Why cant I get a real girl?

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    • Why cant I get a real girl?

      I dont understand, everyone likes me. I know thats big headed but Im a very likable guy, my female friends especially like me, often saying they cant understand why Im single etc
      I was never properly interested in dating, especially at my age (17) but at the same time Im getting bored of having to pay for sex. Something is missing in my life and I cant put my finger on it, im not lonely, I dont need female attention, I dont need sex. There is nothing a girlfriend could provide that I dont already have, except maybe a sense of acheivment. I mean paying for sex is like cheating, yeah its a sure thing and I love it, but Its not something I can feel proud of. My mates can brag about picking up a lass in a club or at a party and know they have some kind of game, and they can feel proud of having a gf because they know theyre likable in that sense.
      So Ive been trying to get laid, or get a girlfriend and I cant do it. I guess being told how great I am by my girl friends, and months of sleeping with beautiful escorts fortnightly with no effort made me forget one important thing
      Im a fat nery ugly 17 year old who is inexplicably friends with much more handsome people
      So is it any wonder they can get laid and I cant?
      For the first time in my life I felt pathetic. Im not sure Im going to go back to the escort next week, I mean why bother? Im not special, im not handsome, or clever, or interesting and if I didnt have money, then just like every other girl, shed want nothing to do with me. I feel so hopeless, I dont want to be a loser, I dont want to have to settle for a plain jane and not get laid for free until Im 30. How can anyone be such a loser, so unlikable that not a single girl he likes likes him back, and even the sluttiest barfly wouldnt touch him
      I used to have so much self confidence, so much hope for the future, I used to be so happy, now I feel like crying 24/7
    • Re: Why cant I get a real girl?

      Oh come one, STFU!

      You are boring with your topics about girls, hookers, real love and how happy you are to have sex with hookers and how unhappy you are to have sex with hookers.

      If you want real girl and real love then change your asshole attitude. But no one is forcing to have normal and happy love life if you don't want to. If you are OK with paying for sex because of your insecurities, your mysoginic attitudes and you emotional immaturity then go ahead, and pay for sex.
      Who cares?!!!
    • Re: Why cant I get a real girl?

      Evan you say you don't need sex, yet your paying for hookers daily it sounds like. You need to have more confidence in yourself. In my opinion it sounds like your using these escorts as a crutch because you can't find a girl. You need to build some confidence in yourself, say "Ok I know this, this, this could be better about myself (whether it's physically or emotionally) and I need to work to change" and go about changing them.

      The way you talk might also have something do with it, saying "I'm so tired of picking up beautiful escorts all the time" No offense, but to put it frank, you kind of sound like a douche when you say stuff like that. Some girls like that, but 90% of them they won't want anything to do with you.
      [SIZE=3]Check out my music album reviews please :D!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Nikon7: Punctuation Editing ().

    • Re: Why cant I get a real girl?

      i wouldnt say i was an arsehole, im fact im very nice
      i have a lot to work on about myself, but being an arsehole isnt one of them. i should probably improve my looks, and my confidence but im not an arsehole

      i dont want 'real love', i meant i want to have sex without paying for it, with a real girl instead of it being a business transaction
      im very happy to pay for escorts, i love my life
      the only thing im not happy about is that i cant get sex any other way

      ---------- Post added at 09:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:32 PM ----------

      also, only my closest friend knows ive had sex and she only knows about one hooker in holland, not that i do it fortnightly
      when i say im tired of it, i mean if i had a choice, id sooner pay for a different beautiful escort every other week than pay for drinks to get a different average girl into bed every week, or spend money and time dating just one girl (seriously, how do people do that?) to get sex on tap, BUT id like to get sex once without paying in my life just so that i can prove to myself that i am in some way attractive

      ---------- Post added at 09:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:35 PM ----------

      what i meant by the first bit to that previous paragraph is that i dont come off as a douche when i talk about hookers because i never do
    • Re: Why cant I get a real girl?

      I actually don't think you're problem is having to pay for sex... you have other problems, mate, SERIOUS problems. And in my opinion you ARE an a**hole - nice that you don't think so, but when I read things like ''i dont want 'real love', i meant i want to have sex without paying for it'' I'm not surprised you're not getting a girl. I don't wish it to you anyway, better change your attitude. -.-
    • Re: Why cant I get a real girl?

      Evan Smith wrote:

      i dont want 'real love', i meant i want to have sex without paying for it, with a real girl instead of it being a business transaction
      im very happy to pay for escorts, i love my life

      when i say im tired of it, i mean if i had a choice, id sooner pay for a different beautiful escort every other week than pay for drinks to get a different average girl into bed every week, or spend money and time dating just one girl (seriously, how do people do that?) to get sex on tap, BUT id like to get sex once without paying in my life just so that i can prove to myself that i am in some way attractive

      Just STFU Evan, I know you from another forum. You are a troll, it's your strategy, you post few threads about something you will upset us and you keep on trolling.
      Stop doing it because you know some people from this forum need real help and other people are willing to help. So don't bother us with your trolling.

      ---------- Post added at 03:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 AM ----------

      should I sleep with a prostitute?
    • Re: Why cant I get a real girl?

      i dont see why youre saying this guy might be trolling,i think youre the ones who are being unfairly mean to him. he does seem like a genuinley nice guy, sometimes fatedeals guys a bad hand but most guys want to have sex and if the only way he can get it is by paying, then thats sad but a fact of life. not sad in a pathetic way, sad as in upsetting. maybe one day hell change his mind and want love, maybe he wont.
      and i certainly dont see how a desire to have a one night stand makes him a bad person, guys might deny it because they want to seem sweet and caring, but lets face it, if we all want to sleep with lots of beautiful women, we all want to be like Bond or something. some of us are too proud to pay for that experience, evidently he isnt. getting a one night stand in a bar is something millions of guys seem to do but no one knows how, and maybe people should stop ganging up on him for a minute to actually advise him on how to get laid instead of acting all superior
      sorry if ive offended anyone, this is only my 2nd post and id hate to make enemies here already but i wont stand by and let people pick on someone else
    • Re: Why cant I get a real girl?

      If this is real, then that's kinda weird. Personally, I don't go for anyone just by looks. Personality is key, and the fact your saying "getting laid" doesn't mean getting a girlfriend. Having a girlfriend involves friendship, compassion, trust and communication.
      I wouldn't trust a guy who goes to escorts. Gives a very bad reputation.
      I'm sure you're a lovely guy at heart, you just need to get a better reputation, one of your friends might like you, you never know :)
      Sophieeee :hugs:

      "Live the life you love, love the life you live"

      The post was edited 1 time, last by SophieeBabessxo ().

    • Re: Why cant I get a real girl?

      alfie brown wrote:

      i dont see why youre saying this guy might be trolling,i think youre the ones who are being unfairly mean to him. he does seem like a genuinley nice guy, sometimes fatedeals guys a bad hand but most guys want to have sex and if the only way he can get it is by paying, then thats sad but a fact of life.

      Because 1 year ago he was telling similar bu not exactly the same story. And I0m 99% sure that's the same guy again. Read my links, and other stuff he said on that forum.

      And I said - if he's OK with paying for sex idk why he bothers us with that. What can we do here? I said - better that he pays hooker then harasses or hurts "normal" girls.
    • Re: Why cant I get a real girl?

      what links?

      ---------- Post added at 09:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 PM ----------

      nevermind i found it
      i guess its kind of wierd, a it of a coincidence. maybe theres 2 evans out there who want to get laid in the uk,or maybe its the same guy. all i know is they guys on that thread were absolute arseholes to him. not suprised hes still asking for advice if everyone on the internet is as unfriendly as that
    • Re: Why cant I get a real girl?

      alfie brown wrote:

      what links?

      ---------- Post added at 09:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 PM ----------

      nevermind i found it
      i guess its kind of wierd, a it of a coincidence. maybe theres 2 evans out there who want to get laid in the uk,or maybe its the same guy. all i know is they guys on that thread were absolute arseholes to him. not suprised hes still asking for advice if everyone on the internet is as unfriendly as that

      But that is not the only thing he posted. He was trolling there for few months with his fantastic stories and imaginary problems.

      For example:
      I really want to have vaginal intercourse

      Scared of a BJ

      what do we guys have to do to get a one night stand

      What does masturbation feel like?

      Do you ever taste yourself during masturbation?


      Mum's angry at me for having sex! Why?????

      and so on, and so on.

      Notice all opposites and dissaggrements in his threads....
    • Re: Why cant I get a real girl?

      huh. that guy on the other forum seems like a bit of a mess, or maybe he just enjoyed the occasional troll. still, we cant be sure its the same guy so im going to give him the benefit of the doubt. neevrtheless i understand your suspicions.
      maybe send the guy a message, clear things up?
      and in fairness, the one night stand one is a question i think all guys want answering ;)