My boyfriend of almost 1 month.. it's killing me inside to think of this.. but idk :(

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    • My boyfriend of almost 1 month.. it's killing me inside to think of this.. but idk :(

      So the biggest thing ever is that i have NEVER had a real relationship in my life. Being 18.. that kind of sucks .. lol ... but this guy.. he's 23.. and i remember i met him at this party and it was amazing. he was the sweetest guy ever for like 3 weeks until i finally decided to give him a try..

      The best part was it was super cute for like a few days.. and then this one day.. i asked him where he was cause i wanted to hang out with him.. he told me he was at a graduation.. And i was like, "oh.. alright i'll just see you when you get back.."

      .. Time went by and i went home.. then the next day, he had a party at his house and he was drinking. He just all of a sudden started being really mean to me and telling me to shut the F*** up and stuff.. i was like .. oh he's just drunk.. but then he left and he was tearing up *with tears at the park saying he ruined our relationship and such... i didn't understand and then one of his roommates didn't really understand what was going on.. but said that it's probably a girl he still has feelings for..

      i was like oh.. i almost cried.. but i didn't really get that attached to him.. but then his roommate andrew was telling me how like my boyfriend didn't want to break my heart so he is staying with me.. Andrew (my boyfriend's roommate) doesn't really know the real cause though..

      Time weny by and i tried to brush it off my shoulders.. A few days went by and my boyfriend sat me down and told me everything. It was that girl Tianna.. and he lied to me about going to the graduation.. he was actually at her house for a couple hours hanging out with her.. and the thing that made me mad that he said was "don't worry.. i chose to stick with you instead of her." I was thinking.. well what if i didn't want to stay with you after this.. i didn't say it though..

      Then it just progressivly got worst. For the next week (our third week. which was actually last week) he would always post on that girl tianna's wall on facebook.. and it would be something like " whew had fun with Tianna. the ninja.. [or] skyped with Tianna.. [or] :)<3 and all this other stuff....

      i don't mind that.. but the thing is he totally didn't even talk to me or post anything that shows he still cares for me.. it's always in a message and on the low. And we don't even talk that much like our conversations suck. And he doesn't want to go out in public with me.. and all this other stuff. it made me sad. Then like on sunday... i was over there and i wanted to talk to my friend about what was bothering me so we left for a walk.. finally my boyfriend noticed what was going on and he kept bugging my friend to tell him what was wrong with me. She told him everything about him talking to tianna and how that made me feel insecure. I mean it sucks cause She's prettier. She's curvier. She looks just way better then me. and that makes me feel insecure and stupid that i would actually think me and him would last.

      Finally after my friend told him why i was feeling down.. the only thing he says to me is, "Dude. me and tianna are Just friends. Nothing's gonna happen. Quit stressin. that's all i have to say. "

      .... at that point i just started to break down crying because it hurt me so much to hear those words insted of some comforting ones...

      Then i left to ocean shores and he kept saying he misses me and he loves me.. i just was like .. wow whatever...

      today though.. i went over there and he was just stressin out because he has to pay rent by the end of the week and if he can't, then he's getting kickced out (lives with roommmates) and he doesn't have a place to stay. his parents won't take him back in for a while.. and friends won't let him stay.. so i didn't want to talk to him about what was bothering me yet.. i told him i wanted to talk.. but i don't want to make him stress out even more.. so I'm holding back..
      But while i was hanging out with him while he was all depressed.. he said to me "I don't wanna lose you.."
      I was like, " what.. why would you lose me..?"
      And he was like, " Because i'm a big jerk and i won't stop talking to tianna.."
      I was like, "ohh maybe i'm just overreacting. idk...."

      I don't know what to do.. so stressful.. it seems like everytime we talk about tianna. he flares up.. he even saidto my other bestfriend "tianna and i are just friends. what am I not supposed to hang out with people i care about? Does she want me to F**king change myself just for her? This is Bullsh**".... :(

      What should i do guys :( :(
    • Re: My boyfriend of almost 1 month.. it's killing me inside to think of this.. but id

      Ummm break up with him?
      He called you names, lied, he has been aggressive, he flirts with other girl, he ignores you, doesn't respect you....
      You are in totally unequal relationship - you do everything for him and he doesn't do anything for you. You don't want to make him stress, he makes you cry and makes you feel insecure just like that.
      You can't even communicate normally, you communicate over friends.

      Plus, he seems to be "bad boy" and he obviously have some problems with himself.

      Are you happy in that relationship? Do you think it has a future? Do you get anything good out of it? More good or more bad things?

      Think about it.