should be watching Hannah Montana with your friends and gushing over kittens and puppies.
      I didn't care that this girl was having sex at 15, or that she was using some guy to get it. I was going to just ignore the thread. But when you see that she's been having casual sex for two years, with multiple guys, her mom is okay with it, and she acts like it's absolutely nothing and will do whatever it takes to get it....well it's just a bit astounding. Is this what the world is really coming to? Training kids to act like prostitutes? I made my previous question to her sound like a joke, but it could have been taken seriously to. The way it sounds, she could be one, with her mom making money from it. I don't mean it in exactly a negative way, though it's certainly not a compliment.
      I just find it sad that these little kids are in such a hurry to grow up and act so mature(though really, they're acting really immature in this way), when I can remember always wanting to never grow up. And still do. Childhood doesn't last forever, and it's a wonderful thing. Why are kids so willing to just give it up?
    • Re: Friends with Benifits

      Cheerleader8743 wrote:

      Okay, so i am in a bit of a sticky situation. I have had this guy friend for a year or two and we are just friends with benifits. Aka. sex buddies. I always have told him that i loved him, just cuz it made the sex better. But he told me a couple hours ago that he really did love me. I dont want a relationship with him but i still wanna bone him! I have NO clue what to do... please help!

      well. i would give some advice, but well your'e banned so it would be slightly pointless...
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