My problem with a girl!

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    • My problem with a girl!

      Hey been a while since I have been on this site> so hellowww everyone !!
      <sorry but I need to rant and rave>

      1.The problem
      Oky so I have no problem talking/getting girls but 4 Weeks ago I met this girl (same age), and we hit it off ...I knew her before the occasion but not very well ... This was a restaurant/bar so I asked her if she wants to take a walk (me and her both a bit drunk) we walled all around the mall the bar was at talked for a hour or so, she told me her and her friends think I am totally hot and very big/strong , I said that she is hot/beautiful too ... We almost made out a couple of times but this was the kind of girl I want a relationship with no a random one night stand so I didn’t kiss her .
      So I told her I am going to do this right...
      So 2 weeks passed we talked every night on the phone and bbm'd the whole day saw each other every other day but no kissing and I took it slow. So one day I told her I like her over the phone and she started telling me I shouldn't and stuff like that, we fought a bit. I went on flirting and enjoying the buildup to a relationship ... when we saw each other we held hands hugged touched each other a lot smiled and talked more and one day out of the blue just after I asked her on a date she said , "I don’t want to hurt you" to witch I responded what a load of f**king crap ... I told her I liked her and she said no I shouldn’t and stuff like that i proceeded to tell her no you won’t and suff like that then she said we can’t be together because of our friends . Witch again was total fu**ing bul**it. so we stopped talking for a few days ... Then one night she texted me "goodnight** :) sweet dreams" which I taught was just like friends say, you know …But after that we started talking/flirting/calling again and we were heading to something great so I asked her out again she said yes ..... we were together 6h that day at a mall and we held each other’s hands and hugged ,almost kissed 2 times (i was too scared) throughout the day everything went well we had eye contact spoke laughed all the sign’s where there and then when I said goodbye to her she gave me a kiss and walked off..... So I left it at that and hour later I texted her "hey was really fun ... How about I take you out tomorrow" she said “ no cant going to a show but how about Saturday" so I was glad and thought yes she likes me .... a few minutes later I got a bbm from her
      "I need to talk to you" so I said yes ... she proceeded to tell me "I just want to be friends" I was so f**king hurt and astonished because of the good day we had and then I asked her "why" she again said she doesn’t want to get hurt and she does not know me to well enough etc. I told her I don’t want to be friends I want to be more then friends and I will not be able to be her friend .... ... so I decided FUCK THAT BITCH and bbm'd her "fuck you and goodbye",
      I got a reply ... " why you saying that"
      so I said "because I am not interested in your shit-" and closed the chat.
      A day later we walk into eachgoter at a rock show … So I called here to one side and again we talked about it and each time it’s a different story from her. Then she is very nice and goes out with me/likers me, then she just wants to be friends, then I am too nice, then she doesn’t want to get hurt and so on

      2. The question(s)

      1. Why did the girl not tell me from the beginning "hey I am not interested … plz fuckoff”
      2. Why did she keep flirting and talking to me for hours on the phone
      3. Why did she keep telling me she is going to kiss me in the mall and "next time you see me why don’t you just start kissing me" and holing my hand all the time and touching me?
      4. Thinks she has a low self-esteem that's why she fucks me around like that or what
      5. Does she just want someone to like her without feeling anything in return? Because she likes the attention
      6. Why are girls so … Urg , Difficult

      WHY CANT I JUST BE HAPPY ... I want a relationship, not just random things with girls......................

      hahaha bit intoxicated at the moment that is why I am so depressed about this !!!!!
      I would understand if no one reply’s, I just needed to rant and rave about this! Tnx for this awesome forum!
    • Re: My problem with a girl!

      Hey, to me it sounds like she had a bad relationship b4 maybe or something like that. Seems like she doesn't know wat to decide, when she's with u-she wants to be with u, when shes alone-she thinks about it more and is more cautious. Its unfair to you that she's ) I would just talk to her, have an open conversation, and tell her that the mixed messages are confusing you.
      Sorry I'm not best at this advice, but i definetly agree with markj do what you think is right.
      :)Always stand up for whats right even if your standing alone:)