Has this also happened to you when you miss someone?

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    • Has this also happened to you when you miss someone?

      Ok, so here's the sitch:

      I desperately miss one of my friends. I do not have any romantic feelings for him but I absolutely miss him waaay over any of my other friends. He's also taken place in a couple dreams I've had recently, along with Paul McDonald and Billie Joe Armstrong (with him included in the same dream of course), but that's beside the point.

      I do not know what to do. I haven't talked to him very much all through out this summer and I know that during school(in the one Spanish class we had together) we'd talk to eachother any chance we got, but now we've been preoccupied and busy so we haven't had a chance to really talk.

      I don't know exactly how to explain it.

      Is it because I miss him that I've experienced these dreams? Why do I miss him above all my other friends? And what do these strange dreams and feelings mean? Also, have you at any time missed a friend of the opposite sex very badly without having any romantic thoughts or feelings about them? What should I do?!

      Please help me!
      Much love,