How can anyone actually believe in love?

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    • How can anyone actually believe in love?

      Attractive people marry attractive people, or in some cases attractive people marry rich people. The ugly poor people want an attractive/rich person but because theyre ugly and poor they cant get one. so instead they find another ugly/poor person and they settlefor each other because they know its either that or they die alone.
      Some ugly poor men cheat the system by going to asia and finding an attractive young wife there, but that is still not love. She marries him because he is western and wants a green card, and he marries her because she is young, obedient and attractive
      Which leaves me with 5 options
      -I can abandon the disney idea of love and marry in my league, there are plenty of desperate and lonely women and if i can find one that isnt fat ill be happy
      -I can abandon the idea of love and live like my friend Mike, working hard, travelling around the world and never settling down, just sleeping with various girls around the world
      -I can abandon the idea of love and get a thai bride
      -I can abandon the idea of love and kill myself
      -I can become rich and marry a hot woman and know that it is a shallow relationship, but who cares?:D
    • Re: How can anyone actually believe in love?

      So if I'm rich I should marry some idiot just because she is hot, that makes no sense. The fact that you only compare love to how someone looks just seems wrong. Love is based on the personality of the person, how they act, and if the treat you right. But if you don't think love exist then nothing you read on here will change your mind, I just hope that one day you meet someone that will make you think about this.
    • Re: How can anyone actually believe in love?

      trust me, i hope i dont, monogamy looks so boring
      besides, if you honestly believe there is a single attractive woman who has ever married an ugly man for his personality, and he married her for reasons other than that shes hot, then youre deluded
    • Re: How can anyone actually believe in love?

      Perseus wrote:

      Orr.... you show a good personality and find a girl that likes you for who you are and who you like back...


      I mean, depends on your priorities - if you want attractive and rich person then go and get it. If you want nice, smart and caring person then go and get it.
      If you don't want monogamy, if you want new hot girl every week then have it, I don't mind, but IDK why you talk about love then at all.

      I'm average looking and I don't search for ugly guys because they are all I can get, I search for a guy I would like spending time with. And I found him. And I'm with him.

      And Idk why we have to talk only about smoking hot vs ugly people and fabolously rich vs poor people. Most people are in between anyway, and fall in love, marry, cheat, divorce and live happily ever after in that large majority of population.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ivaiva ().

    • Re: How can anyone actually believe in love?

      Love is not based on looks. It is a little but even if someone is amazingly gorgeous and has the most horrible personality, the dater would rather go to an unattractive person with a sweet loving caring deposition. Because if you are going to live and be around that person, no one wants to live with a snobby grouch.
      Have any other concerns or just want to talk? Go ahead. Pm me.
    • Re: How can anyone actually believe in love?

      should I sleep with a prostitute?

      ---------- Post added at 03:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:56 AM ----------

      Dec-03-2010 03:06 PM #1
      Evan Smith
      (Evan Smith)

      Join Date
      June 21st, 2010
      17, Male

      should I sleep with a prostitute?
      ive come to terms with the fact that my chances of getting a girlfriend are slim, not becaus o any faults on my part but because of how few suitable girls there are in my college. most are taken or just want to be friends, or i dont fancy them. I want to lose my virginity, I dot see it as anything special so should i just use an escort? I have money, itll be cheaper than a gf, less heartache, shell be experienced and hopefully blonde. my only problem is, will people think im a loser? im 16 and a virgin
    • Re: How can anyone actually believe in love?

      Evan Smith wrote:

      well put it this way
      if i was to decide to settle down i would of course go for personality over looks
      but lets assume i want a smoking hot girl, a 10.
      would i get her? no.
      because a 10 girl, would not be willing to marry an average guy

      How would you know that? Even if it has happened to you, let me tell you. There are a ton of lovely women out there with decent personalities as well. I may sound clique but the truth is that when you find that one person you truly want to be with and they feel that way too, you look good to her no matter what. So my advice would be to stop worrying about average vs nonaverage and persue after the girl you want to be with. Now, you will get shot down a couple times, even a lot, but if you keep up hope you will find the one you want to be with and visversa, and the rest will be history.
      Have any other concerns or just want to talk? Go ahead. Pm me.