Help with this girl

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    • Help with this girl

      So there's this girl I reeeaaaalllyyy like
      She is super cute and nice.
      We have been friends since the first grade and were pretty close
      She knows I like her but she is scared of a relationship cause she doesn't trust guys much after her parents divorce
      How can I get her 2 feel more comfortable about relationship/get her closer 2 me etc.:confused
    • Re: Help with this girl

      Become cooler. This girl is NOT going to avoid every guy all her life cause her parents divorced. If you're cool enough, funny enough, awesome enough company, she'll want to be with you more, see you more, be your gf, etc. There's no magic spell anyone can give you, or grand gesture that will work necessarily.
      [COLOR="black"]When I'm not fighting mountain lions for sport, I read about broken homes, teenage depression, and other such life-improving awesomeness cause I'm weird like that[/COLOR]
    • Re: Help with this girl

      I think you just need to work at getting her to trust you. Keep being her friend, spend time with her, let her get to know you even more and don't give her any reason not to trust you. It might take some time, but eventually she'll realise that maybe there's more to gain than there is to lose in having a relationship with you and she'll open up. Try to build up your relationship until you're at the point where you go places and spend a lot of time together anyways. If you move too quickly, she probably won't trust you. So just take your time, let her know she's worth it. I hope that helps!!
      [CENTER][COLOR="Teal"]**I'd rather forget and not slow down**[/COLOR][/CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][/FONT]
    • Re: Help with this girl

      epicninja wrote:

      We've been friends since first grade
      I'm 14 so that's 8 years

      Also for Adams info shes not into u that whole being coil thing
      She cares about personality and beining yourself and that stuff

      I think you just answered your own question in a way. Keep doing what you're already doing. Just be yourself. And give her a little time. I'm sure she'll warm up to the idea once she's comfortable about it. At least you know what she wants. Just keep being there for support, give her a shoulder to cry on if she needs it. When she recovers from that fear, I'm sure she'll give it a try.
    • Re: Help with this girl

      Spend more time with her, do more romantic gestures. So instead of just 'hanging out' ask her to 'go to dinner'. Act, don't say. If you talk about it too much and she's already resistant to the idea, it won't go so well. Just act naturally as if you are together and hopefully it will fall into place. It will get better with time, but if you keep acting like friends that's where you will stay...
      [CENTER][SIZE=4]I need space to discover[/SIZE]
    • Re: Help with this girl

      You guys are young so she probably doesn't really know much about relationships. She grew up with her parents divorcing so that's probably all she really knows. You just need to be there for her. Do nice things for her. Don't rush anything and don't try to push anything on her. Just be a gentleman and take care of her. Let her know that you have her back and that she's protected. Stay by her side no matter what and always be there for her when she needs someone. And don't ever change. Always be yourself. If she likes you then eventually she will understand that she will be safe with you. But if she's not looking for a relationship right now don't give up, just build up to it and don't go too fast.
    • Re: Help with this girl

      WolfgangAmadeus wrote:

      Spend more time with her, do more romantic gestures. So instead of just 'hanging out' ask her to 'go to dinner'. Act, don't say. If you talk about it too much and she's already resistant to the idea, it won't go so well. Just act naturally as if you are together and hopefully it will fall into place. It will get better with time, but if you keep acting like friends that's where you will stay...

      Well I'm not good at the romantic stuff i.e. Flirting
      Also, just a heads up if it's any use, she's kind a tomboy in some ways Wichita doesn't bug me but it effects how she receives my actions etc.