The Job Search

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    • The Job Search

      Hi all, I'm looking for my first job for this summer and I was wondering if anyone has any advice? I applied at Kroger just under 2 weeks ago, Wendy's the day after that, and Marc's last Saturday... I haven't heard back from any of them yet but I guess that's normal? I turned 16 a few months ago and just got my license, and my parents will let me drive a family vehicle if I get a job so there aren't many limitations. The only potential problem is that my dad doesn't really want me working when school starts but he said that If I get good grades the first quarter I can work during the school year...

      If anyone could answer any of the following questions it would be great!
      • Should I do anything after sending in my application to get the job?
      • Can I work durring the summer and quit when school starts?
      • Will I be able to get a job back if I quit for school but my dad decides to let me work?
      • Should I apply at more places/where?
      • Any other genral advice?

      Thanks a lot :D
    • Re: The Job Search

      I usually call a week or two after I applied to follow up and give them a little reminder that I applied. Sometimes they get busy or just forget that they have applications. Just remember that you're young and you don't have very much experience, so they usually tend to offer those with more experience the job first.

      Like I said, call and follow up with the application. Just say that you filled one out a week or two ago and you're just calling to follow up/see if there was any word back on it yet.

      Are you planning on working part time or full time during the summer? I'm sure it wouldn't be an issue with you working during the school year part time, you'll just have to talk with your boss about it and make sure its okay with them.

      Odds are, probably not unless you talk to your boss about that. Usually they like to have full staff on hands and if you leave, they'll probably hire someone else. Just let them know that you'd love to be able to still work there that next summer, they might be able to make arrangements for you.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: The Job Search

      Thanks! I think that tomorrow I'll start calling places, I talked to my friend who works at Kroger currently and he also said that might be a a good idea.

      I'm hoping to work full time this summer if possible, I have practice for Cross Country from 8 - 9ish in the morning weekdays but otherwise I'm free. I'm also going to try to talk to my dad and see if I can work the first 9 weeks, but I'd rather wait until closer to the start of school once I've had the job a while. We'll see how that goes...