Kissing advice

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    • Kissing advice

      Ok, so i have my 1st boyfriend, and he told me he wants to go the traditional route and be committed before we kiss. now we are committed, its going to happen soon. I'm excited but nervous. Everyone says their first kiss is awkward and awful, is this always the case? and does it all happen naturally or does it help to know some things about it 1st? if so what things? please help :)
    • Re: Kissing advice

      I think having a conversation is awkward afterwards. If anything, look into his eyes, hold his hands, even hug him. There's no garuantee that the first kiss will be the best, but it definitely is one of the most exciting.

      So really, for a first kiss, just aim for the lips, I guess. Lip balm/gloss definitely makes it nicer, make sure you don't have chapped lips, and it should be something you two will hopefully rememer. :)
    • Re: Kissing advice

      Hipster wrote:

      I think having a conversation is awkward afterwards. If anything, look into his eyes, hold his hands, even hug him. There's no garuantee that the first kiss will be the best, but it definitely is one of the most exciting.

      So really, for a first kiss, just aim for the lips, I guess. Lip balm/gloss definitely makes it nicer, make sure you don't have chapped lips, and it should be something you two will hopefully rememer. :)

      Correct! Just stress it too much. =) It might be awkward, but it won't be awful unless you make it that way. Just enjoy it and be happy. And then afterwards, cuddle. You don't have to talk or anything. Just kiss, smile, hug, and cuddle.

      Have fun and happy kissing! ^^
      Need help or just want to talk? PM me. :)
      "It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate, that's a skill. Do it."
    • Re: Kissing advice

      Not necessarily. Everyone is different. ^^
      My first kiss was very casual, and semi-expected, because he told me minutes before that he wanted to kiss me, but didn't want my first kiss to be bad.
      It was quick, and we still talked afterwards and had a great time. There was nothing awful or awkward about it. ^^
      Just relax, be calm, and don't make a big deal about it if it doesn't go right. If you're nervous about things being awful, make it a quick and simple kiss. Nothing too deep. Just something to say, "Yep, I've been kissed." and work on kissing later. :)
    • Re: Kissing advice

      Mine was awkward, but thats because I made it I didn't want to kiss him because I was a nervous wreck, so he got my cousin so talk to me outside my school and kind of corner me, and he sort of like, barged in and kissed me and a giant group formed and there was a bug in my hair and it was just AWKWARD.

      But seriously, it's nothing.. I was nervous for nothing, don't fret, you can't really ruin it or mess up too bad, plus its your first kiss, it'll be the kiss you look back on, you don't want to think of youself when you're 50 thinking that you were about to puke you were so nervous. If anything out of the ordinary happens just laugh it off, :)


      People will always talk about you
      Might as well give them something to talk about
    • Re: Kissing advice

      It's not something that's easily describable, so tips won't help. You'll just have to try it. It will happen how it happens. Once it's passed you'll see it was a waste worrying about it.
      [COLOR="black"]When I'm not fighting mountain lions for sport, I read about broken homes, teenage depression, and other such life-improving awesomeness cause I'm weird like that[/COLOR]
    • Re: Kissing advice

      My first kiss wasn't terrible at all. It was adorable and unexpected. My first major boyfriend and I were getting back together after a short breakup and he just grabbed my chin and turned my face up to his and kissed me to show me how much he'd missed me. So, just relax and don't worry about it too much. It'll work out however it's meant to work out. :] Hug him or hold hands or something while you kiss, and close your eyes. Don't over think it while it's happening or you won't enjoy it was much.
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    • Re: Kissing advice

      It's not awful but it can be awkward.
      The best would be to relax and let things happen naturally and spontaneous.
      Short kiss on the lips would be enough for the first time. Then slowly you can start softening your lips and open them a bit, and then start with some tongue action if you feel like doing it.

      Just don't bite, don't drool and don't have your mouth wide open.

      And don't have some enormous expectations.

      And take it as fun activity, not something deadly serious. So whatever happen it's nce if you can smile, laugh or joke about it.
    • Re: Kissing advice

      Scripted wrote:

      Ok, so i have my 1st boyfriend, and he told me he wants to go the traditional route and be committed before we kiss. now we are committed, its going to happen soon. I'm excited but nervous. Everyone says their first kiss is awkward and awful, is this always the case? and does it all happen naturally or does it help to know some things about it 1st? if so what things? please help :)

      My first kiss was definitely awkward. I had my first kiss and lost my virginity when I was going through a total rough patch in my teen years, and I just had the whole "I want to get these things over with" in my mind. In my opinion your first kiss doesn't always have to be awkward and thinking it's going to be is going to make it awkward anyways.

      I think it's good that you two know each other and are committed before doing any of those things. That is hard to come by nowadays. Just let the moment happen for itself. It may be a little awkward at first, but that isn't because it's silly or stupid, it's just because it's different. Go with the moment.