I dont know how i feel about this guy.

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    • I dont know how i feel about this guy.

      :confused:SO i met this guy at this party and there was mutual interest, we started to get to know each other. We made out and such (lol) and then he tried to take of my pants. Of course i stopped him, because I'm for one: a virgin, and plus i hadn't known him for that long. aka 2 hours. He kept subtly pushing it (he clearly wanted some), but i denied him, which he sort of respected, but kept asking about it.
      However, the next morning we had a really cute time playing on the piano together and playing card games until i had to go to work in the afternoon. He kept asking if he could bring my food on my dinner break and stuff like that. But already had plans with a friend, so i told him that. So the next night he invites me to a party, but he's leaving as i get there because i work late. Anyway, so the next night i went over to his house, there was about 10 people there, and basically i was exhausted and decided that i wanted to go home. Well he wanted to show me his bedroom, so i grudgingly went up to his room with him and he kept urging me to stay at his house for the night and blah blah. he wouldn't let it go. but i put my foot down, and he finally let it go. but i texted him until i fell asleep that night, and he asked me if i would "spend the night" at his house the next night. and i responded with a "you really want to sleep with me don't you?" and got a "Mhmm :)" back.
      He's told me that he's famous (i would think notorious) for going fast physically and slow emotionally, when i'm the complete opposite.
      Basically i can't tell if he likes me, or if he just wants some action.
    • Re: I dont know how i feel about this guy.

      The two aren't mutually exclusive, and it doesn't make him some heartless scumbag. I think it's probably true that you don't really know someone, their full, honest, and defenseless self, until after physical intimacy, and would therefore be key to something more emotional. It's your choice. If you're looking for some magical story book first time on the beach, then this probably isn't it. If that isn't a concern...
      [COLOR="black"]When I'm not fighting mountain lions for sport, I read about broken homes, teenage depression, and other such life-improving awesomeness cause I'm weird like that[/COLOR]
    • Re: I dont know how i feel about this guy.

      Whoa haha, kind of a red flag right there isn't it? I'd say just from reading that he just wants to hit it & quit it. Also, would you really want to be with someone whose notorious for sex?
      [CENTER]To the dumb question, 'Why me?' the cosmos barely bothers to return the reply, 'Why not?[/CENTER]