Is there anything wrong with how I live, sleeping with call girls etc?

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    • Is there anything wrong with how I live, sleeping with call girls etc?

      In simple terms, every other friday night i treat myself and go and visit a call girl. I do this for a couple of reasons, one is that it feels like im cheating the system :) Im very ugly and yet Im having sex with women who are easily 8's. Im the nerdy kid in college, the one who is kinda wierd, not the best looking and probably wouldnt have sex until 25, when he meets a woman who has matured enough to look past my outer appearance and apreciate my personality. I would end up marrying this woman, or the next one that came along 3 years later that I met online. She would be a 6 at most, wouldnt age well and we would live an average life with 3 children in a boring house.
      But by doing this Im changing things, Im having sex at 17, 10 years earlier than Im meant to :) I never dreamed Id have sex now, but look at me, every fortnight I get laid :D
      I do fancy a few girls in college, but tbh you dont find many nice girls round here that are also pretty so the few girls that do match that description get snapped up. I have a crush on about 10 girls, 9 have boyfriends and one probably would reject me. The point is, those 9 girls that I would give my left bollok to date, their boyfrieds are having sex with them every week. My frinds with girlfriends, they have sex every week. Why should I miss out on what they get just because I wasnt blessed with great confidence, or looks or charm? I dont even want a girlfriend tbh, I just want casual sex.
      To me, the only perk of a relationship is the ability to have sex whenever you want, and I have that ability.Instead of having the looks and confidence a girl wants, I have the money certain girls want. (btw Im not from a rich family, I just work hard) so why shouldnt I have sex whenever I want?
      Many of my other friends sleep around, getting laid at parties and clubs is second nature to them. Some of these friends are in their teens, some in their 20s, some are male and some are female. But they all have a lot of casual sex. Im friends with a guy whos in his 40s and never settled down, he still sleeps around and couldnt be happier. He, and several of his mates his age have advised us to enjoy our youth, not waste it with relationships as many of them did. I think this is wise advice, and if I could, Id be with my mates in those clubs and at those parties picking up lasses and having casual sex that way. But as I said before, Im lacking in the looks and game department. Even an ugly lass can pick and choose which guy she wants to take home, and even with a severe case of the beer goggles on her part, it still isnt the guys like me. So instead of buying a girl drinks I just give her the money straight off and have sex that way. Im guarunteed a shag, whereas in a club the chances are Ill have wasted my money.
      I know plenty of people will say Im a loser, and I admit it. I am a loser. If I wasnt a loser Id have a fit girlfriend like one of the lasses i fancy, or Id be getting one night stands wit my mates. But Im not, cos Im a loser. Hookers were invented for us losers, its a way for us to cheat, to get laid when were not meant to. Its not perfect for me, but I want sex and Im not going to kid myself into thinking theres any other way
      The only thing I dont like about it is that I dont feel any sense of acheivment. My mates can feel proud of getting a ne night stand, and they can feel proud of getting a nice, pretty gf when so many other guys wanted her. But theres no pride in paying for sex.
      But the pros outweigh the cons
      -Theyre hot
      -Theyre cheaper than dating a girl
      -Theyre experienced
      -Since their job is to provide good, safe sex, a reliable call girl will be cleaner than a bar slut
      -And often theyre nice

      Your thoughts? Am I a bad person?
      sorry it was long, but Ive never told anyone Im not a virgin except my best girl pal and im considering telling everyone so theyll stop teasing me about being a virgin and I can join in when theyre talking about sex. I went to amsterdam with my girl friend and slept with an escort there to lose my virginity and told her about it. She doesnt know about the others though, and no one else knows about amsterdam.

      P.S I know ive mentioned my friends a lot, but I wasnt pressured by them as my closet 3 friends are still virgins. I do this for me, becuase I love sex
    • Re: Is there anything wrong with how I live, sleeping with call girls etc?

      Kinda sad in my opinion but if you like it.... have fun!

      I will just emphasize things that you understand in wrong way:
      1. Im the nerdy kid in college, the one who is kinda wierd, not the best looking and probably wouldnt have sex until 25, when he meets a woman who has matured enough to look past my outer appearance and apreciate my personality. - it can happen when you are 15, if you hang around right girls.
      2. To me, the only perk of a relationship is the ability to have sex whenever you want - it's not true, you can't have sex whenever you want in relationship.
      3.Theyre cheaper than dating a girl - I disagree, I don't demand any money from my BF.

      But considering all you said - you don't want relationship, you just want sex, you don't understand how basic things in relationship work, you are OK with buying sex from those girls - then fucking a prostitute really is a best option for you. So enjoy.

      You can buy sex but you can't buy love. But as you don't need love, I suppose you're OK.
    • Re: Is there anything wrong with how I live, sleeping with call girls etc?

      Women aren't just there for men to look at and have sex with, yet it seems to me that you think that way. You talk about a girl looking past your appearance to your personality, but all you can do is assign them numbers based on their attractiveness, think about sleeping with them and label them as sluts. Until you understand that women are whole people, I can't see you having much luck with them, as a one night stand or a relationship.

      Secondly, (based on the little knowledge I have of prostitution, I'll admit) prostitution as an industry has strong links to drugs; many prostitutes are addicts themselves, working to feed their addiction (95% of street prostitutes are drug addicts, according to the Independent) and trafficking of children. Prostitutes are extremely vulnerable people. Do you really want your money to go to people who do these types of things?

      And of course they're nice to you; they need your money. Just because they're nice to you doesn't mean they want to sleep with you. Maybe this is me not quite understanding the male psyche, but I don't get why you would want to sleep with someone who doesn't want to be there?

      Yes, personally I do think you are a loser, and I hope that if you do get so desperate to be accepted by your friends that you tell them you're not a virgin, they will be shocked and disgusted that you chose to do this.
    • Re: Is there anything wrong with how I live, sleeping with call girls etc?

      stratosfear wrote:

      Women aren't just there for men to look at and have sex with, yet it seems to me that you think that way.
      Until you understand that women are whole people, I can't see you having much luck with them, as a one night stand or a relationship.

      I agree, and I think in that case it's better that he goes to whore then taht he hurts and dissappoints other girls.

      ---------- Post added at 12:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:22 AM ----------

      stratosfear wrote:

      Maybe this is me not quite understanding the male psyche, but I don't get why you would want to sleep with someone who doesn't want to be there?

      Exactly! I don't get it either.

      I would rather masturbate myself knowing that at least everyone involved enjoy, then to have sex with someone who doesn't want it.