My friends don't like my girlfriend, and her friends don't know me..advice please!

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    • My friends don't like my girlfriend, and her friends don't know me..advice please!

      i've just started going out with a girl that i've liked for 6 months, she's 15, and i'm 16. I've just left high school and she's going into the last year.
      so because we are in different years, i don't know her friends at all, and my friends don't like her due to some problems me and her had before we started going out..
      so the thing is, she's quite shy and i'm not overly confident when it comes to girlfriends, i'm worrying that spending time with just her, walks/each others houses, could get a little boring and awkwardy silences, which could be prevented if i/she knew her/my friends, and we went out in a group rather just me and her.
      what doesn't help the fact is that we live in the most boring place in england and there's never much to do..

      i tend to worry and stress alot as you can probably tell -_-

      any advice would be much appreciated!
    • Re: My friends don't like my girlfriend, and her friends don't know me..advice please

      Why don't you suggest she she introduces you to her friends? I also think you should try talking to your friends about how they need to give her another chance. Do you know some things that she's in to? I think things will only get silent if you let them. Just try to think of a few things to talk to her about before you two hang out so you always have another subject prepared in case it does happen to get silent. I think that once you get a conversation going at first though, things should just continue to flow.

      Like I said, have her talk to her friends about meeting you, and talk to your friends about meeting her and giving her another chance.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: My friends don't like my girlfriend, and her friends don't know me..advice please

      Well really, you don't require a group. Find something(s) you guys both enjoy, and use them as conversation starters. If you don't know her friends, then don't stress about it. One day you may get the chance to meet them, and if you want, take up the offer. Get to know her friends a little so you can keep up if she should choose to talk about them.
      And remember, not all silences have to be awkward. If you are in a relationship where both of you are comfortable with the other, then the occasional silence shouldn't be awkward.
      Unfortunately, you're going to have to work through the shyness/lack of outgoingness, but when you do, I think you'll find it's rather worth it. You guys don't have to be the most talkative, outgoing couple, but certainly try to become comfortable around each other.
      Try going to movies you would both enjoy. You aren't required or expected to talk, and it'll give you something to talk about for the next day or two.
    • Re: My friends don't like my girlfriend, and her friends don't know me..advice please

      The advice would be to stop stressing, and just have fun with both parties, her and your friends.

      And what's the deal with the fear of awkward silences/boredom with your own girlfriend. Why are you with her then? How the hell did you even meet or talk, build chemistry or a friendship if you guys fear even talking to each other? You don't get into a relationship with someone who brings out the boring in you.
      [COLOR="black"]When I'm not fighting mountain lions for sport, I read about broken homes, teenage depression, and other such life-improving awesomeness cause I'm weird like that[/COLOR]
    • Re: My friends don't like my girlfriend, and her friends don't know me..advice please

      thanks guys,
      also what could we do when meeting up, like things to go/do as going on walks around the village or cinema gets a bit repetitive after a while lol.

      @adamalv: we got talking through texts and facebook, and decided to meet up, the silences aren't a huge problem just happens every now and again which i believe is normal..i didn't say i fear talking to her
    • Re: My friends don't like my girlfriend, and her friends don't know me..advice please

      That's true. Go on little dates to a restaurant or cafe. Find out what she likes to do. Find some common ground and see what you guys like. Heck, you guys don't even have to do anything too complex. Go on simple little picnics in a park. Watch a movie/show/play a game/ect in your/her home. Just find things you guys both enjoy. Once you become truly comfortable around each other, the places will hardly matter, so long as you're together.