My mom is making things awkward :/

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    • My mom is making things awkward :/

      I recently got in a relationship with my best friends brother, (she set us up so its all good) the problem is, my mom. When i told her, she told me she wasn't happy with my staying at my best friends house anymore. I totally get where she is coming from, because my boyfriend does live there and i am only 17, but the problem is that i don't want things to change between me and my best friend too much, i still want us to do they things we always do like hanging out and stuff, and i always always stay in her house. I need a way to explain to my mom that it wouldn't be any different, that when i stay there i will stay in her room like always and its not any different. she needs to trust me because I really wouldn't go behind her back with it, i would tell her if i was going to, which i definitely will not anytime soon. Can someone please help me with a way of getting through to my mom?
    • Re: My mom is making things awkward :/

      The best thing to do is to talk to your Mom about it. Tell her what you told us, that you aren't going to do anything and you don't want this to ruin your friendship. Maybe she can also talk to your friend's parents about it so they know, too, and will make sure you aren't sleeping in your boyfriend's room instead.

      If none of that works, the best thing you can do is respect your parents wishes. =/
      Need help or just want to talk? PM me. :)
      "It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate, that's a skill. Do it."
    • Re: My mom is making things awkward :/

      As the above has said, talk to your mom about it. The best thing you can do is be honest with her and not try to go behind her back and go anyway or something like that. If she doesn't agree with you, you could always have your friend come to your house instead, unless there's a reason she can't do that.
    • Re: My mom is making things awkward :/

      Wow. Good work. Not sure my lil sis could have ever said anything to turn this situation around if it was her. Must be pretty persuasive, haha.
      [COLOR="black"]When I'm not fighting mountain lions for sport, I read about broken homes, teenage depression, and other such life-improving awesomeness cause I'm weird like that[/COLOR]
    • Re: My mom is making things awkward :/

      tell your best friend about the problem and her mum, her mum can call up saying she'll be making sure you will stay in her room and wont go wondering and your boyfriend stays in his room all night.
      if all else fails couldnt you both just sleep over at your house? why does it have to be hers, you can take dvds and games and stuff to yours :)
      [FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Purple"]And the clouds are marching along singing a song <3:fangirl:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]